Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - July 15, 2024

Official Patch Notes v 2.55.6
Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting.
Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
Balance Updates
- Level 1
- Hyper Shift
- Cooldown reduction reduced from 1 to .5 seconds.
- Healing reduced from 6% to 4% of maximum Health.
- Hyper Shift
- Level 1
- Agile Dismount
- Slow reduced from 30% to 25%.
- Pathfinder
- Movement Speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%.
- Agile Dismount
- Level 7
- Cyber Shield
- Armor bonus reduced from 50 to 40.
- Cyber Shield
- Level 10
- X-Strike
- Final damage reduced from 290 to 275.
- Initial damage reduced from 145 to 135.
- X-Strike
- Level 13
- Shingan
- Damage reduced from 115 to 100.
- Shingan
- Grappling Hook [Trait]
- Cooldown reduced from 25 to 20 seconds.
- Carnage [Q]
- Can now hit targets immune to skill shots (Example: Zagara's Creep Tumors).
- Blood Rage [W]
- Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds.
- Healing increased from 85 to 90.
- Revolving Sweep [E]
- Revolving Sweep's Chain Link can now hit targets immune to skill shots (Example: Zagara's Creep Tumors).
- Level 7
- Healmonger
- Healing increased from 190 to 210.
- Healmonger
- Level 10
- Final Strike
- Damage increased from 395 to 410.
- Final Strike
- Level 16
- Lingering Ailment
- Armor reduction increased from 25 to 40.
- Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
- Lingering Ailment
- Level 20
- Execute Orders
- Updated to only target Heroes, prioritizing ones with the lowest Health.
- Will no longer target enemy Heroes not visible or greater than 20 range away.
- Will now target enemy Heroes who are Invulnerable.
- Execute Orders
- Added an arrow indicator below Samuro facing the direction of any active Mirror Images.
- Wind Walk [E]
- Periodic heal reduced from 3% per second to 2% per second.
- Level 1
- Way of the Wind
- Reduced Healing for casting Wind Walk from 4% to 3% of maximum Health.
- Way of the Wind
- Level 4
- One with the Wind
- Armor reduction decreased from 30% to 25%.
- One with the Wind
- Level 10
- Bladestorm
- Cooldown increased from 25 seconds to 30 seconds.
- Bladestorm
- Particle Grenade [Q]
- Damage increased from 75 to 80.
- Shield Ally [E]
- Search radius increased from 8 to 10.
- Level 7
- Deep Burn
- Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
- Deep Burn
- Level 13
- Pain is Temporary
- Shielding increased from 0.48% of Max Health per Energy to 0.8% of Max Health per Energy.
- Pain is Temporary
Hero Updates
- Added indicator arrows to Gazlowe's Xplodium Bomb warning indicator.
Bug Fixes
- Catapults will now display properly in the Death Recap.
- Effects that reduce your vision radius now prevents soft reveals (Things that make your character visible).
- Fixed an issue that caused dance animations to persist after moving, using an ability, or attacking.
- Fixed an issue that caused Forts and Keeps to not activate their Call for Help mechanics when multiple enemy Heroes attack an enemy Hero at the same time.
- Fixed an issue that caused Heroes to not spawn at the start of the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused Heroes with non-standard Deaths to display their final hit incorrectly in the Death Recap.
- Fixed an issue that caused overhead shrub indicator to persist after leaving the shrub.
- Fixed an issue that caused shield-like effects to not be treated as Shields.
- Fixed an issue that caused some abilities to allow the caster to gather experience globes while inside a shrub.
- Fixed an issue that caused some passive move speed benefits to not behave consistently.
- Fixed an issue that caused Summons to not have their attack speed reduced when attacking Heroes with Imposing Presence or similar talents.
- Fixed an issue that caused targets inside shrubs to be revealed by proximity when the other unit has vision reduction.
- Fixed an issue that caused vignette borders on some cutscenes to render incorrectly at higher than 1080x1920 resolutions.
