Level Talent Name Description Cooldown
1 Party Mix Quest: Play Lúcio's Crossfade tracks to nearby allies. Multiple allies provide additional time. Reward: For every 1 Minute played, permanently increase Lucio's maximum Mana by 10. Reward: Once you have played for 8 minutes or more, permanently increase Crossfade's range by 20%.
1 Accelerando Wall Ride's Movement Speed bonus gradually increases to 40% over 4 seconds while Lúcio maintains its effect.
1 Smooth Moves While Wall Ride is active, Basic Attacks heal for 30% of the damage dealt and restore 0.5 Mana. Passive: Increase Wall Ride duration by 1 second.
4 Subwoofer Enemies within the first half of Soundwave's range are knocked back 75% further. Quest: Hit 3 enemy Heroes with a single Soundwave. Reward: Increase Soundwave's arc by 50% and its range by 20%.
4 Off the Wall Hitting an enemy with Soundwave while Wall Ride is active reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds.
4 Supersonic While Wall Ride is active, Push Off's cooldown recharges 100% faster.
7 Good Vibrations Hitting an enemy with Soundwave grants Lúcio a 38 (+4% per level) Shield for 7 seconds. Hitting enemy Heroes grants 3 times this amount.
7 Reverse Amp Blast Lúcio's active Crossfade track at enemy Heroes. While Amp It Up is active, Healing Boost deals 50 (+4% per level) damage per second and Speed Boost Slows by 20%. This ability is unaffected by Crossfade talents.
7 Boombox Place a boombox that plays Lúcio's active Crossfade track. Its volume adjusts with Amp It Up. Allied Heroes near the boombox gain 5 Armor. Crossfade tracks do not stack. 20
10 Sound Barrier After 1 second, Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes gain a 1296 (+4% per level) point Shield that rapidly decays over 6 seconds. 80
10 High Five Quickly skate to an allied Hero. Upon arrival the ally is healed for 230 (+4% per level), Lúcio is healed for 80 (+4% per level), and both gain Unstoppable for 1 second. 20
13 All Together For each ally affected by Crossfade, Lúcio gains 5% Movement Speed that stacks with other bonuses.
13 Heavy Casters Push Off no longer Slows enemies, and instead Stuns them for 0.5 seconds.
13 Slip While Wall Ride is active, passing near an enemy Hero increases its Movement Speed bonus to 40%, and grants 15 Armor, for 1 second.
16 Rejuvenescência While Amp It Up is active, Crossfade's Healing Boost heals for an additional 2.5% of the target's maximum Health each second.
16 Up the Frequency Hitting enemy Heroes with Basic Attacks reduces the cooldown of Amp It Up by 0.4 seconds. Passive: Wall Ride increases Basic Attack range by 2.2.
16 Up To Eleven Increase the duration of Amp It Up by 1 second. While Amp It Up is active, enemy Heroes hit by Soundwave or Push-Off further increase its duration by 0.3 seconds.
20 Bossa Nova Reduce the cooldown of Sound Barrier to 30 seconds, but the Shield now decays over 4 seconds.
20 Mixing Fire High Five can now be cast on enemy Heroes, dealing 160 (+4% per level) damage and reducing all healing received by 50% for 3 seconds. Passive: Reduce the cost and cooldown of High Five by 30%.
20 House Party For each ally affected by Crossfade, Lúcio gains 8% increased healing.
20 Summer Anthem Activate for allies affected by Crossfade to become Unkillable for 1.5 seconds. 60
Shortcut Ability Name Description Cooldown Mana Cost
Q Soundwave Deal 105 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in an area and knock them back. 7 30
W Crossfade Currently playing Speed Boost, increasing the Movement Speed of Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes by 10%. Toggle to play Healing Boost instead.
E Amp It Up Raise Lúcio's Crossfade track volume for 3 seconds, amping Healing Boost to 112 (+4% per level) Health per second and Speed Boost to 30% increased Movement Speed. 13 90
R Sound Barrier After 1 second, Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes gain a 1296 (+4% per level) point Shield that rapidly decays over 6 seconds. 80 100
R High Five Quickly skate to an allied Hero. Upon arrival the ally is healed for 230 (+4% per level), Lúcio is healed for 80 (+4% per level), and both gain Unstoppable for 1 second. 20 30
D Push Off While moving alongside terrain, activate to slide towards a targeted location. Enemies hit take 100 (+4% per level) damage and are Slowed by 75% for 1 second. 20
Z Wall Ride When moving alongside terrain, Lúcio begins to Wall Ride for 2 seconds. While Wall Ride is active, Lúcio can walk through units and gains 20% Movement Speed that stacks with other bonuses.


