Level | Talent Name | Description | Cooldown |
1 | Fish Eye | Egg's Health is increased by 100%, its sight radius is increased by 300% and it can see Stealthed enemies. Passive: Spawning from his Egg increases Murky's mount speed to 45% for 5 seconds. | |
1 | Egg Hunt | Activate to place a fake Egg. If the fake Egg dies, it casts an untalented Slime. Maximum 3 fake Eggs. Passive: Spawning from his Egg grants Murky Stealth for 5 seconds. | 3 |
1 | A Fishy Deal | Killing a Minion with Pufferfish grants a stack of Bribe. Use 8 stacks to bribe a Mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Elite Mercenaries. Maximum of 32 stacks of Bribe. | |
4 | Slime Time | Quest: Slime enemy Heroes that are already Slimed. Reward: After Sliming 10 Heroes, increase Slime's bonus damage by 125. Reward: After Sliming 20 Heroes, increase Slime's slow amount to 30%. | |
4 | Tufferfish | Pufferfish gains 50 Spell Armor and deals 50% more damage to Slimed targets. | |
4 | Living the Dream | Quest: Every 15 seconds Murky is alive, he gains 5% Spell Power, up to 25%. This bonus is reset upon his death. | |
7 | Black Lagoon | Increase Slime's radius by 30%. | |
7 | Slippery When Wet | Gain 50% Movement Speed and move through units while in Safety Bubble. Additionally, Safety Bubble's cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds. | |
7 | Time to Krill | Basic Attacks against Heroes deal an additional 7 (+4% per level) damage a second and slow the target by 7% for 4 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times. | |
10 | March of the Murlocs | After 0.75 seconds, Murky commands a legion of Murlocs to march in a target direction, each one leaping onto the first enemy Hero or Structure they find. Each Murloc deals 125 (+4% per level) damage and slows its target by 15% for 5 seconds. Murlocs deal 50% damage to Structures. | 110 |
10 | Octo-Grab | Murky becomes Unstoppable and Stuns target enemy Hero for 3 seconds while he hits them for 1 damage a second. | 50 |
13 | Rejuvenating Bubble | Safety Bubble restores 40% of Murky's maximum Health. | |
13 | Egg Shell | Spawning from his Egg grants Murky a Shield equal to 100% of his maximum Health. The shield lasts indefinitely. | |
13 | Fish Tank | Murky is healed for 25% of the damage he deals with Basic Attacks and Basic Abilities. | |
16 | Toxic Buildup | Every 3rd consecutive Basic Attack against an enemy Hero causes a free Slime to be cast upon them. | |
16 | Fish Oil | The Pufferfish casts Slime at its location upon landing. | |
16 | Wrath of Cod | Heroes hit by Pufferfish take additional damage equal to 15% of their maximum Health over 5 seconds. | |
20 | Never-Ending Murlocs | March of the Murlocs can be channeled, sending little Murlocs indefinitely. | |
20 | ... And a Shark Too! | Increase the damage of Octo-Grab by 13700% (+4% per level). | |
20 | Big Tuna Kahuna | Murky's maximum Health and Egg respawn time are doubled. | |
20 | Making Inky | Reduces the cooldown of Slime from 4 seconds to 2 seconds. |
Shortcut | Ability Name | Description | Cooldown | Mana Cost |
Q | Slime | Deal 86 (+4% per level) damage and apply Slime on nearby enemies for 6 seconds, slowing them by 20%. Deal 210 (+4% per level) damage to enemies who are already Slimed. | 4 | |
W | Pufferfish | Spit out a Pufferfish with 225 (+5.5% per level) health at the target point. After 3 seconds, the fish will blow up for 410 (+4% per level) damage. Deals 50% less damage to Structures. | 15 | |
E | Safety Bubble | Becomes Invulnerable for 2 seconds. While active, Murky cannot attack or use abilities. | 14 | |
R | March of the Murlocs | After 0.75 seconds, Murky commands a legion of Murlocs to march in a target direction, each one leaping onto the first enemy Hero or Structure they find. Each Murloc deals 125 (+4% per level) damage and slows its target by 15% for 5 seconds. Murlocs deal 50% damage to Structures. | 110 | |
R | Octo-Grab | Murky becomes Unstoppable and Stuns target enemy Hero for 3 seconds while he hits them for 1 damage a second. | 50 | |
D | Spawn Egg | Place an Egg at target location, revealing the nearby area. Upon dying, Murky respawns at the Egg after 8 seconds. Murky only grants 25% of a real Hero's experience upon dying. If Murky's Egg is killed, he is revealed to enemies for 15 seconds, and Spawn Egg is placed on cooldown. | 15 |
Hero Updates
- Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel March of the Murlocs.
