Level Talent Name Description Cooldown
1 Contact Healing Hitting Heroes with Biotic Grenade increases its damage and healing by 30% per Hero hit.
1 Slumber Shells Reduce the cooldown of Sleep Dart by 2 seconds. Upon waking, enemy Heroes are Slowed by 25% for 3 seconds.
1 Vampiric Rounds Quest: Stack 5 Doses on an enemy Hero or Basic Attack a Hero with 5 Doses. Reward: Stack 5 Doses to increase Shrike's healing by 1%. Reward: Basic Attack a Hero with 5 Doses to increase Shrike's healing by 0.25%.
4 Biotic Enhancements Increase the bonus healing duration of Biotic Grenade by 50% and reduce its cooldown by 3 seconds.
4 Overdose Sleep Dart applies 4 Doses. While Aim Down Sights is active, Sleep Dart pierces all enemy Heroes.
4 Debilitating Dart Fire a dart which Slows the Movement Speed and reduces the damage dealt by the first enemy Hero it hits by 50% for 4 seconds. If no Heroes are hit, reduce this cooldown by 8 seconds. 20
7 Anti-Healer Increase the area of Biotic Grenade by 25% and the duration of the healing reduction by 0.75 seconds.
7 Night Terrors Gain 25% Movement Speed for 2 seconds for every Hero hit by Sleep Dart. Upon waking, enemy Heroes take 8% of their Maximum Health in damage.
7 Mind-Numbing Agent Every Dose a Hero has reduces their Spell Power by 10%.
10 Nano Boost Instantly boost an allied Hero, restoring 200 Mana. For the next 8 seconds, they gain 30% Spell Power and their Basic Ability cooldowns recharge 150% faster. Cannot be used on Ana. 70
10 Eye of Horus Assume a sniping position, gaining the ability to fire up to 6 specialized rounds with unlimited range. Rounds pierce allied and enemy Heroes but collide with enemy Structures in their path. Allies are healed for 225 (+4% per level) and enemies are damaged for 135 (+4% per level). Deals 50% less damage to Structures. Ana is unable to move while Eye of Horus is active. 60
13 Speed Serum Healing Dart grants 25% Movement Speed to affected Heroes for 2 seconds.
13 Purifying Darts Healing Dart removes Roots and Slows from the target, and heals for 20% more when doing so.
13 Smelling Salts Healing Dart removes Stuns from the target, and grants them 50 Armor for 2 seconds when doing so.
16 Sharpshooter Healing Dart's healing is increased by 5% if it heals a Hero, up to 50%. At maximum bonus, further increase its healing by 35%. This bonus is reset if Healing Dart fails to hit a Hero.
16 Concentrated Doses Increase Healing Dart's healing by 12% for each Dose active on enemy Heroes.
16 Active Reload Activate to instantly gain 3 charges of Healing Dart. 60
20 Nano Infusion Allies affected by Nano Boost heal for 50% of Spell Damage dealt.
20 Deadeye Increase Eye Of Horus' healing and damage by 5% for every Hero hit. This bonus resets after all shots have been fired.
20 Armored Stance Increase Shrike's damage by 50%. While Aim Down Sights is active, gain 25 Armor.
20 Dynamic Optics Basic Attacks increase Attack Speed by 10% for 3 seconds, up to 100%. While Aim Down Sights is active, increase your Basic Attack Range by 4.
Shortcut Ability Name Description Cooldown Mana Cost
Q Healing Dart Fire a dart which heals the first allied Hero hit for 195 (+4% per level) Health. Does not affect full Health Heroes. 2 10
W Biotic Grenade Toss a grenade at the target area. Allied Heroes hit are healed for 152 (+4% per level) Health and receive 25% increased healing from Ana for 4 seconds. Enemies hit take 60 (+4% per level) damage and receive 100% less healing for 1.75 seconds. 16 50
E Sleep Dart Fire a dart that puts the first enemy Hero hit to Sleep, Stunning them for 3 seconds. Sleep's effects end instantly if the target takes damage after the first 0.5 seconds. Cannot be used on Vehicles. 14 50
R Nano Boost Instantly boost an allied Hero, restoring 200 Mana. For the next 8 seconds, they gain 30% Spell Power and their Basic Ability cooldowns recharge 150% faster. Cannot be used on Ana. 70 60
R Eye of Horus Assume a sniping position, gaining the ability to fire up to 6 specialized rounds with unlimited range. Rounds pierce allied and enemy Heroes but collide with enemy Structures in their path. Allies are healed for 225 (+4% per level) and enemies are damaged for 135 (+4% per level). Deals 50% less damage to Structures. Ana is unable to move while Eye of Horus is active. 60 45
D Shrike Basic Attacks apply a Dose to enemies, dealing 40 (+4% per level) damage over 5 seconds, plus additional damage equal to the current number of stacks on the target, stacking up to 5 times. Every 0.5 seconds, Ana is healed for 60% of the damage dealt by Shrike. Aim Down Sights Activating Shrike reduces your Movement Speed by 25%, but increases the Range of Healing Dart and Sleep Dart by 25% while also allowing them to pierce one Hero. Lasts until canceled. 4