2024-05-21 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Quickcast Settings
    • Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings.

2024-02-06 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Sound Barrier shields to not decay if Bossa Nova was slected while the target was shielded.

2021-07-20 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 10
    • High Five [R2]
      • Ally healing reduced from 250 to 230.
  • Level 13
    • Slip [Z]
      • Changed functionality: While Wall Ride is active passing near an enemy Hero increases its Movement Speed bonus to 40%, and grants 15 Armor, for 1 second.
  • Level 20
    • Mixing Fire [R2]
      • Removed functionality: Casting High Five on an enemy Hero no longer heals or grants Unstoppable to Lucio.

Developer Comment: Lucio continues to be a powerful force at high level play. We're again targeting his survivability when played in this style to allow his opponents more room to punish him. We generally don't prefer to remove functionality, so we will be keeping an eye on Mixing Fire to see if it needs an injection of fun in coming patches.

2021-06-15 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Mixing Fire's cooldown reduction has been updated to match its tooltip.

2021-05-18 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Party Mix [W]
      • New Functionality:
        • Quest: Play Crossfade tracks to nearby allies.
        • Reward: Every minute played increases Lucio's Maximum Mana by 2%. After 8 Minutes of total play time, increase the range of Crossfade by 20%.
  • Level 7
    • Boombox [Active]
      • Cast range increased by 100% (5 to 10 grid).
      • Health increased from 350 to 600.
      • Additional Functionality: Allies affected by Boombox gain 5 Armor.
  • Level 10
    • High Five [R2]
      • Self-heal reduced from 125 to 80.
  • Level 13
    • Slip [Z]
      • Armor reduced from 20 to 15.
  • Level 16
    • Up To Eleven [E]
      • New Functionality: Increase the duration of Amp It Up by 1 second. While Amp It Up is active, enemy Heroes hit with Soundwave or Push-Off increase it's duration by an additional .3 seconds.
  • Level 20
    • Mixing Fire [R2]
      • Damage dealt reduced from 225 to 160.
      • Cost and cooldown reduction reduced from 50% to 30%.

Developer Comment: Lucio has become a dominant force in the hands of skilled players. We're happy we've been able to make High Five a competitive option, and so we're simply targeting Lucio's personal survivability. We've yet to get players to play their Boomboxes, but we'll keep trying.

2021-03-02 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 10
    • High Five [R2]
      • Movement speed while skating to target increased by 25%.

Developer Comment: Let's gooooooooo!

2021-01-19 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 7
    • Good Vibrations [Q]
      • Shield amount increased from 35 to 38.
    • Boombox [Active]
      • Boombox no longer has a duration.
  • Level 10
    • High Five [R2]
      • Cooldown increased from 15 to 20 seconds.
      • Mana cost reduced from 35 to 30.
      • Additional functionality: Heals Lucio for 125 and grants him Unstoppable for 1 second.
  • Level 16
    • Up to Eleven [E]
      • No longer an activated ability.
      • Adjusted functionality: Increase the duration of Amp It Up by 1 second.
  • Level 20
    • Summer Anthem [Active]
      • Cooldown reduced from 75 to 60 seconds.
      • Additional functionality: Now also affects Lucio.
    • Mixing Fire [R2]
      • No longer increases the duration of Amp It Up by 1 second.
      • Additional functionality: Reduce the cost and cooldown of High Five by 50%.

