Official Patch Notes v 2.29.8
Our most recent Heroes of the Storm patch has arrived featuring significant changes to Tyrael and a number of bug fixes.
- Tyrael will now face the target of his Basic Attack after attacking. This is a visual change, and does not directly affect gameplay
- Passive Spell Armor has been removed
- Base Maximum Health increased from 2296 to 2468
- Health Regeneration increased from 4.78 to 5.14
- El’druin’s Might (Q)
- Mana cost reduced from 50 to 45
- Righteousness (W)
- Mana cost reduced from 60 to 50
- Allied Shield amount changed from a flat value to 40% of the Tyrael-only Shield value.
- This is the same amount of Shields, but it makes it easier to understand new Talent interactions
- Smite (E)
- Can now be cast while moving
- Damage increased from 144 to 150
- Level 1
- Salvation (W)
- Moved from level 16
- New functionality:
- Increase Righteousness’ Tyrael-only Shield amount by 25%. If the Shield is destroyed, heal Tyrael for 125 Health.
- (New) Justice for All (W)
- Increases Righteousness’ allied shield value to 100% of the Tyrael-only Shield amount.
- (New) Ardent Restoration (Passive)
- Damaging an enemy Hero grants 2.5 Health per Second to Tyrael for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.
- Protection in Death (Trait)
- Removed
- Even in Death (Trait)
- Removed
- Regeneration Master (Passive)
- Removed
- Salvation (W)
- Level 4
- (New) Stalwart Angel (Q)
- Tyrael gains 25 Armor while El'druin's Might is out, and for 3 seconds after teleporting.
- (New) Bound by Law (Q)
- Increases El’druin’s Might’s slow amount from 25 to 35%. Tyrael’s Basic Attacks increase the duration of the slow by 1 second, up to 4 seconds.
- (New) Divine Vigor (Passive)
- Damaging an enemy with Smite causes Tyrael's Basic Attacks to heal him for 50% of their damage for 4 seconds.
- Vigorous Strike (Passive)
- Removed
- (New) Stalwart Angel (Q)
- Level 7
- Purge Evil (E)
- Moved from level 1
- New functionality:
- Every enemy Hero hit by Smite increases Tyrael's Basic Attack damage by 30% for 4 seconds
- Swift Retribution (E)
- Movement Speed bonus increased from 10 to 20%
- No longer increases the duration of Smite’s Movement Speed bonus
- Added functionality:
- Now also causes Smite’s friendly effect to increase Attack Speed by 25%
- Angel’s Grace (Q)
- Removed
- Zealotry (W)
- Removed
- Follow Through (Passive)
- Removed
- Purge Evil (E)
- Level 13
- Sword of Justice (Q)
- Moved from level 16
- New functionality:
- Can teleport with El'druin's Might twice, returning to Tyrael’s original position.
- Holy Ground (Q)
- Moved from level 16
- Duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
- (New) Law and Order (W)
- Reduce the cooldown of Righteousness by 1 second for each enemy Hero hit by Smite. Righteousness increases the damage of your next Smite by 25% for each ally affected.
- Burning Rage (Passive)
- Removed
- Angelic Absorption (W)
- Removed
- Angelic Might (E)
- Removed
- Sword of Justice (Q)
- Level 16
- (New) Burning Halo (Q)
- El'druin and Tyrael deal 15 damage per second to nearby enemies. This damage is increased by 100% for Tyrael for 3 seconds after teleporting to El’Druin.
- Horadric Reforging (Q)
- Moved from level 4
- New functionality:
- Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of El'druin's Might by 1.5 seconds
- (New) Smite the Wicked (E)
- Smite’s cooldown recharges 100% faster while El'druin is out and for 3 seconds after teleporting to El’Druin
- Blood for Blood (Active)
- Removed
- Blade of Justice (Q) Undocumented
- Removed
- (New) Burning Halo (Q)
- Level 20
- (New) Defense of the Angels (Active)
- Activate to reduce all incoming damage by 40% for 5 seconds. Any time Tyrael or an ally shielded by Righteousness take damage, reduce the cooldown by 3 seconds. 120 second cooldown
- (New) Seal of El’druin (Passive)
- Every time Tyrael casts a Basic Ability, increase his Attack Speed by 50% for 3 seconds
- Nullification Shield (Active)
- Removed
- Nexus Blades (Passive)
- Removed
- (New) Defense of the Angels (Active)
Bug Fixes
Heroes, Abilities, and Talents
- Blaze: Fixed an issue allowing players to cast Flame Stream while dead if they entered a Bunker while dying.
- Blaze: Fixed an issue that could cause Heroes to enter permanent Stasis if they were killed just as they entered a Bunker.
- Hanzo & Leoric: Fixed an issue causing Towers to spawn if Leoric was directly impacted by Sonic Arrow.
- Malfurion & Stitches: Fixed an issue that could cause Heroes to become unplayable if Nature’s Cure was cast while they were affected by Stitches’ Gorge.
- Malfurion & Zagara: Nature’s Cure can no longer cleanse Heroes of the Devouring Maw effect.
- Uther: The Well Met talent will no longer affect non-Heroic units.
- Valeera: The Strangle talent will no longer affect non-Heroic units.