Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Notes — September 8, 2017

Official Patch Notes v 2.27.4
We just released a new patch for Heroes of the Storm in order to apply a few bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- Anub'arak: Fixed an issue causing the Neon Cyb'arak Skin to replace the base Cyb'arak Anub'arak Skin in-game and in the Collection.
Heroes, Abilities, and Talents
- Gazlowe: Scrap will no longer be created when Leoric's Entomb expires.
- Lt. Morales: Fixed an issue that could allow the Lt. Morales player to issue Move Commands to an active Medivac under certain circumstances.
- Rehgar: Can no longer cast Lightning Shield on allied Vehicles, such as the Dragon Knight or Garden Terror.
- Zeratul: The Seeker in the Dark talent's tooltip text will now display correctly in localized game clients.