Developer Comment: We did a pass on Lucio and found some places where we could make his talents more interesting and fun. We're particularly interested to see how our change to High Five working on Lucio helps with his ability to keep both himself and his teammates alive.

2019-08-06 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed various Movement Speed bugs that had occurred with the increased Movement Speed patch.

2019-04-17 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 7
    • Boombox (Active)
      • Health of the Boombox has been increased from 217 to 350
  • Level 10
    • High Five (R2)
      • Mana cost decreased from 50 to 35
  • Level 16
    • Up the Frequency (E)
      • Cooldown reduction per Basic Attack reduced from .45 to .4 seconds
  • Level 20
    • House Party (W)
      • Bonus healing per ally in Crossfade aura reduced from 10% to 8%

Developer Comment: Lúcio's rework has turned out to be pretty balanced so far. We're seeing both decent win rates and talent pick rates across the gathered data. There were a couple outliers that we have made some small changes to, especially the higher Mana cost of High Five. We will continue to monitor and make additional tweaks as necessary!

Developer Comment: As we promised in the past, we took a look at the overall Mana tension of all the Heroes in the game. We also have some philosophies about Mana that we want to keep going forward. They are:

  1. Mana should be a meaningful part of the game, particularly in the early stages when wave clear is at a higher premium. We believe that as the game progresses, Mana tension should become less important as Heroes gain more base Mana and the game's focus shifts to team fighting.
  2. Mana tension doesn't have to be the same for every Hero, but every Hero should feel it to some degree, otherwise it serves no purpose.
  3. We like that some talents heavily mitigate Mana tension.

When we took a look at Mana tension in the game, we saw that, overall, things are in a fairly healthy spot, but could be fine-tuned and improved upon. We like the tension that the heroes who are closer to the middle of the spectrum have, with some examples being Malfurion, Tychus, and E.T.C. Our goal with these changes is to bring the outliers closer to the center. We are open to your feedback going forward if you think that the game needs to be stricter or more lenient in this area, or if you believe there are any outliers that we missed.

2019-03-26 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Crossfade (W)
    • Healing decreased from 16 to 15 per second.
    • Movement Speed aura reduced from 20% to 10%.
  • Amp It Up (E)
    • Healing Boost heal reduced from 114 to 112 per second.
    • Speed Boost Movement Speed reduced from 45% to 30%.
  • Wall Ride (Z)
    • Moved from (Trait) to (Z).
  • Skate Mode (Z)
    • Removed.
  • New Trait: Push Off
    • While Wall Ride is active, you can jump off the wall, dealing 100 damage and slowing all enemies hit by 75% for 1 second.


