Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes – March 25, 2014

Official Patch Notes build 29562
- Knights
- Knight Health reduced by 20%
- Time between Knight and Sorcerer attacks increased from 1.0 to 1.25
- Focused Attack talent bonus to Basic Attack damage increased from +30% to +50%
- Symbiote no longer persists during a killed Hero’s post-death state (Uther/Tyrael)
- Fixed a bug which granted Hero clones created by Ultimate Evolution more Health and damage than intended.
- Fixed a bug which unintentionally granted increased damage for all abilities while in Robo-Goblin form.
- Hyperion duration reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
- Hyperion volley damage gain per level decreased from 24 to 20
Sgt. Hammer
- Base vision radius increased by 2
- Divine Storm cooldown increased from 45 to 70 seconds
- Divine Hurricane talent
- Bonus stun duration removed
- Now decreases Divine Storm cooldown from 70 to 50 seconds
- Eternal Devotion
- Base duration increased from 7 to 10 seconds
- Holy Devotion talent no longer increases Eternal Devotion duration
- Hammer of Justice damage gain per level decreased from 14 to 10
- The Regeneration Master talent has been replaced with Path of the Wizard
- Voodoo Ritual changed from 20 +1 Health per level and 5 Mana restored to 1% Health and Mana restored.
- Gargantuan Health increased from 1000 + 100 per level to 1400 +140 per level