Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes – May 11, 2022

Official Patch Notes v 2.55.2
The Heroes team has released a quick update to address a few long-standing issues that have been present in the game.
We want to thank our passionate community for bringing awareness to these issues. See you in the Nexus!
-The Heroes of the Storm Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a few tooltip descriptions in Italian language.
- Hanzo's Scatter Shot now ricochets as intended from all sides in Alterac Pass.
- Hogger and Maraudin' Muradin's voice over now properly play when locked in for Quick Match.
- Sylvanas' Wailing Arrow with Deafening Blast is now effective as the graphical indicator radius shows.
- Sylvanas' Overwhelming Affliction is now properly applied to a secondary target getting 3 stacks from the Withering Fire applying stacks from Remorseless.
- Update the description for the 6 Year Anniversary Spray.
- The 6.5 Year Banner is now properly awarded along with other 6 Year Anniversary rewards.
- The Battle Ready Li-Ming Spray is now properly functioning in game when equipped in a hero's loadout.
- Desert Adept Shaman Rehgar Skin now properly shows in game.
- Fixed an issue where the Classic 2021 Emoji pack is not showing properly.
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