Level Talent Name Description Cooldown
1 Echo Pulse Disruption Pulse now returns to Probius 1.25 seconds after reaching its target, dealing 100% damage on the return trip.
1 Warp Resonance Quest: Hit Heroes with Warp Rift explosions. Reward: After hitting 8 Heroes with Warp Rift explosions, increase the explosion damage by 120. Reward: After hitting 16 Heroes with Warp Rift explosions, Warp Rift gains 1 additional charge.
1 Gather Minerals Quest: Gather Minerals to increase the Health of Photon Cannons by 8, up to 560. Reward: After collecting 70 Minerals, Photon Cannons deal 35% more damage.
4 Photon Barrier While a Photon Cannon is alive and powered, Probius gains 40 Spell Armor.
4 Turbo Charged Worker Rush grants an additional 10% passive Movement Speed while in a Power Field, and its cooldown is reduced by 14 seconds.
4 Shield Capacitor Probius gains permanent Shields equal to 10% of his max Health. Shields regenerate quickly as long as he hasn't taken damage recently.
7 Particle Accelerator After hitting 3 Heroes with Disruption Pulse, the next Warp Rift detonated by a Disruption Pulse fires 4 additional pulses that deal 78 (+5% per level) damage from the impact location in different directions. Passive: Reduce the cooldown of Disruption Pulse by 0.5 seconds.
7 Rift Shock Hitting a Warp Rift with Disruption Pulse within 1 second of it arming deals 105 (+5% per level) damage over 3 seconds.
7 Tower Defense Reduce Photon Cannon's cooldown by 3.5 seconds when Disruption Pulse or Warp Rift damages an enemy Hero.
10 Pylon Overcharge For 8 seconds, increase the size of Pylon power fields and allow them to attack enemy Heroes within it for 96 (+4% per level) damage per second. Pylons are Invulnerable for the duration. 80
10 Null Gate Vector Targeting Project a barrier of negative energy in the target direction that lasts 4 seconds. Enemies who touch the barrier take 76 (+4% per level) damage per second and are Slowed by 80% for as long as they remain in contact with it. 25
13 Aggressive Matrix Pylon's Power Field grants allied Heroes 35% increased Attack Damage.
13 Power Overflowing Pylon's Power Field grants allied Heroes 10% increased Spell Power and 2 Mana per second.
13 Shield Battery Pylon's Power Field grants allied Heroes 28 (+4% per level) Shields per second, up to 112 (+4% per level). Shields persist for 2 seconds after exiting a Pylon Power Field.
16 Quantum Entanglement Enemies continue to be slowed for 3 seconds after their last contact with a Warp Rift.
16 Gravity Well Enemies are slowed more the closer they are to the center of the Warp Rift, up to a maximum slow of 60%.
16 Interference Enemy Heroes hit by Warp Rift explosions have their Spell Power reduced by 35% for 5 seconds. Additionally, enemies hit by Warp Rift explosions are knocked away from the center.
20 Construct Additional Pylons Probius can now have up to 3 active Pylons, and increase the damage of Pylon Overcharge by 25%.
20 Gate Keeper Null Gate lasts indefinitely if either end is within a Power Field.
20 Shoot 'Em Up Enemy Heroes hit by Disruption Pulse take a bonus 2.5% of their maximum Health as damage. Passive: Reduce the cooldown of Disruption Pulse by 0.5 seconds.
20 Probius Loop Whenever a Rift explosion hits 1 or more enemy Heroes, create a new Warp Rift in the same location.
Shortcut Ability Name Description Cooldown Mana Cost
Q Disruption Pulse Fire a burst of energy forward, dealing 142 (+5% per level) damage to all enemies it passes through. Hitting the center of a Warp Rift will cause it to explode, dealing additional damage. 3 75
W Warp Rift Open an unstable Warp Rift at a location that takes 1.25 seconds to arm, which then Slows nearby enemies by 25% lasting 3 seconds. Armed Warp Rifts explode when they expire or when hit by Disruption Pulse, dealing 261 (+5% per level) damage to nearby enemies. 6 150
E Photon Cannon Warp in a Photon Cannon that deals 105 (+4% per level) damage. Lasts for 13 seconds. While within a Pylon's Power Field, Photon Cannons gain 40% Attack Speed over 4 seconds and reveal nearby enemies. 15
R Pylon Overcharge For 8 seconds, increase the size of Pylon power fields and allow them to attack enemy Heroes within it for 96 (+4% per level) damage per second. Pylons are Invulnerable for the duration. 80 100
R Null Gate Vector Targeting Project a barrier of negative energy in the target direction that lasts 4 seconds. Enemies who touch the barrier take 76 (+4% per level) damage per second and are Slowed by 80% for as long as they remain in contact with it. 25 100
D Warp In Pylon Warp in a Pylon that generates a Power Field and grants vision of the surrounding area. Probius only regenerates mana while inside a Power Field. Enemy Heroes and Minions drop Minerals when killed. Gather Minerals to reduce the cooldown of Warp In Pylon by 0.75 seconds. Up to 2 Pylons can be active at a time. 14
Z Worker Rush Activate to gain an additional 60% Movement Speed for 5 seconds. Taking damage ends this effect early. Worker Rush is always active while at the Hall of Storms. Passive: Probius moves 10% faster by hovering over the ground. 30


