Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes – November 21, 2016

Official Patch Notes v 22.1
We’ve just released a new patch for Heroes of the Storm in order to apply a few bug fixes. Check out the patch notes below.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash after exiting a Custom Game.
- Minions: Catapult Minimap icons will now appear team-colored.
Heroes, Abilities, and Talents
- Abathur: Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown for Toxic Nest to be reset whenever Symbiote expired.
- Alarak: Health lost due to activating Last Laugh will no longer be restored when Medivh’s Force of Will with the Reabsorption Talent expires.
- Medivh: Fixed an issue that could enable Medivh to cast Abilities while in Raven Form on Warhead Junction.
- Samuro: Mirror Images can no longer launch Nukes on Warhead Junction after learning Illusion Master.
- Zeratul: The Seeker in the Dark Talent will no longer allow Zeratul to Blink to unintended areas of terrain or inside of Structures.
We also released a sizable patch last week that brought the Nexus Challenge, Varian, many balance adjustments, and more to Heroes of the Storm. Click here to review those patch notes and get caught up on everything that's recently changed in the Nexus.