- Garden of Terror
- Fixed an issue that caused the Toy Train to not be dismounted by Garden of Terror's Polymorph ability.
- Try Me Mode
- Added a regen globe generator.
- Abathur
- Level 7
- Calldown: MULE
- Updated to use level-based scaling.
- Calldown: MULE
- Level 10
- Ultimate Evolution
- Fixed an issue that caused Pylons created by Ultimate Evolution clones of Probius to not be destroyed when the Ultimate Evolution expires.
- Fixed an issue that caused traps created by Ultimate Evolution clones of Junkrat to only be removed when Abathur dies.
- Ultimate Evolution
- Level 13
- Soma Transference
- Updated to heal the target for its amount as a singular combined effect.
- Soma Transference
- Level 7
- Alarak
- Abilities
- Lightning Surge [E]
- Updated to heal Alarak for its amount as a singular combined effect.
- Now soft reveals all primary target types instead of just Heroes.
- Lightning Surge [E]
- Level 7
- Applied Force
- Now applies the increased push distance to Alarak.
- Applied Force
- Level 20
- Counter-Strike
- Now soft reveals targets hit.
- Last Laugh
- Fixed an issue that caused Last Laugh to show up twice on the Death Recap.
- Counter-Strike
- Abilities
- Alexstrasza
- Level 10
- Cleansing Flame
- Fixed an issue that caused Cleansing Flame to display incorrectly when used by an AI controlled Alexstrasza.
- Cleansing Flame
- Level 10
- Ana
- Fixed an issue where Ana's abilities caused players to highlight enemies.
- Anduin
- Abilities
- Pursued by Grace [Trait]
- Fixed an issue that caused Pursued by Grace to activate while Blinded or against an Evading Hero.
- Pursued by Grace [Trait]
- Level 4
- Surge of Light
- Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to lower the cooldown of Chastise while Blinded or against Evading enemies.
- Surge of Light
- Level 16
- Inner Focus
- Fixed an issue that caused Blinds to not prevent Anduin's Physical damage to lower the cooldown of Inner Focus.
- Inner Focus
- Abilities
- Arthas
- Abilities
- Frostmourne Hungers [Trait]
- Fixed an issue that caused Frostmourne Hungers to not display correctly against Blinded or Evading enemies.
- Frostmourne Hungers [Trait]
- Abilities
- Auriel
- Level 20
- Light Speed
- Fixed an issue that caused Light Speed's benefits to not be granted to Leoric.
- Light Speed
- Level 20
- Azmodan
- Fixed an issue that caused All Shall Burn talents to not apply their on-kill effects unless Azmodan has taken Master of Destruction.
- Level 10
- Demonic Invasion
- Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Invasion Grunts on-death damage to not be modified by damage modification.
- Demonic Invasion
- Blaze
- Abilities
- Jet Propulsion [E]
- Now soft reveals targets hit.
- Jet Propulsion [E]
- Abilities
- Brightwing
- Abilities
- Polymorph [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Polymorph's Slow to not classify the target as being Slowed.
- Polymorph [W]
- Level 4
- Magic Spit
- Fixed an issue that caused Magic Spit to activate its cooldown reduction against Evading Heroes.
- Magic Spit
- Abilities
- Cassia
- Fixed an issue with Blinds not preventing all Physical damage.
- Chen
- Level 1
- Stormstout Secret Recipe
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Stormstout Secret Recipe
- Level 1
- Cho'Gall
- Fixed an issue where Cho'Gall's abilities caused players to highlight enemies.
- Level 4
- Rollback
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Rollback
- Chromie
- Fixed an issue that caused Abathur's Ultimate Evolution Spell Power to not be granted to Ultimate Evolution Sand Echo Sand Blasts.
- Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not reduce the damage of Sand Echo Sand Blasts.
- Fixed an issue that caused Sand Blast Echoes to reveal Chromie.
- Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blast damage to not gain the benefits of Spell Leech.
- Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blasts to still be fired if Chromie's Sand Blast is interrupted.
- Abilities
- Dragon's Breath [W]
- No longer soft reveals Chromie when casting Dragon's Breath on enemies that have their vision reduced.
- Dragon's Breath [W]
- Level 20
- Piercing Sands
- Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Sands to not cause Sand Blast to hit all targets.
- Piercing Sands
- Dehaka
- Abilities
- Dark Swam [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Dark Swam to not deal damage for the last .5 seconds.
- Dark Swam [W]
- Level 10
- Adaptation
- Fixed an issue that caused Adaptation to show up twice on the Death Recap.
- Adaptation
- Abilities
- Diablo
- Level 10
- Apocalypse
- Will now activate even if Diablo is interrupted during the cast time.
- Apocalypse
- Level 10
- D.Va
- Level 10
- Bunny Hop
- Now soft reveals targets hit.
- Micro Missiles
- Now soft reveals all targets hit, instead of only the triggering target.
- Bunny Hop
- Level 10
- E.T.C.
- Abilities
- Powerslide [D]
- Fixed issues with Powerslide when targeted into unpathable terrain with Crowdsurfer.
- Powerslide [D]
- Level 1
- Prog Rock
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Prog Rock
- Level 10
- The Hunt
- Fixed issues that caused Illidan to Hunt towards the enemy Hall of Storms.
- The Hunt
- Abilities
- Fenix
- Abilities
- Weapon Mode: Phase Bomb [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Phase Bomb's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies.
- Weapon Mode: Phase Bomb [W]
- Abilities
- Genji
- Fixed an issue that caused Dodge to not prevent all on-hit effects.
- Abilities
- Swift Strike [E]
- No longer soft reveals Genji to targets hit by Swift Strike that are affected by vision reduction.
- Swift Strike [E]
- Level 4
- Dragon Claw
- Now soft reveals targets hit.
- Dragon Claw
- Level 10
- X-Strike
- Now soft reveals targets hit.
- X-Strike
- Graymane
- Worgen form's Basic Attack damage increase is now additive.
- Abilities
- Inner Beast [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Inner Beasts' on-hit bonuses to apply on-fire instead of on-hit.
- Inner Beast [W]
- Gul'dan
- Level 20
- Demonic Circle
- Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Circle's outgoing FX to only be visible if you see Gul'dan's teleported to location.
- Demonic Circle
- Level 20
- Hanzo
- Level 4
- Explosive Arrows
- Now soft reveals targets hit.
- Explosive Arrows
- Level 7
- The Dragon Hungers
- Fixed an issue that caused The Dragon Hungers to apply the Spell Power bonus to the triggering damage effect.
- The Dragon Hungers
- Level 10
- Dragon's Arrow
- Now soft reveals targets hit.
- Dragon's Arrow
- Level 4
- Hogger
- Level 7
- Garbage Fire
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Garbage Fire
- Level 13
- Bloodthirst
- Now causes Headbanger to heal Hogger for the damage dealt.
- Bloodthirst
- Level 7
- Illidan
- Level 4
- Hunter's Onslaught
- Now causes Immolation to heal Illidan for the damage dealt.
- Hunter's Onslaught
- Level 4
- Kel'Thuzad
- Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not reduce the damage of the Shade's Death and Decay.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Shade's damage to not gain the benefits of Spell Leech.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Shade's Death and Decay to still be fired if Kel'Thuzad's Death and Decay cast is interrupted.
- Level 20
- Deathchill
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Deathchill
- Kerrigan
- Level 1
- Fury of the Swarm
- Fixed an issue that caused Fury of the Swarm's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies.
- Fury of the Swarm
- Level 1
- Kharazim
- Level 16
- Echo of Heaven
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Echo of Heaven
- Level 16
- Leoric
- Level 20
- Buried Alive
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Shroud of the Dead King
- Shroud of the Dead King now shows floating text for the amount of damage prevented.
