Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes – January 23, 2019

We've just released a new Heroes of the Storm patch to apply a number of balance changes and bug fixes.
- Level 7
- Curse of Exhaustion (E)
- Movement Speed Slow increased from 25 to 35%
- Curse of Exhaustion (E)
- Level 13
- Harvest Life (W)
- Healing increased from 50 to 75%
- Dark Bargain (Passive)
- Health bonus increased from 25 to 30%
- Harvest Life (W)
- Metamorphosis (R)
- Bonus Health increased from 200 to 220
- Level 16
- Fiery Brand (Passive)
- Damage bonus increased from 6 to 7% Maximum Health
- Fiery Brand (Passive)
- Frostbolt (Q)
- Damage reduced from 190 to 184
- Cone of Cold (E)
- Damage reduced from 230 to 220
- Level 7
- Ice Floes (E)
- Cooldown reduction increased from 2 to 3 seconds
- Icefury Wand (Passive)
- Damage bonus increased from 75 to 100%
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds
- Ice Floes (E)
- Level 16
- Northern Exposure (E)
- Armor reduction decreased from 25 to 20
- Northern Exposure (E)
- Rocket Ride (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 100 to 75 seconds
- Level 20
- Puckish Scamp (R)
- Cooldown reduction reduced from 70 to 45 seconds
- Additional functionality:
- Now also increases the damage off Rocket Ride by 15%
- Cooldown reduction increased from 10 to 12 seconds
- Puckish Scamp (R)
- Level 1
- Assimilation Mastery (Trait)
- Shield amount increased from 40 to 45
- Assimilation Mastery (Trait)
- Level 13
- Psionic Barrier (E)
- Spell Armor increased from 15 to 20
- Psionic Barrier (E)
- Level 1
- Aether Walker (E)
- Damage taken time requirement for bonuses reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
- Aether Walker (E)
- Level 13
- Diamond Skin (E)
- Shield increased from 20 to 25%
- Diamond Skin (E)
- Level 4
- Pin Down (Q)
- First Reward damage bonus increased from 15 to 25%
- Pin Down (Q)
- Level 7
- Bonds of Corruption (W)
- Armor reduction duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
- Bonds of Corruption (W)
- Level 13
- Shadow Armor (E)
- Duration increased from 3 to 3.5 seconds
- Shadow Armor (E)
- Lightning Nova (W)
- Mana cost reduced from 55 to 50
- Shade of Mephisto (E)
- Mana cost reduced from 40 to 35
- Durance of Hate (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 60 to 50 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 60 to 50
- Level 1
- Covert Ops (W)
- Stealth requirement reduced from 5 to 4 seconds
- Covert Ops (W)
- Level 4
- Rapid Projection (E)
- Cooldown and Mana cost reduction increased from 40% to 50%
- Holo Stability (E)
- Duration bonus increased from 100% to 120%
- Rapid Projection (E)
- Level 16
- Explosive Round (Q)
- Damage bonus Increased from 80 to 90%
- Explosive Round (Q)
- Level 1
- Shifting Meteor (W)
- Damage bonus increased from 3 to 5%
- Shifting Meteor (W)
- Level 16
- Void Slash (Q)
- Damage bonus reduced from 50 to 40%
- Void Slash (Q)
- Level 20
- Shadow Mending (Passive)
- Healing reduced from 75 to 60%
- Shadow Mending (Passive)
- Grav-O-Bomb 3000 (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 110 to 90 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 100 to 80
- Level 20
- It's Raining Scrap (Active)
- Cooldown reduced from 60 to 30 seconds
- It's Raining Scrap (Active)
The Lost Vikings
- Level 4
- It's A Sabotage! (Passive)
- Damage increased from 35 to 50
- Damage is now dealt over 5 seconds instead of 10 seconds
- It's A Sabotage! (Passive)
- Level 7
- Norse Force (Q)
- Shield amount for 1 Viking increased from 110 to 130
- Shield amount for 2 Vikings increased from 165 to 195
- Shield amount for 3 Vikings increased from 220 to 260
- Norse Force (Q)
- Level 13
- Nordic Attack Squad (W)
- Cooldown reduced from 30 to 20 seconds
- Damage increased from 1% to 1.25%
- Nordic Attack Squad (W)
- Spawn Egg (Trait)
- Cast time reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds
- Level 4
- Living the Dream (Trait)
- Maximum stacks increased from 15 to 20%
- Living the Dream (Trait)
- Level 7
- Bile Drop (E)
- New Functionality:
- Increase the impact radius of Infested Drop by 20%. Quest: After hitting 15 enemy Heroes with Infested Drop, an additional Roach is spawned.
