Heroes of the Storm Tech Alpha Patch Notes -- December 10, 2014

Official Patch Notes v 7.1
As previewed in our most recent round of Technical Alpha patch notes, today’s update brings Stimpacks to the Nexus!
- The following items are now available for purchase using the Stimpacks tab in the Heroes of the Storm in-game Shop:
- 7-day Stimpack -- $3.99 USD
- 30-day Stimpack -- $9.99 USD
- Once again, please bear in mind that a Stimpack’s effects will begin immediately after purchasing, and will last for the duration purchased.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause the client to crash.
Heroes and Talents
- Activating the Rewind Talent will no longer refresh cooldowns for certain activated Traits.
- Fixed an issue in which selecting a specific combination of Talents could cause Tyrande’s Basic Ability cooldowns to refresh much more quickly than intended.
- The volume of in-game spell effects should now appropriately match the selected value on the Sound Effects Volume slider in the Sound Options Menu.