2024-05-21 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Quickcast Settings
    • Rapid Reload shares Quickcast settings with Healing Dart.
    • Removed Cancel Eye of Horus.

2024-02-06 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Eye of Horus to hit Invulnerable Heroes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Last Laugh to heal when they have been granted Spell leech. (Example: Nano Infusion from Ana)
  • Fixed an issue that caused Stagger to heal when they have been granted Spell leech. (Example: Nano Infusion from Ana)

2023-11-16 Patch Notes

Hero Updates

  • Difficulty updated from Hard to Very Hard.


  • Level 1
    • Contact Healing [W]
      • Contact Healing will now only cause Biotic Grenade's Healing and Damage to display as a critical if at least 2 Heroes are hit, instead of only requiring the talent to be taken.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to grant stacks of Dynamic Optics while Blinded or if the target is Evading.

2021-09-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Contact Healing [W]
      • Additional functionality: Biotic Grenade deals 30% additional damage per Hero hit.
    • Vampiric Rounds [Trait]
      • Stacking 5 Doses bonus Shrike healing increased from .75% to 1%.
  • Level 4
    • Biotic Enhancements [W]
      • Cooldown reduction increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
    • Debilitating Dart [Active]
      • Additional functionality: If no Heroes are hit, reduce its cooldown by 8 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Sharpshooter [Q]
      • Additional functionality: Bonus healing increased by 35% while at maximum stacks.
    • Concentrated Doses [Q]
      • Bonus healing increased from 10% to 12%.
  • Level 20
    • Deadeye [R2]
      • Bonus damage and healing per Hero hit increased from 4% to 5%.

Developer Comment: Ana has a grouping of talents that are becoming more and more popular, so we're helping their competitors. We hope Sharpshooter's additional functionality lets the best snipers truly shine.

2020-10-07 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Biotic Grenade [W]
    • Healing reduction duration reduced from 2 to 1.75 seconds.


  • Level 1
    • Slumber Shells [E]
      • Cooldown reduction on Sleep Dart reduced from 4 to 2 seconds.
  • Level 7
    • Anti-Healer [W]
      • Healing reduction duration bonus changed from 25% to .75 seconds.
    • Night Terrors [E]
      • Damage dealt reduced from 10% to 8% maximum Health.

Developer Comment: Ana's currently a top healer pick with relatively poor diversity in her early game talents. We're nerfing some of her most picked talents and reducing the duration of Biotic Grenade, which should give other Healers more of an ability to play around it when trying to keep their teammates alive.

2020-07-15 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Ana could get quest progress with Vampiric Rounds through Blinds and Evasion.

2020-04-14 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Overdose talent did not apply 4 stacks of Mind Numbing Agent when both talents were taken Undocumented

2019-10-22 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Ana's Night Terror's Talent now correctly grants 25% Movement Speed when Sleep Dart hits an enemy Hero.
  • Ana's Vampiric Rounds Talent now correctly increases Shrike's Healing.

2019-10-15 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Shrike [Trait]
    • Healing from Shrike damage from 50 to 60%.


  • Level 1
    • Vampiric Rounds [Trait]
      • Bonus Shrike Heal from stacking 5 Doses from 1.5% to .75%.
      • Added second reward:
        • Increase Shrike's Heal by .25% for every Basic Attack against Heroes that have 5 Doses.
    • Slumber Shells [E]
      • Additional functionality: Reduce the cooldown of Sleep Dart by 4 seconds.
  • Level 7
    • Night Terrors [E]
      • No longer reduces Sleep Dart cooldown.
      • Modified functionality: Gain 25% Movement for 2 seconds for every Hero hit by Sleeping Dart. When a Hero wakes, they take 10% of their maximum Health in damage.

Developer Comment: Ana was one of the Heroes most affected by the Movement Speed change a few patches ago. We have been waiting to see where she stabilized at and are ready to give her some buffs to help bring her back to where she should be. On top of a small baseline Healing increases, we wanted to remove the awkwardness of the way Vampiric Rounds asked players to constantly target swap after 5 Shrike stacks.