  • Level 1
    • Maximum Tempo (E)
      • Removed.
    • Party Mix (E)
      • Moved from Level 7.
    • New Talent: Smooth Moves (Z)
      • Increase Wall Ride duration by 1 second; while Wall Ride is active, your Basic Attacks heal Lúcio for 30% of their damage and restore 0.5 Mana.
  • Level 4
    • Chase the Bass (Q)
      • Removed.
    • Subwoofer (Q)
      • Additional functionality
        • Close enemies are knocked back 75% further.
        • Quest: Hit 3 enemy Heroes with the same Soundwave.
        • Reward: Increase Soundwave arc by 50% and range by 20%.
    • New Talent: Supersonic (Trait)
      • Push Off recharges 100% faster while you have the Wall Ride buff.
  • Level 7
    • Sonic Amplifier (W)
      • Removed.
    • Reverse Amp (W)
      • Moved from Level 10.
      • New functionality
        • While Amp It Up is active, Healing Boost deals 50 damage a second and Speed Boost slows by 20% to enemies in the aura.
    • New Talent: Good Vibrations (Q)
      • Every enemy hit with Soundwave grants Lúcio a 35-point Shield for 7 seconds; this value is tripled for enemy Heroes hit.
  • Level 10
    • New Heroic: High Five (R)
      • Activate: Quickly skate towards target allied Hero, healing them for 250 and granting Unstoppable for 1 second (15 second cooldown per allied Hero).
  • Level 13
    • Beat Mixing (W)
      • Removed.
    • Can't Stop, Won't Stop (Trait)
      • Removed.
    • Back in the Mix (Trait)
      • Removed.
    • Hard Style (Trait)
      • Removed.
    • Slip (Z)
      • Moved from Level 1.
      • New functionality
        • While Wall Ride is active you gain 20 Armor and if you pass through an enemy Hero, you gain 40% Movement Speed for 1 second.
    • New Talent: All Together (W)
      • Each allied Hero in your Crossfade aura grants 5% base Movement Speed (this bonus stacks with other Movement Speed buffs).
    • New Talent: Heavy Casters (Trait)
      • Push Off no longer Slows but instead Stuns enemies for 0.5 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Bring It Together (E)
      • Removed.
    • Up the Frequency (E)
      • No longer reduces Mana Cost.
      • Additional functionality
        • While Wall-Riding, increase your Basic Attack range by 40%; Basic Attacks lower the cooldown of Amp It Up by .45 seconds.
    • New Talent: Up to Eleven (E)
      • Activate: Increase the duration of your active Amp It Up by 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).
  • Level 20
    • Synaesthesia Auditiva (E)
      • Removed.
    • Bonus Track (E)
      • Removed.
    • Nonstop Remix (R)
      • Removed.
    • New Heroic Mastery: Mixing Fire (R)
      • You can now High Five enemy Heroes, damaging them for 225 and reducing all healing done to them by 50% for 3 seconds.
      • Passive: Increase the duration of Amp It Up by 1 second.
    • New Talent: House Party (W)
      • All of your healing is increased by 10% for each allied Hero in your aura.
    • New Talent: Summer Anthem (W)
      • Activate: Other allies in your Crossfade aura cannot be reduced below 1 Health for 1.5 seconds (75 second cooldown).

Developer Comment: Lúcio's rework is unlocking some new ways to help your allies and further harass your enemies! His old Trait, Wall Ride, is still completely functional but has been moved to his Mount (Z). The replacement Trait, Push Off, is a new utility Ability that gives Lúcio more mobility with a built-in way to peel enemies for his allies. That is just the beginning, though, as Lúcio has also gained a new Heroic Ability—High Five. This Ability allows him a small bit of burst healing to help compete with Sound Barrier while also granting an on-demand Unstoppable buff to allies that may have bitten off more than they can chew. If you were a big fan of Reverse Amp, no need to worry, it stays on his kit in the form of a talent and has similar functionality! In response to the added power, we are slowing him down a little so he is not quite as frustrating to lock down.

2018-10-31 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Crossfade (W)
    • Speed Boost Movement Speed increased from 15 to 20%
  • Amp It Up (E)
    • Cooldown reduced from 15 to 13 seconds
    • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 90


  • Level 1
    • We Move Together (W)
      • Removed

2018-09-25 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Lucio: Fixed an issue causing the UI displaying the number of allies in range of crossfade to stop working after Lúcio exits a vehicle.
  • Lucio: Fixed an issue preventing Lúcio from issuing attack commands while silenced.

2017-12-20 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Amp It Up (E)
    • Healing per second reduced from 120 to 114

2017-11-29 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Base Maximum Health reduced from 1518 to 1442
  • Health Regen reduced from 3.16 to 3
  • Basic Attack Damage reduced from 24 to 23


  • Soundwave (Q)
    • Damage reduced from 112 to 105
  • Amp It Up (E)
    • Heal amount reduced from 15.5 to 15
  • Sound Barrier (R)
    • Shield amount reduced from 1392 to 1296
  • Reverse Amp (R)
    • Damage reduced from 14 to 13


  • Level 13
    • Back in the Mix (Passive)
      • Heal amount reduced from 260 to 245
  • Level 16
    • Rejuvenescencia (E)
      • Heal amount reduced from 3 to 2.5% of allies’ Maximum Health

2017-11-14 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Lucio: Learning Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop and then walking over Junkrat’s Steel Trap will no longer cause that trap to visually persist on Lúcio’s model.