2024-05-21 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Disruption Pulse to hit targets hit by previous Disruption Pulses.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Photon Barrier to display while Probius is dead.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Pylon Overcharge to not properly grant Pylons Invulnerability.

2024-02-06 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Spawning Minerals off of Possessed minions.
  • Included Builder to search text for Probius.

2023-11-16 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Construct Additional Pylons to increase the damage of Pylon Overcharge by more than intended.

2022-02-01 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Warp In Pylon [D]
    • Cooldown increased from 12 to 14 seconds.
    • Additional functionality: Enemy Heroes and Minions drop Minerals on death. Gather Minerals to reduce Warp In Pylon's cooldown by .75 seconds.


  • Level 1
    • Warp Resonance [W]
      • Damage bonus increased from 100 to 120.
  • Level 4
    • Turbo Charged [Z]
      • Cooldown reduction increased from 10 to 14 seconds.
  • Level 7
    • Particle Accelerator [Q]
      • Hero hits required reduced from 4 to 3.
      • Pulse damage increased from 71 to 78.
    • Rift Shock [W]
      • Damage per second increased from 30 to 35.
    • Tower Defense [E]
      • Cooldown reduction reduced from 4 to 3.5 seconds.
  • Level 10
    • Null Gate [R2]
      • Damage increased from 17 to 19.

Developer Comment: We're overall pleased with Probius' latest warp in but found some opportunities to tinker. We're excited for Warp In Pylon's change, as aggressive Probius players are given more room to play forward, and we don't think we're negatively affecting safer Probius play styles. Plus, who doesn't like being the Best Probe by gathering all the minerals?

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Shield Battery granting allies Shields too quickly.

2021-12-07 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Warp Rift [W]
    • Duration reduced from 9 to 3 seconds.
    • Additional Functionality: Warp Rifts explode on expiration.
  • Photon Cannon [E]
    • Attack period reduced from 1 to 1.4.
    • Additional Functionality:
      • No longer requires Pylons to be placed or be activated.
      • While in a Pylon's Power Field, gain 40% attack speed over 4 seconds and reveal nearby enemies.
      • Now prefers to acquire Heroic enemies.


  • Level 1
    • Echo Pulse [Q]
      • Increased returning Disruption Pulse damage from 75% to 100%.
    • Gather Minerals [E]
      • Removed Functionality: Quest reward no longer reveals nearby enemies.
  • Level 7
    • Particle Accelerator [Q]
      • New Functionality:
        • After hitting 4 Heroes with Disruption Pulse, the next Warp Rift detonated by Disruption Pulse fires 4 pulses for 71 damage.
        • Reduce Disruption Pulse's cooldown by .5 seconds.
    • Rift Shock [W]
      • New Functionality: Exploding a Warp Rift within 1 second of its arming deals 90 damage over 3 seconds.
  • Level 10
    • Pylon Overcharge [R1]
      • Duration reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
      • Changed Functionality: Can only target enemy Heroes.
      • Additionality Functionality: Pylons are Invulnerable for the duration.
  • Level 20
    • Shoot 'Em Up [Q]
      • New Functionality:
        • Disruption Pulse deals 2.5% of enemy Heroes maximum health as damage.
        • Reduce Disruption Pulse's cooldown by .5 seconds.

