Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes – September 29, 2016

Official Patch Notes v 20.3
We're releasing a Hotfix patch in all regions tomorrow to address a few live bugs and to apply the following balance changes to Zarya:
- Increased Basic Attack damage from 20 to 24
- Increased Health from 2225 to 2336
- Increased Health Regen from 4.64 to 4.87
- Particle Grenade (Q)
- Increased base damage from 62 to 74
- Personal Barrier (W)
- Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
- Energy (Trait)
- Energy decay rate reduced from 3 to 1.5 per second
- Graviton Surge (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 120 to 100 seconds
Developer Comments: We like the way Zarya is playing on live, but her impact is currently lower than we’d like. Her damage is too low and we feel that the rate at which her Energy decays is too quick, so we have adjusted them and will keep an eye on her.
Bug Fixes
- Chen: Fixed an issue causing Chen’s Pressure Point talent to also double the duration of Keg Smash’s slow.
- Chen: Fixed an issue that caused Chen’s Elemental Conduit talent to grant more attack speed than intended while the Fire spirit was alive.
- E.T.C.: Fixed an issue preventing E.T.C. from gaining stacks of Prog Rock when gathering Regen Globes.
- Sonya: Fixed an issue that prevented Ancient Spear from stunning and dealing damage if used while rooted.