Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Notes -- May 27, 2015

Official Patch Notes v 11.0
- Fixed a crash that could occur when launching the Heroes client.
- Resolved an issue which could cause machines using Intel HD 4600 graphics cards to experience framerate drops.
Heroes and Talents
- Fixed an issue that could cause Rehgar players to permanently lose control of their Hero after coming under the effects Anub’arak’s Web Blast.
- Sonya’s Whirlwind will no longer occasionally consume double the required Fury when spamming its Ability hotkey.
- Kael’thas’ Chain Bomb and Ignite Talents will no longer apply Living Bomb to enemies that are already affected by another Living Bomb. The tooltips for these Talents will be clarified in a future patch.
User Interface
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Heroes client to crash.
- Fixed an issue that could allow the Allied Chat toggle message at the beginning of each game to remain clickable even after the text had faded off of the screen.
- The font color for whisper messages has been changed back to fuchsia.
- Fixed an issue that could cause text with diacritics to appear misaligned.