Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes – June 21, 2021

Official Patch Notes v 2.54.2
We've released a hotfix today with updates below.
Bug Fixes
- Towers of Doom
- Waygate Entrance can no longer be hit by area of effect and skillshot-based Abilities Undocumented
- Muradin
- Sledgehammer tooltip updated to not give extra stacks for Baseline Quest Undocumented
- Stukov
- Fetid Touch now has ranged Basic Attack sound and animations previously used by Spine Launcher Undocumented
- It Hungers now resets its counter when Lurking Arm is cast Undocumented
- Reactive Ballistospores cooldown is no longer increased by the number of seconds equal to your Death Timer Undocumented
- Bio-Kill Switch now has a 0.0625 second cooldown between uses Undocumented
A big thank you to u/Elitesparkle for compiling details to this hotfix patch!