Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Notes -- February 18, 2015

Official Patch Notes v 9.0
We just released a hotfix patch in order to resolve several issues that cropped up after our latest Closed Beta patch, as well as implement a few improvements for the reconnect system.
- The Reconnect System has received several improvements, which should help players more quickly rejoin in-progress Heroes matches from which they’ve disconnected. The Reconnect System will continue to undergo evaluation going forward, and further improvements will be implemented as necessary with future updates.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in which players could be repeatedly prompted to reconnect to a match that had already been completed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the player to lose control of his or her Hero after reconnecting to an in-progress game multiple times.
- Try Me and Training modes will no longer generate error text.
- Resolved a crash that could occur while playing on the Garden of Terror Battleground.
- Brightwing’s Soothing Mist Trait will no longer stop functioning after coming under the effects of Zeratul’s Void Prison.
- Fixed an issue which could allow Zeratul’s Singularity Spike to deal more damage than intended when cast multiple times using the Double Bombs Talents.
- Raynor’s Adrenaline Rush Ability will no longer cleanse movement impairing effects prior to learning the Fight or Flight Talent.
- Respawn waypoints set from The Lost Vikings’ tombstones onto an enemy Hero will no longer track that Hero through the Fog of War.
- Spirits created by Chen’s Storm, Earth, Fire Heroic Ability will no longer fly across the Battleground after using their Triple Attack or Split Up Abilities to cross an enemy Zeratul’s Void Prison.
User Interface
- Fixed an issue which allowed players to access bonus free-to-play Hero rotation slots prior to unlocking them at Player Levels 12 and 15.
- Options settings will no longer be reset to default if Heroes of the Storm was installed to a filepath that contains non-English characters.