2019-07-10 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Slumber Shells [E]
      • New Functionality: Enemy Heroes are Slowed by 25% for 3 seconds when they wake up from Sleep Dart
  • Level 4
    • Overdose [E]
      • Doses applied with Sleeping Dart increased from 3 to 4
  • Level 4
    • Anti-Healer [W]
      • Bonus area of Biotic Grenade reduced from 100% to 25%
      • Fixed a bug where the bonus duration was showing as 20% when it is 25%

Developer Comment: We're changing up some of Ana's talents to better compete with Biotic Grenade-related choices. Slumber Shells and Overdose are receiving some buffs and changes, and Anti-Healer's bonus radius to Biotic Grenade is being dramatically reduced. While it still remains a powerful talent, Ana players will now have to be much more precise to deny healing on multiple members of the enemy team.

2019-05-22 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Biotic Grenade [W]
    • Allied Healing amount reduced from 166 to 152

Developer Comment: While Ana is currently not greatly outperforming other Healers, even at the highest level of play, she is being seen much more often compared to her peers. We're reducing the healing power of Biotic Grenade, which should bring her down a notch as well as reduce the power of its associated talents.

2019-04-17 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 4
    • Biotic Enhancements (W)
      • Cooldown reduction reduced from 4 seconds to 2 seconds
    • Overdose (E)
      • Additional Functionality: While Aim Down Sights is active, Sleep Dart now pierces all enemy Heroes
  • Level 7
    • Night Terrors
      • Damage increased from 8% to 10% maximum Health

Developer Comment: While we are very happy with Ana's new direction since her rework, her early level talent diversity is not as great as we would like. We're improving some of her other options to better compete with Biotic Grenade-focused talents and slightly nerfing the Grenade build, which we're hoping will open up new ways to play her.

2019-02-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Eye of Horus (R)
    • Cooldown increased from 45 seconds to 60 seconds


  • Level 1
    • Slumber Shells (E)
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • Hitting an enemy Hero with Sleep dart grants Ana 25% Movement Speed for 3 seconds
  • Level 4
    • Debilitating Dart (Active)
      • Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
  • Level 7
    • Night Terrors (E)
      • Cooldown of Sleep Dart when a Hero is not woken up early changed from 6 seconds to 5 seconds

Developer Comment: We're buffing up some of Ana's underperforming talents to make them more competitive with their counterparts. In addition, since we greatly increased its reliability, we're slightly increasing the cooldown of Eye of Horus to get ahead of potential frustration issues with a globally damaging Heroic being on such a low cooldown.

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: Eye of Horus can no longer hit and heal allied vehicles.
  • Ana: Fixed an issue with the Anti-Healer talent increasing the duration of the healing reduction by an incorrect amount.

2019-02-12 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Healing Dart (Q)
    • Heal reduced from 205 to 195
  • Shrike (Trait/D)
    • New Active - Aim Down Sights
    • No longer grants Sight or Attack Range
    • Cooldown from 3 to 4 seconds
    • Self-slow increased from 20 to 25%
    • New functionality:
      • While active, Sleep and Healing Dart ranges are increased by 25% and pierce one target
  • Eye of Horus (R)
    • Heal reduced from 285 to 225
    • Damage reduced from 166 to 135
    • Added functionality:
      • Shots now pierce all targets (but still impact and cease on structures)


  • Level 1
    • Piercing Darts (E)
      • Removed
    • Grenade Calibration (W)
      • Removed
    • Contact Healing (W)
      • Moved from Level 16
    • New Talent – Slumber Shells (E)
      • If an enemy is affected by Sleep Dart, Ana gains 25% movement speed
    • New Talent – Vampiric Rounds (Trait)
      • Quest: Each time you stack max Doses on a target Hero, increase Shrikes self-heal by 1.5%
  • Level 4
    • Air Strike (Active)
      • Removed
    • Aim Down Sights (D/Trait)
      • Removed (New Trait Addition)
    • Debilitating Darts (Active)
      • Moved from Level 7
    • New Talent – Biotic Enhancements (W)
      • Increase the bonus healing duration of Biotic Grenade by 50% and reduce its cooldown by 4 seconds
  • Level 7
    • Temporary Blindness (E)
      • Removed
    • New Talent – Anti-Healer (W)
      • Biotic Grenades area is increased by 100% and the duration of the Healing debuff is increased by 25%
    • New Talent – Night Terrors (E)
      • Upon waking, enemy Heroes take 8% of their Maximum Health in damage. If a Hero is not woken up early, set the cooldown of Sleep Dart to 6 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • New Talent - Active Reload (Active)
      • Activate to gain 3 charges of Healing Dart (60 second CD)
  • Level 20
    • Ballistic Advantage (R)
      • Removed
    • Dynamic Shooting (Passive)
      • Removed
    • Somnolent Doses (Trait)
      • Removed
    • Custom Optics (Trait)
      • Removed
    • New Talent – Dead-Eye (R)
      • The healing and damage of Eye of Horus is increased by 4% for every Hero hit. This resets after all shots have been fired.
    • New Talent - Armored Stance (D/Trait)
      • Increase Shrike's damage by 50%. Gain 25 Armor while Aim Down Sights is active.
    • New Talent – Dynamic Optics (D/Trait)
      • Basic Attacks increase Attack Speed by 10% for 3 seconds, up to 100%. While Aim Down Sights is active, increase your Basic Attack Range by 4.