Developer Comment: Probius has always had high requirements for successfully utilizing his abilities. The theme of this update is to turn those requirements into benefits, making Probius more approachable while still rewarding mastery. While the baseline changes to Warp Rift and Photon Cannon affect the identity of these abilities, we hope long time Probius players are still able to punish enemy Heroes that underestimate our favorite Probe.

2020-05-06 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Warp Resonance [W]
      • Quest requirement reduced from 10/20 enemy Heroes hit with Warp Rift explosions to 8/16.
  • Level 4
    • Photon Barrier [E]
      • Spell Armor bonus increased from 30 to 40.
  • Level 7
    • Particle Accelerator [Q]
      • Damage increased from 10% to 15% per stack.
  • Level 10
    • Null Gate [R2]
      • Cooldown reduced from 30 to 25 seconds.
  • Level 20
    • Gate Keeper [R2]
      • No longer has a restriction allowing 1 Null Gate at a time.

Developer Comment: We're doing some talent tuning on Probius which should make his tiers more competitive. We're particularly excited for the change to Gate Keeper, which makes it possible to potentially have multiple Null Gates up if the enemy doesn't manage to kill the Pylons powering them.

2020-04-14 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Particle Accelerator would not deal appropriate bonus damage Undocumented

2020-01-22 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 7
    • Particle Accelerator [Q]
      • Maximum bonus damage for enemies hit reduced from 50% to 40%.
      • Additional functionality: Reduce the cooldown of Disruption Pulse by .5 seconds, plus an additional .5 seconds whenever Warp Rift explodes.
    • Tower Defense [E]
      • New functionality: Reduce the cooldown of Photon Cannon by 4 seconds whenever Probius damages an enemy Hero with Disruption Pulse or Warp Rift.
  • Level 16
    • Repulsor [W]
      • Removed.
    • Interference [W]
      • Additional functionality: Enemies that are hit by Warp Rift's explosion are knocked away from its center.

Developer Comment: We haven't done many functionality changes to Probius's talents since his release, so we're now taking a look at places that could use some design love. We're targeting Tower Defense and Particle Accelerator as talents that should feel more prominent in their respective builds, as well as removing Repulsor and baking its functionality into Interference, as it wasn't enough of a stand-alone talent to be worth picking the majority of the time.

2019-08-06 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed various Movement Speed bugs that had occurred with the increased Movement Speed patch.

2019-02-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Null Gate (R)
    • Range increased from 8.5 to 9.5

Developer Comment: While Null Gate is performing well in regards to win- rate compared to Pylon Overcharge, the Heroic is still not picked as much as we would like, and is much harder to use properly. Because of this, we're buffing its range to make it a little more usable, so that Probius players can more consistently get value out of it.

2018-06-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 20
    • Probius Loop (W)
      • Required number of Heroes hit to create a new Warp Rift reduced from 2 to 1.

2018-04-11 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Probius: Disruption Pulse no longer gains bonus damage from the Particle Accelerator Talent when it passes through non-targetable units, like Gazlowe’s Scrap.

2017-10-11 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Warp in Pylon (D)
    • Health increased from 380 to 400


  • Level 1
    • Gather Minerals (Passive)
      • Damage bonus increased from 25 to 35%
  • Level 13
    • Shield Battery (D)
      • Shield duration after leaving Pylon field reduced from 4 to 2 seconds
      • Shield amount increased from 12 to 14

2017-10-02 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Minions and Mercenaries: Fixed an issue causing Minions and Mercenaries to ignore some summoned units, including:
    • Gazlowe’s Rock-It! Turrets
    • Probius’ Photon Cannons
    • Tychus’ Drakken Laser Drill

2017-09-26 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Probius: Floating Combat Text will now indicate the amount of Shields granted to Probius by a Pylon after learning Shield Battery, rather than displaying zero for each tick.

2017-08-08 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Worker Rush (Z)​
    • Worker Rush can no longer be activated while the Worker Rush buff is still active. This will prevent players from accidentally placing the ability on cooldown when leaving the Hall of Storms.

Bug Fixes

  • Probius: Pylons that are affected by a time stop, such as Zeratul’s Void Prison, will no longer cause Warp Rift’s cooldown to be paused for the duration of the effect.

2017-07-11 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Probius – Fixed an issue preventing Probius from gathering minerals while inside the Garden Terror on Garden of Terror

2017-06-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Pylon Overcharge (R)
    • No longer gives Pylons bonus Health

2017-06-13 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Mercenaries: Captured enemy Mercenaries will no longer drop Fresh Meat stacks for The Butcher or Mineral stacks for Probius.