- Level 1
- Fish Eye [D]
- Added a range indicator for Fish Eye once the Respawn Egg has been placed.
- Fish Eye [D]
Bug Fixes
- Egg Hunt Egg is no longer killed in one hit by Structures.
- Fixed an issue that caused Fishy Deal to stack off of Possessed minions.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing Octograb's visuals to not be visible to Murky when the target is inside a Shrub and Murky is not inside the Shrub. Undocumented
Hero Updates
- Slime [Q]
- Slime will now reveal targets hit for 2 seconds.
- Pufferfish [W]
- Pufferfish will now reveal targets hit for 2 seconds.
- Spawn Egg [D]
- Murky no longer reveals in area around him after his Egg is slain.
- Octo-Grab [R2]
- Octo-Grab will now reveal the target while active, instead of for a fixed 4 seconds in a 0.75 radius.
- Octo-Grab will now reveal the target for 2 seconds when first cast.
- Octo-Grab damage target reveal updated from 0.75 radius for 1 second to target for 2 seconds. Undocumented
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused Big Tuna Kahuna's health bonuses to stack multiplicatively with other health bonuses.
- Fixed an issue that caused Time To Krill to heal the target Murky if they have selected Fish Tank.
- Fixed an issue that caused Time To Krill to not heal the applying Murky if they have selected Fish Tank.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused Living the Dream to not increase healing dealt. Undocumented
Hero Updates
- Spawn Egg [Trait]
- Health increased from 324 to 420.
- Health Scaling changed from 30 to 4% per level.
Developer Comment: We're changing Murky's Spawn Egg to have the standard 4% scaling that is present in most other places throughout the game. This is a buff to the egg's Health for most of the game, with its Health value being the same as its current level at around the Level 20 mark.
Bug Fixes
- Murky's Egg Health now properly scales at 4% per level.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused Murky A.I. to continually attempt to place an egg outside of follow leash range.
Hero Updates
- Level 4
- Slime Time [Q]
- Required number of times enemy Heroes need to be Slimed to receive quest rewards reduced from 15/30 to 10/20.
- Living the Dream [Passive]
- Maximum Spell Power bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
- Slime Time [Q]
Developer Comment: Mrrgl mrrgl mrrrrrrrgl. Mrrrrrgl! Mrgl?
Bug Fixes
- Fixed various Movement Speed bugs that had occurred with the increased Movement Speed patch.
Hero Updates
- Spawn Egg (Trait)
- Cast time reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds
- Level 4
- Living the Dream (Trait)
- Maximum stacks increased from 15 to 20%
- Living the Dream (Trait)
Bug Fixes
- Murky: Egg Hunt's Slime no longer benefits from Slime talents.
Hero Updates
- Level 13
- Fish Tank (Passive)
- New functionality:
- Murky is healed for 25% of all damage he deals with Basic Attacks and Basic Abilities
- New functionality:
- Fish Tank (Passive)
Developer Comment: We're adjusting Fish Tank to not be so binary in the situations where it is powerful. While granting 75 Physical Armor was an appropriate amount of power against the other talents on the tier, it resulted in some situations where Murky could not be killed when playing against certain enemies. We're changing the talent to be more generally useful so that Murky can get a lot of value as long as he is hitting enemies, but he can still be killed by more conventional methods.
Bug Fixes
- Murky: Fixed an issue that could cause A.I. Murky to repeatedly place Egg in the same location, even if its existing Egg was undamaged.
Bug Fixes
- Murky: Spawn Egg with the Egg Hunt Talent can now be cast correctly on Volskaya Foundry’s conveyor belts.
Bug Fixes
- Murky: Slime damage from Egg Hunt talent now scales at 4% per level, matching normal Slime scaling Undocumented
Bug Fixes
- Murky – Fixed an issue causing Murky’s Fish Eye talent to permanently reduce his mounted movement speed.
- Murky - Fixed an issue preventing Murky from gaining stealth when spawning from his Egg after learning the Egg Hunt talent.