Developer Comment: Ana came to the Nexus during the ‘Quest Revolution' where we were adding them in as many places as we could. We have learned a lot since that time, so we spent some time re-designing and re-organizing Ana's talent tree. Bringing Aim Down Sights into her base Shrike functionality gives us a design solve for the powerful yet flawed Piercing Darts quest. The rest of the talent changes and shuffles were directed at opening up some new builds while keeping all of her current beloved capabilities!

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: Fixed an issue allowing cooldowns to tick down during Time Stop if the Hero is affected by Nano Boost.

2018-11-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Healing Dart (Q)
    • Base Heal amount decreased from 215 to 205

2018-10-31 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: Fixed an issue that caused Ana's Level 13 Healing Dart talents to fail to apply to Heroes that were at full health.

2018-10-16 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Healing Dart (Q)
    • Healing Dart will now pierce targets at full Health.

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: Fixed an issue where Ana's Shrike healing was not accurately reflecting her damage done (via Spell Power or her target's Armor).

2018-09-25 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: Fixed an issue that allowed Ana to used Eye of Horus shots between mine levels on Haunted Mines.

2018-09-04 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: Ana's abilities amplified by Nano Boost's Spell Power buff now display critical effects.

2018-06-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Shrike (Trait)
    • Now also applies Doses to Structures.

2018-05-09 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Shrike (Trait)
    • Now Heals Ana for Dose damage dealt to all enemies, rather than only the damage dealt to Heroes.
  • Healing Dart (Q)
    • Mana cost reduced from 15 to 10.
  • Nano Boost (R)
    • Cooldown increased from 60 to 70 seconds.


  • Level 1
    • Detachable Box Magazine (Passive)
      • First reward removed
      • Second reward requirements reduced from 15 to 12 maximum Dosage stacks.
  • Level 7
    • Debilitating Dart (Active)
      • Reduced damage duration decreased from 4 to 3 seconds.
      • Additional functionality:
        • Also Slows the target by 50%.

Developer Comment: While Ana is showing a positive win rate, we're still not seeing her picked up in the solo-Support position as often as we'd like. These changes should allow her to stick around longer in fights and limit wear and tear on your Hearthstone hotkey.

2018-04-24 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: Nano Boost’s duration bar now appears next to, rather than replaces, any existing Ability duration bars for the targeted Ally, like Sonya’s Whirlwind.

2018-04-11 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: After learning Grenade Calibration, Biotic Grenade’s floating combat text now displays the correct amount of Healing received with each tick.

2018-03-06 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Shrike (Trait)
    • Added functionality:
      • Ana Heals for 50% of Shrike damage dealt to Heroes
  • Healing Dart (Q)
    • Healing reduced from 237 to 215
  • Biotic Grenade (W) Undocumented
    • Range reduced from 15 to 12
    • Adjusted functionality:
      • Amplified Healing now only affects Ana’s Healing output
      • Amplified Healing duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
  • Nano Boost (R)
    • Cooldown increased from 50 to 60 seconds
    • Mana cost increased from 40 to 60
  • Eye of Horus (R)
    • Self-cancelling no longer places the Ability on a 10 second cooldown
    • Cooldown reduced from 60 to 45 seconds
    • Mana cost reduced from 75 to 45
    • Number of shots reduced from 8 to 6