- Buried Alive
- Level 20
- Li-Ming
- Level 1
- Aether Walker
- Fixed an issue that caused Aether Walker to apply the damage bonus to Magic Missiles incorrectly.
- Aether Walker
- Level 1
- Lt. Morales
- Abilities
- Healing Beam [Q]
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Healing Beam [Q]
- Level 16
- Extended Care
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Extended Care
- Level 20
- Hospice Care
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Hospice Care
- Abilities
- Lucio
- Level 7
- Reverse Amp
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Reverse Amp
- Level 7
- Maiev
- Abilities
- Umbral Bind [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Umbral Bind's cleave to grant Vengeful Knives progress while Blinded or against Evading Heroes.
- Umbral Bind [W]
- Level 1
- Naisha's Memento
- Fixed an issue that caused Naisha's Memento to grant Vengeful Knives progress while Blinded or against Evading Heroes.
- Naisha's Memento
- Abilities
- Malfurion
- Abilities
- Moonfire [W]
- Updated to heal Regrowth targets for its amount as a singular combined effect per target.
- Moonfire [W]
- Abilities
- Mal'Ganis
- Level 7
- Black Claws
- Fixed an issue that caused Black Claw's Armor reduction to not be removed by Invulnerable.
- Black Claws
- Level 16
- Blind as a Bat
- Blind as a Bat now instantly removes any area reveals.
- Fixed an issue that caused Blind as a Bat to not lose vision of enemies that are revealed by damaging Mal'Ganis.
- Fixed an issue that caused Blind as a Bat to see enemies when first cast.
- Blind as a Bat
- Level 7
- Malthael
- Abilities
- Soul Rip [Q]
- Updated to heal Malthael for its amount spread over up to 3 effects.
- Soul Rip [Q]
- Abilities
- Medivh
- Level 7
- Arcane Explosion
- Fixed an issue that caused Arcane Explosion to destroy Raynor's Banshee's Basic Attack missiles.
- Arcane Explosion
- Level 20
- Dust of Disappearance
- Updated for apply visuals to appear as soon as granted.
- Dust of Disappearance
- Level 7
- Mei
- Fixed an issue where Mei's abilities caused players to highlight enemies.
- Level 10
- Ice Wall
- Fixed an issue that caused abilities to be usable when Ice Wall transitions from timed to untimed.
- Ice Wall
- Level 20
- Flash Freeze
- Fixed an issue that caused Flash Freeze to not properly cancel effects that launch Mei.
- Shatter
- Fixed an issue that caused Shatter's Armor reduction to not be removed by Invulnerable.
- Flash Freeze
- Muradin
- Level 13
- Bronzebeard Rage
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Healing Static
- Updated to heal Muradin for its amount as a singular combined effect.
- Bronzebeard Rage
- Level 13
- Murky
- Level 10
- Octo-Grab
- Fixed an issue that caused Octo-Grab to be placed on full cooldown if the target moves out of reach.
- Octo-Grab
- Level 13
- Rejuvenating Bubble
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Rejuvenating Bubble
- Level 10
- Nazeebo
- Level 7
- Dead Rush
- Fixed an issue that caused Zombie Wall's Zombies to lose health after uprooting with Dead Rush.
- Dead Rush
- Level 7
- Nova
- Level 16
- Explosive Round
- Explosive Snipe's damage modifier is now additive.
- Explosive Round
- Level 16
- Orphea
- Level 13
- Invasive Miasma
- Updated to heal Orphea for its amount as a singular combined effect.
- Invasive Miasma
- Level 13
- Qhira
- Abilities
- Blood Rage [W]
- Blood Rage's heal no longer fills the Death Recap with empty entries.
- Blood Rage [W]
- Level 4
- Upstage
- Fixed an issue that caused Upstage to also prevent damage from Summoned attacks.
