Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes — Feb 8, 2017

Official Patch Notes v 23.2
Bug Fixes
- Color Blind Mode: Fixed an issue causing Minimap icons for uncaptured Merc Camp to appear very similar in color to Merc Camps that have been captured by allies.
- Graphics: Targeting indicators will no longer disappear after minimizing the client during Battleground loading while also running the game using DirectX9 in Fullscreen mode.
- Infernal Shrines: Punishers will no longer repeatedly attempt to walk into the opposing team’s starting area when lead beyond Keeps to a Protected Core.
- Tomb of the Spider Queen: Webweavers will no longer stop advancing down lane after encountering an opposing Scouting Drone when no other enemies are nearby.
Heroes, Abilities, and Talents
- Ice Block: Fixed an issue which allowed Brightwing and Malfurion to use certain active Talents while in Stasis.
- Seasoned Marksman: Fixed an issue causing Seasoned Marksman to increase the damage dealt by Titan Killer.
- Kael’thas: Fixed an issue that could cause Pyroblast to move unpredictably when fired at a target that enters and exits the mines.
- Kael’thas: Fixed an issue that could cause Pyroblast’s targeting indicator to persist indefinitely when targeting a Hero as they become Unrevealable.
- Nazeebo: The Corpse Spiders vase will no longer fall through the terrain when the Ability does not hit any enemies at its landing location.
- Ragnaros: Activating Empower Sulfuras will no longer cause Ragnaros to lose his current target if that target was automatically acquired during attack-move command.
- Ragnaros: Catching Fire’s Talent and Quest Progress tooltips now each state that Ragnaros gains 1.5 Health Regeneration per Regeneration Globe he gathers.
- Zagara: Mutalisks will now correctly fly around or over unpathable terrain.