- New Functionality:
- Bile Drop (E)
- Abundance (W)
- Cooldown reduced from 16 to 14 seconds
- Life-Binder (R)
- Mana cost reduced from 80 to 60
- Level 13
- Dragon Scales (Passive)
- Armor amount increased from 30 to 40
- Dragon Scales (Passive)
- Healing Potion (Q)
- Healing increased from 240 to 255
- Level 1
- Scroll of Identify (E)
- Quest requirement reduced from 20 to 16
- Field Study (E)
- Duration increased from 14 to 16 seconds
- Scroll of Identify (E)
- Level 13
- Super Healing Potion (Q)
- Healing increased from 100 to 120%
- Potion of Revival (Q)
- Healing increased from 45 to 50%
- Super Healing Potion (Q)
- Divine Palm (R)
- Healing increased from 1084 to 1200
Li Li
- Cloud Serpent (W)
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 11 seconds
- Level 1
- Eager Adventurer (Trait)
- Fast Feet duration bonus increased from 100 to 125%
- Eager Adventurer (Trait)
- Level 4
- Safety Sprint (Trait)
- Cooldown reduced from 30 to 25 seconds
- Safety Sprint (Trait)
Lt. Morales
- Safeguard (W)
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 11 seconds
- Level 4
- Strangling Vines (E)
- Healing reduction increased from 30% to 40%
- Deep Roots (E)
- Duration bonus increased from 25% to 40%
- Vengeful Roots (E)
- Treant damage reduced from 65 to 58
- Strangling Vines (E)
- Basic Attack damage reduced from 91 to 85
- Impale (Q)
- Damage reduced from 100 to 95
- Level 1
- Legion of Beetles (Trait)
- Moved from Level 4
- Additional Functionality:
- Now also increases the Spell Armor of Beetles by 40
- Resilient Scarabs (Trait)
- Removed
- Legion of Beetles (Trait)
Developer Comment: Anub'arak's Beetle Build has been a difficult sell, particularly at level 1, due to the power discrepancy of Resilient Scarabs compared to other talents on the tier. In order to help the build, we're reducing the opportunity cost of picking its talents by removing Resilient Scarabs and baking its functionality into Legion of Beetles. This should make for a much more attractive talent at level 1 against his other options, and should open up other build paths for players who like to slay their enemies with many tiny little friends. Anub'arak is a bit too strong overall right now, so we're reducing his damage so that he's not quite so dominant compared to the other tanks in our game.
- Phase Prism (E)
- Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 60 to 50
- Level 1
- Reactive Parry (W)
- Armor amount increased from 50 to 75
- Reactive Parry (W)
- Level 13
- Graviton Vortex (E)
- Mana cost reduction decreased from 30 to 25
- Graviton Vortex (E)
- Level 16
- Juggernaut Plating (Active)
- Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
- Juggernaut Plating (Active)
- Basic Attack damage increased from 84 to 90
- Flying Kick (Q)
- Damage increased from 112 to 120
- Fortifying Brew (Trait)
- Shield amount reduced from 106 to 98
- Level 1
- Accumulating Flame (E)
- Armor bonus upon quest completion increased from 15 to 20
- Accumulating Flame (E)
- Level 7
- Purifying Brew (Trait)
- Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
- Purifying Brew (Trait)
- Level 13
- Withering Flames (E)
- Spell Power reduction increased from 25 to 30%
- Withering Flames (E)
Developer Comment: We're pushing Chen towards more of a Bruiser role with these changes. One of the longstanding issues with Chen is that due to his trait functionality and tuning, he can either be shut down fairly easily or be too powerful depending on if the enemy team has the necessary CC and burst damage to deal with him. We're beginning to experiment with smoothing this out a but by increasing his sustained survivability and reducing the amount of burst he can tackle while also increasing his damage. While we are still iterating on him, we wanted to get some preliminary changes out sooner rather than hold back until we are finished.