- Fixed an issue that caused Upstage to not prevent all on-hit effects.
- Upstage
- Level 7
- Healmonger
- Updated to heal Qhira for its amount as a singular combined effect.
- Healmonger
- Abilities
- Ragnaros
- Level 1
- Shifting Meteor
- Fixed an issue that caused Shifting Meteor to not travel the full remaining distance of the Living Meteor.
- Shifting Meteor
- Level 1
- Rehgar
- Abilities
- Chain Heal [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Chain Heal to be visible to others while inside a shrub.
- Chain Heal [Q]
- Level 13
- Wellspring
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Wellspring
- Level 20
- Farseer's Blessing
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Farseer's Blessing
- Abilities
- Rexxar
- Level 13
- Dire Beast
- Damage increase is now additive.
- Dire Beast
- Level 20
- Spirit Bond
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Spirit Bond
- Level 13
- Stitches
- Level 7
- Putrefaction
- Fixed an issue with Putrefaction's healing reduction.
- Putrefaction
- Level 7
- Stukov
- Level 10
- Massive Shove
- Fixed an issue that caused Massive Shove to launch from Stukov's origin point.
- Massive Shove
- Level 10
- Sylvanas
- Level 13
- Remorseless
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Remorseless
- Level 13
- Tassadar
- Level 4
- Electric Fence
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Electric Fence
- Level 10
- Black Hole
- Fixed an issue that caused Black Hole to hit targets a second time at its apex.
- Black Hole
- Level 4
- The Butcher
- Abilities
- Ruthless Onslaught [E]
- Now soft reveals the target on impact.
- Ruthless Onslaught [E]
- Abilities
- The Lost Vikings
- Olaf
- Fixed an issue that caused Olaf's Attack not showing up as a Basic Attack.
- Level 20
- Checkpoint Reached
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Checkpoint Reached
- Olaf
- Tracer
- Fixed an issue that caused the last bullet from Tracer's previous magazine to be fired when Tracer's Reload completes.
- Level 4
- Pulse Generator
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Pulse Generator
- Level 13
- Telefrag
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Telefrag
- Tyrael
- Level 1
- Salvation
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Salvation
- Level 4
- Bound by Law
- Updated to heal Tyrael for its amount as a singular combined effect.
- Bound by Law
- Level 13
- Law and Order
- Fixed an issue that caused Law and Order to apply to Smites that are currently being cast.
- Law and Order
- Level 16
- Burning Halo
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Burning Halo
- Level 1
- Tyrande
- Level 7
- Huntress' Fury
- Fixed an issue that caused Huntress' Fury to activate against Evading enemies.
- Huntress' Fury
- Level 7
- Uther
- Level 1
- Wave of Light
- Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light quest reward to revert Divine Protection's duration increase if completed after selecting Divine Protection.
- Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light to not grant its full quest reward benefit to Armor granted to Uther if Divine Protection is selected.
- Wave of Light
- Level 16
- Tyr's Deliverance
- Fixed an issue that caused Tyr's Deliverance to apply its bonus to the active Holy Radiance, instead of the next Holy Radiance.
- Tyr's Deliverance
- Level 20
- Divine Protection
- Fixed an issue that caused Divine Protection to be inconsistent in how it is applied to an already active Devotion Armor.
- Divine Protection
- Level 1
- Valeera
- Level 16
- Seal Fate
- Fixed an issue that caused Sinister Strike to deal additional damage to non-Heroes.
- Seal Fate
- Level 16
- Xul
- Level 7
- Trag'Oul's Essence
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Trag'Oul's Essence
- Level 7
- Yrel
- Fixed an issue where Yrel's abilities caused players to highlight enemies.
- Zagara
- Level 10
- Nydus Network
- Now displays the correct icon in the Death Recap.
- Nydus Network
- Level 10
- Zarya
- Level 7
- Explosive Barrier
- Now displays in the Death Recap.
- Explosive Barrier
- Level 7
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