  • Level 1
    • Grenade Calibration (W)
      • Add base functionality
      • The amplified healing effect of Biotic Grenade now works on all healing
    • Piercing Darts (E)
      • 1st quest unlock
        • Range increase from 50 to 25%
      • 2nd quest unlock
        • Range increase from 50 to 25%
    • Detachable Box Magazine (Passive)
      • 1st quest unlock
        • New functionality
          • The self-healing for Shrike now also applies to non-Heroes
  • Level 4
    • Aim Down Sights (Trait)
      • Shrike activation cooldown reduced from 10 to 3 seconds
    • Air Strike (W) Undocumented
      • Range increased from 200% to 275%
      • Airborne duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
  • Level 7
    • Debilitating Dart (Active)
      • Cooldown reduced from 45 to 20 seconds
    • Mind-Numbing Agent (Trait)
      • Spell Power reduction per Shrike stack decreased from 15% to 10%

Developer Comment: While Ana’s current win-rate is sitting above most other Healers, and North of 50%, we have made some changes to make her feel more meaningful in solo-Support compositions. Along with the addition to self- sustain through Shrike, we also took the opportunity to do some Talent balancing as well. While there are no major outliers in terms of win-rate, she definitely has some Talents that are overshadowing others in terms of pick- rates. We have tried to address the majority of these to hopefully open up some new strategic choices for Ana players. We really enjoyed the changes internally, and we’re excited to see what players can do with them.

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: Debilitating Dart activation is no longer audible when the player camera is far from Ana’s location.

2018-02-06 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: Shrike Doses after the first will now correctly deal bonus damage when Ana is affected by increased Spell Power.

2017-11-29 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Base Maximum Health reduced from 1682 to 1598
  • Health Regen reduced from 3.5 to 3.32
  • Basic Attack Damage reduced from 33 to 30


  • Healing Dart (Q)
    • Heal amount reduced from 255 to 237
  • Biotic Grenade (W) Undocumented
    • Heal amount reduced from 175 to 166
    • Damage reduced from 60 to 57
      • Damage was not reduced; grenade damage remains 60
  • Eye of Horus (R)
    • Heal amount reduced from 300 to 285
    • Damage amount reduced from 175 to 166

2017-11-14 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Ana: A targeting indicator will now correctly appear when using Healing Dart charges granted by Active Reload.
  • Ana: AI Ana will no longer attempt to Heal allied Garden Terrors, Dragon Knights, or Triglav Protectors.

2017-10-11 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Basic Attack Damage increased from 30 to 33


  • Level 4
    • Overdose (Passive)
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • No longer applies to Biotic Grenade
        • Sleep Dart now applies 3 Doses to targets hit

Developer Comment: Ana has had an incredibly successful launch into the Nexus, and seems to be falling into a great place balance-wise. We are still light on high-level data for her, so our changes this patch are very light. We realize that she has some synergy concerns and wanted to get a small jump on the largest catalyst to those – Overdose. While playing her internally before launch, we knew she had the potential to single-handedly shift the meta, not to mention increase the amount of double-support we see. Rest assured that we are keeping a close eye on both of these concerns and are prepared to act accordingly if the need arises.

2017-09-26 Patch Notes

New Hero

As a founding member of Overwatch and one of the world's best snipers, Ana Amari uses her skills to protect the innocent. Though she went MIA after losing her eye, Ana's sense of duty and responsibility has brought her back to the fight.


  • Shrike
    • Basic Attacks apply a Dose to non-Structure enemies, dealing an additional 44 damage over 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.

Basic Abilities

  • Healing Dart (Q)
    • Fire a dart which heals the first allied Hero hit for 250 Health.
  • Biotic Grenade (W)
    • Toss a Grenade at the target area. Allied Heroes hit are healed for 175 Health and receive 25% increased healing for 3 seconds. Enemies hit take 60 damage and receive 100% less healing for 2 seconds.
  • Sleep Dart (E)
    • Fire a dart that Sleeps the first enemy Hero hit, rendering them unable to act for 3 seconds. Sleep’s effects end instantly if the target takes damage after the first 0.5 seconds.
    • Cannot be used on Vehicles.

Heroic Abilities

  • Nano Boost (R)
    • Instantly boost an allied Hero, restoring 200 Mana. For the next 8 seconds, they gain 30% Spell Power and their Basic Ability cooldowns recharge 150% faster.
    • Cannot be used on Ana.
  • Eye of Horus (R)
    • Assume a sniping position, gaining the ability to fire up to 8 specialized rounds with unlimited range. Rounds hit the first allied or enemy Hero or enemy Structure in their path. Allies are healed for 300 and enemies are damaged for 175. Deals 50% damage to Structures.
    • Ana is unable to move while Eye of Horus is active.