Heroes of the Storm Technical Alpha Patch Notes – September 16, 2014

Official Patch Notes v 5.0e
Bug Fixes
- Corrected a number of issues with the Ability Auto-Queuing system.
- Download progress should no longer hang while updating to the latest version of Heroes of the Storm.
- Fixed an issue which could cause some Heroes to momentarily enter a locked state when attempting to cast several abilities in quick succession.
- A desync should no longer occur while using the 32-bit Heroes client and playing with others using a Mac or the 64-bit Heroes client.
- Abathur can now properly turn in Doubloons that were collected while using Ultimate Evolution after the ability expires.
- Corrected an exploit in which Abathur could use Ultimate Evolution to duplicate Doubloons.
- Fixed an issue which could prevent Chen from turning in additional Doubloons on subsequent turn-in attempts after successfully bribing Blackheart.
User Interface
- Chen’s Talents now unlock appropriately upon reaching Hero Levels 2 – 4.
- Completing games in Versus mode now correctly award 30 Gold per win and 20 Gold per loss.
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur after closing the end-of-game Score Screen while in a full party.