- Murky – The Fish Eye talent will now properly reveal stealthed targets at the edge of its sight radius.
Bug Fixes
- Murky: Can now properly collect Regeneration Globes during Safety Bubble.
- Murky: Octo-Grab’s model will no longer persist on the target if Murky is Stopped in the same moment that the Ability is cast.
Bug Fixes
- Cho: Twilight Hammer will now deal damage to Murky’s Pufferfish.
- Murky: Can no longer call down a Nuke during Safety Bubble on Warhead Junction.
Hero Updates
- Level 1
- Egg Hunt (D)
- Cooldown reduced from 6 to 3 seconds
- Fish Eye (D)
- Vision bonus increased from 200 to 300%
- Egg Hunt (D)
- Level 4
- Tufferfish (W)
- Bonus damage increased from 35 to 50%
- Tufferfish (W)
- Level 7
- Slippery When Wet (E)
- Movement Speed bonus increased from 40 to 50%
- Now also reduces the cooldown of Safety Bubble by 2 seconds
- Slippery When Wet (E)
- Level 13
- Fish Tank (Passive)
- Armor duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds
- Fish Tank (Passive)
- Level 16
- Wrath of Cod (W)
- Damage increased from 10 to 15% of maximum Health
- Wrath of Cod (W)
Developer Comments: These tuning changes were made to add a greater variety of viable Talent builds. Overall each of these Talents weren’t performing to Murloc-Standard-Efficiency (MSE), so they’ve been buffed up to regulations.
Hero Updates
- Murky Base Maximum Health reduced from 761 to 730
- Base Health Regeneration reduced from 30.43 to 29.20
- Slime (Q)
- Slow duration reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
- Slime slow amount reduced from 25 to 20%
- March of the Murlocs (R)
- Cooldown increased from 80 to 110 seconds
- Level 1
- A Fishy Deal (Active)
- Number of Bribe stacks needed to bribe a Mercenary increased from 7 to 8
- Maximum stacks increased from 30 to 32
- Egg Hunt (Trait)
- Vision range of Fake Eggs reduced by 1
- A Fishy Deal (Active)
- Level 4
- Slime Time (Q)
- Slow reduced from 35 to 30%
- Slime Time (Q)
- Level 7
- Slippery When Wet (E)
- Movement Speed bonus increased from 35 to 40%
- Time to Krill (Passive)
- Slow reduced from 8 to 7%
- Slippery When Wet (E)
- Level 13
- Rejuvenating Bubble (E)
- Healing reduced from 50 to 40% of maximum Health
- Rejuvenating Bubble (E)
Developer Comments: Murky slimed his way back to the top of the Nexus, and we’re all still cleaning the gunk out of our shoes as a result. His release pushed him much further than intended, so we’re targeting a series of nerfs at some of the frustrating aspects of the Hero. Overall, his effectiveness will be less reliable, and his ability to slow and zone opponents will be less powerful. Nerrrrfgggle Mrrggl.
Hero Updates
- Base Maximum Health increased from 635 to 761
- Base Health regeneration increased from 25.36 to 30.43 per second Undocumented
- Spawn Egg (D)
- Resurrect time while Murky's Egg is active increased from 5 to 8 seconds
- Slime (Q)
- Slow amount increased from 20 to 25%
- Pufferfish (W)
- Now deals 50% damage to Structures
- Pufferfish can now be targeted by Structures
- Pufferfish now has 225 Health and takes damage from Abilities
- Explosion radius increased by 50%
- Now scales at 5.5% additional health per level, instead of the standard 4%
- March of the Murlocs (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 100 to 80 seconds
- Increased the Movement Speed of the tiny murlocs by 30%
- Level 1
- Fish Tank (Passive)
- Moved to level 13
- Redesigned: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant Murky 75 Basic Attack Armor for 2 seconds
- Bubble Breeze (E)
- Renamed to Slippery When Wet
- Moved to level 7
- Increased the Movement Speed bonus from 20% to 35%
- Now also allows Murky to pass through enemies while Safety Bubble is active
- Assault Egg (D)
- Renamed to Fish Eye
- Bonus Health reduced from 150% to 100%
- Sight Radius bonus increased from 150% to 200%
- Now reveals Stealthed enemies
- Now increases Murky's Mounted Movement Speed to 45% for 5 seconds after spawning
- Bribe (Active)
- Removed
- New Talent: Egg Hunt (Active)
- Activate to place a fake Egg. If the fake Egg dies, it casts Slime. Maximum 3 fake Eggs. 6 second cooldown
- Upon spawning from an Egg, Murky is Stealthed for 5 seconds
- New Talent: A Fishy Deal (Active)
- Killing an enemy Minion with Pufferfish grants 1 stack of Bribe. Use 5 Bribe stacks to capture a single Mercenary. Maximum of 20 stacks
- Stacks required to gain a charge of Bribe increased from 5 to 7
- Maximum charge count increased from 20 to 30
- Killing an enemy Minion with Pufferfish grants 1 stack of Bribe. Use 5 Bribe stacks to capture a single Mercenary. Maximum of 20 stacks
- Fish Tank (Passive)
- Level 4
- Bigger Slime (Q)
- Moved to level 7
- Renamed to Black Lagoon
- Tufferfish (W)
- Redesigned: Now causes Pufferfish to deal 35% more damage to Slimed targets, and it gains 50 Spell Armor
- Envenom (Active)
- Removed
- Living The Dream (Passive)
- No longer passively grants Ability Power
- Instead of granting 1% Ability Power every 5 seconds, now grants 5% Ability Power every 15 seconds. Max 15% bonus Ability Power.
