Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes — April 22, 2019

Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting until the week of April 29. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
- The Log Out button has been disabled after being matched for matchmade games
Developer Comment: This is to prevent players from dodging quick matches after checking hero composition
New Hero: Anduin, King of Stormwind
With Shalamayne by his side, Anduin, King of Stormwind, has entered the Nexus to take his place by his warrior father's side. Anduin is a Ranged Healer who comes with an arsenal of abilities aimed at keeping his teammates alive, but also has the potential to unleash the Light's swift justice to enemies on the battlefield.
- Leap of Faith (D)
- Faith instantly pulls an allied Hero to Anduin's location, granting them Unstoppable while they travel
- Cooldown: 80 seconds
- Faith instantly pulls an allied Hero to Anduin's location, granting them Unstoppable while they travel
Basic Abilities
- Flash Heal (Q)
- Cast for 0.75 seconds to heal an allied Hero for 260
- Cost: 30 mana
- Cooldown: 4 seconds
- Cast for 0.75 seconds to heal an allied Hero for 260
- Divine Star (W)
- Send light that deals 140 damage to enemies and then returns to Anduin, healing allied Heroes for 130 in a wider path. Healing increases by 25% per enemy Hero hit.
- Cost: 45 mana
- Cooldown: 9 seconds
- Send light that deals 140 damage to enemies and then returns to Anduin, healing allied Heroes for 130 in a wider path. Healing increases by 25% per enemy Hero hit.
- Chastise (E)
- Shove a swell of light forward, dealing 145 damage to the first enemy Hero hit and Rooting them for 1.25 seconds
- Cost: 40 mana
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Shove a swell of light forward, dealing 145 damage to the first enemy Hero hit and Rooting them for 1.25 seconds
Heroic Abilities
- Holy Word: Salvation (R1)
- After 0.5 seconds, Channel to invoke the Light for 3 seconds. While nearby, allied Heroes heal for up to 25% of their max Health and are Protected.
- Cost: 70 mana
- Cooldown: 80 seconds
- After 0.5 seconds, Channel to invoke the Light for 3 seconds. While nearby, allied Heroes heal for up to 25% of their max Health and are Protected.
- Lightbomb (R2)
- Imbue an allied Hero with the Light. After 1.5 seconds, it explodes, dealing 150 damage to enemies and Stunning them for 1.25 seconds. The target gains a Shield that absorbs 140 damage per enemy Hero hit. Lasts for 5 seconds.
- Cost: 70 mana
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Imbue an allied Hero with the Light. After 1.5 seconds, it explodes, dealing 150 damage to enemies and Stunning them for 1.25 seconds. The target gains a Shield that absorbs 140 damage per enemy Hero hit. Lasts for 5 seconds.
New Bundles
- The following new bundles are only available for a limited time!
- Anduin Heroic Bundle
- Footman Varian Skin Pack
New Announcer
- Anduin Announcer
New Mount
- Reverence
- Redridge Reverence
- Darkshire Reverence
New Skins
- Anduin
- Elwynn Anduin
- Westfall Anduin
- Neo-President Anduin
- Neo-Steel Anduin
- Neo-Vigilante Anduin
- Varian
- Stormwind Footman Varian
- Stromgarde Footman Varian
- Kul Tiras Footman Varian
New Portraits, Sprays, and Emojis
- Several new emoji packs, sprays, and portraits have also been added to the game
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Genie Chromie's hourglass would not animate during the draft cutscene
- Fixed an issue where Watergun Tychus would call on unavailable SFX
- Fixed an issue where the Horns of the Cyber Oni Warboard would clip into its mane when coming to a stop
- Fixed an issue where Cyber Oni Warboar's front left leg would pop during its run animation
- Fixed an issue where Cyber Oni Warboar's shoulder would slide when coming to a stop
Heroes, Abilities, & Talents
- Adjusted the intensity of Tyrael's Holy Ground ability on low settings to be more visible
- Fixed an issue where Leoric's Basic Attack and Wrath of the Bone King animations would desync with his attack cycle
- Fixed an issue where Orphea's Eternal Feast would continue bouncing if an Abathur Ultimate Evolution clone expired in the area
- Fixed an issue where Orphea's Eternal Feast tooltip data reference for repeat duration was not functioning
- Fixed an issue where the Butcher's FX would appear outside of his model while cocooned
User Interface
- Fixed an issue where the Target Info Panel was using an old version of the Dragon Knight portrait
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