Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes – July 2, 2015

Official Patch Notes v 12.0
We’ve just deployed a hotfix patch in order to resolve a few issues that cropped up after releasing our latest Heroes of the Storm patch. Please find today’s complete hotfix notes below.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue on Battlefield of Eternity that could cause an attacking Immortal to unintentionally cancel its Cleave Ability.
Heroes and Talents
- Resolved an additional issue that could cause Heroes affected by Diablo’s Overpower to fly outside the Battleground’s playable area.
- Fixed a visual issue that could occur if Diablo became stunned while using Overpower.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause Muradin to become unresponsive after coming under the effects of Zeratul's Void Prison.
- Murky can no longer move or cast Abilities throughout Octo-grab’s duration.
User Interface
- Damage dealt to Warriors by neutral Mercenary Camps will no longer be tracked under the Role column on the in-game Score Screen (TAB).