Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - September 26, 2024

Official Patch Notes v 2.55.7
Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
- Updated Homescreen and Startup Music.
Hero Updates
- Level 10
- Temporal Loop
- No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
- Temporal Loop
- Bloodthirst [W]
- No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
- Level 1
- Body Check
- No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
- Body Check
- Drain Life [W]
- No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
- Level 10
- Frost Blast
- No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
- Frost Blast
Balance Updates
- Same Hero mode now enables Health & Mana regeneration at base, reduced from 8% per second to 3.2% per second.
- Same Hero mode now enables the Hearthstone ability without the burst heal after completion.
- Basic Attack damage increased from 55 to 60.
- Flame Stream [Q]
- No longer able to deal additional damage to Structures.
- Level 1
- Adrenaline Stimpack
- Passive attack speed bonus reduced from 25% to 20%.
- Adrenaline Stimpack
- Level 4
- Incinerator Gauntlets
- Bonus damage reduced from 50% to 40%.
- Incinerator Gauntlets
- Level 7
- Nanomachine Coating
- Attack Speed reduction reduced from 50% to 35%.
- Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
- Suppressive Fire
- Reduced Spell Power reduction from 25% to 20% and from 50% to 40%.
- Nanomachine Coating
- Level 10
- Bunker Drop
- Cooldown increased from 70 to 80.
- Flamethrower damage reduced from 170 to 150.
- Mana cost increased from 70 to 80.
- Bunker Drop
- Level 13
- Collision Course
- Damage reduced from 275 to 260.
- Collision Course
- Basic Attack damage increased from 122 to 125.
- Level 1
- Impale
- Bonus Damage increased from 50% to 70%.
- Thunderstroke
- Bonus Damage increased from 15 to 20.
- Impale
- Level 20
- Infinite Lightning
- Cooldown reduction reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
- Infinite Lightning
- Level 1
- Eye of the Tiger
- Bonus Damage increased from 40% to 50%.
- Leech amount increased from 40% to 60%.
- Eye of the Tiger
- Level 4
- Accumulating Flame
- Bonus Damage increased from 20% to 30%.
- Accumulating Flame
- Level 7
- Gift of the Ox
- Bonus duration increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
- Gift of the Ox
- Level 13
- A Touch of Honey
- Slow bonus increased from 20% to 30%.
- Ring of Fire
- Damage increased from 55 to 60.
- Duration increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds.
- A Touch of Honey
- Level 20
- Untapped Potential
- Bonus Armor duration increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Untapped Potential
- Level 16
- Giant Slayer
- Damage reduced from 2% of maximum Health to 1.6% of maximum Health.
- Giant Slayer
- Level 4
- Spite
- Bonus duration reduced from 150% to 100%.
- Spite
- Level 16
- Lightning Reaction
- Damage reduced from 138 to 120.
- Lightning Reaction
- Health increased from 1896 to 1946.
- Health Regeneration increased from 3.9492 to 4.0546.
- Frostwolf Resilience [Trait]
- Healing increased from 223 to 240.
- Chain Lightning [Q]
- Bounce damage increased from 81 to 85.
- Damage increased from 162 to 170.
- Feral Spirit [W]
- Cooldown reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Level 13
- Spirit Shield
- Increased Spell Armor from 50 to 70.
- Spirit Shield
- Hatred [Trait]
- Duration reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Level 10
- Strafe
- Damage per bolt increased from 60 to 70.
- Mana cost reduced from 80 to 60.
- Strafe
- Level 16
- Manticore
- Reduced bonus damage from 5% of maximum Health to 4% of maximum Health.
- Punishment
- Reduced the Mana cost of Multishot by 20.
- Manticore
Bug Fixes
- Alarak
- Abilities
- Sadism [Trait]
- Fixed an issue that caused Sadism's bonus to not apply to Lightning Surge's healing when the primary target is not a Hero.
- Sadism [Trait]
- Abilities
- Cassia
- Level 13
- War Matron
- Added floating text for the amount of damage prevented by War Matron.
- War Matron
- Level 13
- Cho'Gall
- Level 1
- Keep Moving!
- Now also modifies Cho's run animation while Shove's movement speed bonus is active.
- Keep Moving!
- Level 1
- Diablo
- Abilities
- Overpower [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Overpower to activate Stukov's Superstrain twice.
- Overpower [E]
- Abilities
- E.T.C.
- Level 1
- Prog Rock
- Fixed an issue that could prevent allies from being affected by Prog Rock's area heal.
- Prog Rock
- Level 1
- Garrosh
- Abilities
- Into the Fray [1]
- No longer displays the duration of its Unstoppable.
- Into the Fray [1]
- Abilities
- Imperius
- Abilities
- Celestial Charge [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Celestial Charge to activate Stukov's Superstrain twice.
- Celestial Charge [Q]
- Abilities
- Junkrat
- Level 10
- RIP-Tire
- Fixed an issue that caused RIP-Tire to not display correctly when cast.
- RIP-Tire
- Level 10
- Kharazim
- Level 4
- Earth Ally
- Updated Earth Ally to have the remaining Physical Armor duration match the remaining duration of Earth Ally.
- Earth Ally
- Level 4
- Li Li
- Level 1
- Free Drinks
- Floating text updated to show as a crit.
- Free Drinks
- Level 1
- Medivh
- Abilities
- Portal [E]
- Fixed an issue that allowed Medivh to instantly mount after using a Portal to leave the Hall of Storms.
- Fixed an issue that caused Medivh's Portal to not feature a channel bar or apply visual effects while being channeled.
- Portal teleportation now happens instantly after completing the channel instead of briefly after completing the channel.
- Using Medivh's Portal no longer clears the command queue.
- Portal [E]
- Level 4
- Raven Familiar
- Damage is now dealt by the Portal user instead of Medivh.
- Raven Familiar
- Abilities
- Nazeebo
- Level 10
- Ravenous Spirit
- Fixed an issue that caused Ravenous Spirit to be cancelled if another Nazeebo cancelled their Ravenous Spirit.
- Ravenous Spirit
- Level 10
- Probius
- Level 16
- Quantum Entanglement
- Fixed an issue that caused Quantum Entanglement to not apply if the Warp Rift is detonated as soon as it activates.
- Quantum Entanglement
- Level 16
- Raynor
- Level 10
- Raynor's Raider
- Fixed an issue that caused Raynor's Raider Banshee to receive healing when activating the Tunnel on Towers of Doom and the Sewer Waygate on Warhead Junction.
- Raynor's Raider
- Level 20
- Execute Orders
- Fixed an issue that caused Execute Orders Yamato Cannon to fire at targets outside its radius.
- Execute Orders
- Level 10
- Rehgar
- Abilities
- Lightning Shield [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Rehgar to not be healed by the damage dealt by Lightning Shield when he gains spell leech.
- Lightning Shield [W]
- Level 4
- Electric Charge
- Fixed an issue that caused Electric Charge to increase the bearer's Self Healing score.
- Updated to heal the bearer for its amount as a singular combined effect.
- Electric Charge
- Abilities
- Rexxar
- Fixed an issue that caused Misha to receive healing when activating the Tunnel on Towers of Doom and the Sewer Waygate on Warhead Junction.
- Stukov
- Level 16
- Superstrain
- Fixed an issue that caused Superstrain to not display FX when activating.
- Superstrain
- Level 16
- Tracer
- Level 4
- Is That a Health Pack?!
- Fixed an issue that caused Is That a Health Pack?! to increase Tracer's Healing Score when activating.
- Is That a Health Pack?!
- Level 4
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