2017-05-31 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Disruption Pulse (Q)
    • Damage decreased from 150 to 142
  • Pylon Overcharge (R)
    • Damage reduced from 52 to 48


  • Level 4
    • Turbo Charged (Z)
      • Movement Speed bonus decreased from 20 to 10%
  • Level 7
    • Particle Accelerator (Q)
      • Damage cap bonus increased from 40 to 50%
  • Level 13
    • Aggressive Matrix (D)
      • Damage bonus increased from 25 to 35%
    • Shield Battery (D)
      • Shield amount reduced by roughly 8%

2017-05-10 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Pylon Overcharge (R)
    • Health bonus decreased from 50 to 30%
    • Damage decreased from 55 to 52
  • Null Gate (R)
    • Damage increased from 16 to 17

2017-04-25 2.0 Launch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Photon Cannon (E)
    • Can now be self-cast

Bug Fixes

  • Probius: Pylons and Photon Cannons will no longer be affected by Power Overflowing when Probius is not inside a Pylon’s Power Field.

2017-04-04 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Probius - Fixed an issue preventing crowd control duration bars to fail to display on Probius’ health bar while he was in a Pylon power field.
  • Probius - Fixed an issue that caused the Turbo Charged talent to grant too much movement speed during Worker Rush.

2017-03-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Worker Rush (Z)
    • Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
    • Now automatically activates when Probius is in the Hall of Storms
  • Warp in Pylon (D)
    • Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12 seconds
  • Warp Rift (W)
    • Range increased by 15%
    • Slow amount increased from 20 to 25%
  • Photon Cannon (E)
    • Damage increased from 95 to 105
    • Duration increased from 11 to 13 seconds
  • Null Gate (R)
    • Range increased by 12%
    • Cooldown decreased from 40 to 30 seconds


  • Level 4
    • Turbo Charged (Z)
      • Cooldown reduction reduced from 20 to 10 seconds
  • Level 13
    • Aggressive Matrix (D)
      • Damage bonus increased from 20 to 25%
    • Shield Battery (D)
      • Shield amount decreased by 13%
  • Level 16
    • Interference (W)
      • Duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
    • Quantum Entanglement (W)
      • Duration decreased from 3.5 to 3 seconds

Developer Comments: We’re making several small tweaks to Probius across the board, largely to make him a little more powerful and, more importantly, more engaging to play. Many of his abilities have had small tweaks to them to make them more usable, and we’re buffing the damage and duration of his Photon Cannons to make them more threatening.

2017-03-14 Patch Notes

New Hero

Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus.


  • Worker Rush (Z)
    • Activate to gain an additional 60% Movement Speed for 5 seconds. Taking damage ends this effect early.
    • Passive: Probius moves 10% faster by hovering over the ground.


  • Warp In Pylon (D)
    • Warp in a Pylon that generates a Power Field and grants vision of the surrounding area. Probius regenerates Mana rapidly while inside the Power Field.
    • Up to 2 Pylons can exist at once.

Basic Abilities

  • Disruption Pulse (Q)
    • Fire a burst of energy forward, dealing damage to all enemies it passes through.
    • Firing through the center of a Warp Rift will cause it to explode, dealing additional damage to enemies in an area.
  • Warp Rift (W)
    • Open an unstable Warp Rift at the target location that takes 1.25 seconds to arm and then slows enemies within its area of effect by 20%. Lasts 9 seconds.
    • Armed Warp Rifts explode when hit by a Disruption Pulse, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
  • Photon Cannon (E)
    • Warp in a Photon Cannon that attacks enemies within its radius once per second. Lasts 11 seconds.
    • Must be placed within a Pylon’s Power Field. Existing Photon Cannons will deactivate if they are no longer powered by a Pylon.

Heroic Abilities

  • Pylon Overcharge (R)
    • For the next 10 seconds, Pylon Power Fields increase in size and Pylons will attack enemies within them.
    • Passive: Pylons gain a permanent Shields equal to 50% of their maximum Health.
  • Null Gate (R)
    • Project a barrier of negative energy in the target direction that lasts 4 seconds. Enemies who touch the barrier take damage and are slowed by 80% for as long as they remain in contact with it.