- Level 1
- Body Check (Active)
- Minimum Movement Speed Slow increased from 30 to 40%. Maximum Movement Speed Slow remains at 60%
- Body Check (Active)
- Level 13
- Bloodcraze (W)
- Healing increased from 10% to 15% maximum Health
- Double Up (Active)
- Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
- Bloodcraze (W)
- Angelic Armaments (R)
- Cooldown increased from 60 to 70 seconds
- Mana cost increased from 60 to 70
- Level 1
- Burn the Impure (W)
- Now works with all Valorous Brand marks
- Damage bonus decreased from 3 to 2.5%
- Burn the Impure (W)
- Level 4
- Bulwark of Flame (W)
- Physical Armor increased from 60 to 70
- Bulwark of Flame (W)
- Level 7
- Flash of Anger (Q)
- Damage increased from 160 to 180
- Flash of Anger (Q)
- Level 13
- Heat of Battle (E)
- Healing bonus increased from 25% to 35%
- Heat of Battle (E)
- Level 20
- Valorous Pursuit (Active)
- Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
- Now also provides 25 Armor for 3 seconds
- Valorous Pursuit (Active)
Developer Comment: Judging from data gained from more experienced Imperius players, our newest Hero will trend right into the sweet spot with his overall balance. We do want to make some tuning adjustments to a few of the Talents to make sure that they're all attractive choices however, which is what the majority of these balance changes aim to address.
- Falling Sword (R)
- Damage increased from 183 to 210
- Cooldown reduced from 60 to 50 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 90 to 60
- Level 1
- Reinforce (Passive)
- Maximum stacks increased from 2 to 3
- Hold Your Ground (Trait)
- Shield bonus increased from 30% to 50%
- Reinforce (Passive)
- Level 4
- Eternal Retaliation (W)
- Mana refund increased from 2.5 to 3
- Eternal Retaliation (W)
- Level 7
- Zealous Glare (E)
- Blind duration bonus increased from .5 to .75 seconds
- Zealous Glare (E)
- Level 1
- Fealty unto Death (Trait)
- Health restoration increased from 1 to 1.25% maximum Health
- Mana restoration increased from 5 to 6
- Fealty unto Death (Trait)
- Level 13
- Hardened Bones (E)
- Armor bonus increased from 20 to 40
- Bonus Armor duration decreased from 3 to 2 seconds
- Hardened Bones (E)
- Level 20
- Shroud of the Dead King (Active)
- Cooldown reduced from 75 to 60 seconds
- Shroud of the Dead King (Active)
- Level 13
- Aspect of the Hawk Attack (Q)
- Attack Speed bonus duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
- Aspect of the Hawk Attack (Q)
- Gorge (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 70 to 65 seconds
- Level 1
- Savor the Flavor (E)
- Health regeneration per stack increased from 1 to 1.5
- Savor the Flavor (E)
- Level 7
- Cannibalize (Passive)
- Healing increased from 1.75 to 2%
- Cannibalize (Passive)
- Level 13
- Digestive Juices (E)
- Additional functionality:
- Devour deals 40% more damage to Heroes
- Additional functionality:
- Digestive Juices (E)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a number of tooltip issues across the game.
- Imperius: Fixed an issue that could cause projectiles to appear disjointed when targeting Imperius during Celestial Charge.
- Imperius: Fixed an issue that could cause Heroes to appear at the wrong height after being affected by Celestial Charge.
- Imperius: Fixed an issue causing Valorous Pursuit to occasionally teleport Imperius to an incorrect location.
- Imperius: The “Silence!” line now correctly appears in the collection.
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