2017-08-23 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Base Maximum Health increased from 1380 to 1518
  • Health Regen increased from 2.86 to 3.16

2017-06-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Healing Boost (W)
    • Amp it Up Healing increased from 14.5 to 15.5


  • Level 16
    • Up the Frequency (E)
      • Cooldown per Basic Attack increased from .35 to .45 seconds

Developer Comment: The idea here is to give back his intentional healing since we took out so much of his passive healing away. This may also hopefully help Reverse Amp/Bring it Together pick rates on their tiers as well.

2017-05-10 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Healing Boost (W)
    • Heal amount reduced from 3 to 2


  • Level 16
    • Heliotropics (Q)
      • Removed

2017-04-25 2.0 Launch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Nazeebo: Corpse Spiders will no longer prioritize Kharazim’s Air Ally or Lúcio’s Boombox over enemy Heroes.

2017-03-14 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Base Maximum Health decreased from 1450 to 1380
  • Base Health Regen decreased from 3.02 to 2.88


  • Amp it Up (E)
    • Healing amount reduced from 15.5 to 14.5
  • Reverse Amp (R)
    • Cooldown increased from 40 to 45 seconds
    • Mana Cost increased from 50 to 55


  • Level 16
    • Bring it Together (E)
      • Healing bonus increased from 40 to 45%

2017-02-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Amp it Up (E)
    • Healing Boost reduced from 16.5 to 15.5


  • Level 4​
    • Boombox (Active)
      • Duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds
    • Party Mix (W)
      • Bonus range decreased from 25 to 20%

2017-02-17 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Lúcio: Learning Sonic Amplifier will no longer cause Amp It Up to benefit from Synaesthesia Auditiva.

2017-02-14 Patch Notes

New Hero

From the streets of Rio to the clubs on King’s Row, Lúcio’s beats bring the party to life, and drive the people to action. Now he’s on tour in the Nexus, ready to Break it down, and to continue fighting for what’s right.


  • Wall Ride (D)
    • When moving alongside impassable battleground terrain and Structures, Lúcio can walk through other units, and his Movement Speed is increased by 20%. This effect stacks with other Movement Speed bonuses.

Basic Abilities

  • Soundwave (Q)
    • Deal damage to enemies in a cone-shaped area and knock them back.
  • Crossfade (W)
    • Play one of two tracks that passively provide allied Heroes with either a Speed Boost or a Healing Boost in a large radius around you. Activate Crossfade to swap tracks.
      • Healing Boost: Restore a small amount of Health every second to Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes.
      • Speed Boost: Increase the Movement Speed of Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes by 15%.
  • Amp It Up (E)
    • Raise Lúcio’s Crossfade track volume for 3 seconds, amping Speed Boost to 45% increased Movement Speed, and significantly increasing the Healing rate of Healing Boost.

Heroic Abilities

  • Sound Barrier (R)
    • After 1 second, Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes gain a massive Shield that rapidly decays over the next 6 seconds.
  • Reverse Amp (R)
    • Blast Lúcio’s Crossfade track at enemy Heroes for 4 seconds, causing Healing Boost to inflict damage every second, and Speed Boost to Slow Movement Speed by 45%.
    • Passive: Increase Amp It Up’s duration to 4 seconds.

Hero Updates


  • Basic Attack damage increased from 23 to 24


  • Sound Barrier (R)
    • Cooldown increased from 70 to 80 seconds
  • Reverse Amp (R)
    • Cooldown reduced from 50 to 40 seconds
    • Damage increased from 12.5 to 14