Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes – December 21, 2015

Official Patch Notes v 15.4
We’ve just released a hotfix for Heroes of the Storm in order to resolve a few bugs discovered after the release of our most recent patch. Complete patch notes for today’s hotfix can be found below.
Bug Fixes
Heroes and Talents
- Selecting the Rabid Wolves or Grace of Air Talents will no longer prevent Thrall from gaining stacks of Frostwolf Resilience when enemies are struck by Feral Spirit or Windfury.
- Fixed an issue that could grant a significant cooldown reduction for The Butcher’s Ruthless Onslaught.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Heroes to become stuck inside of a Gate after using certain Abilities.
User Interface
- The /leave command can no longer be used to leave lobby or draft mode chat channels.
- Fixed an issue affecting the home screen when logging in to Heroes of the Storm.
- Resolved a formatting issue affecting the dropdown context menu that displays after right-clicking a chat message.