- New Talent: Slime Time (Q)
- Quest: Slime enemy Heroes that are already Slimed
- Reward: After Sliming 15 Slimed Heroes, increase Slime's bonus damage by 125. This damage does not scale with level.
- Reward: After Sliming 30 Slimed Heroes, increase Slime's slow amount to 35%
- Bigger Slime (Q)
- Level 7
- Slime Advantage (Q)
- Removed
- Hindering Slime (Q)
- Removed
- Compressed Air (W)
- Removed
- Clairvoyance (Active)
- Removed
- New Talent: Time to Krill (Passive)
- Basic Attacks against Heroes deal an additional 8 damage per second and Slow the target’s Movement Speed by 10% for 5 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times
- Damage per second reduced from 8 to 7
- Duration reduced from 5 to 4 seconds
- Slow amount reduced from 10% to 8% per stack
- Basic Attacks against Heroes deal an additional 8 damage per second and Slow the target’s Movement Speed by 10% for 5 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times
- Slime Advantage (Q)
- Level 13
- Continuous Slime (Q)
- Renamed to Making Inky
- Moved to level 20
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 2 seconds
- Wrath of Cod (W)
- Moved to level 16
- New Functionality:
- Pufferfish deals bonus damage to Heroes equal to 10% of their maximum Health over 5 seconds
- Bubble Machine (E)
- Removed
- Hidden Assault (D)
- Removed
- New Talent: Egg Shell (D)
- Respawning from an Egg grants Murky a Shield equal to 100% of his maximum Health. This Shield lasts indefinitely
- Continuous Slime (Q)
- Level 16
- Slimy End (Q)
- Removed
- Rejuvenating Bubble (E)
- Moved to level 13
- Blood for Blood (Active)
- Removed
- New Talent: Toxic Buildup (Q)
- Attacking an enemy Hero 3 times causes a Slime to cast from their position
- Slimy Pufferfish (W)
- Renamed to Fish Oil
- Slimy End (Q)
- Level 20
- Rewind (Active)
- Removed
- Bolt of the Storm (Active)
- Removed
- Never-Ending Murlocs (R)
- Redesigned: March of the Murlocs can now be channeled indefinitely
- New Talent: Big Tuna Kahuna (Trait)
- Murky's maximum Health and Egg respawn times are doubled.
- Rewind (Active)
Developer Comment: Mrrgrgrlgrl! Rise my brother murlocs! Mrrrgrgrlrlgrl! Vengeance will be ours! In examining Murky, his original health and egg timers are vestiges of a different time, created before even Jaina entered the Nexus. We wanted to give him more base health to make him a little harder to burst down, but traded it for a little longer time to respawn from his Egg. This has the added bonus of allowing a bit more counter-play to hunting our fishy friend. We also wanted to adjust Pufferfish, as an increasingly high amount of the roster could immediately explode it. Finally, his talent tree has been updated to come in line with our new philosophies. We’ve not only found this Murky much more fun to play as, with some exciting talents in each tier, but also more fair to fight against! Mrrgrgrlgrl!
Level (Tier) | Murky Talents | |||
1 (1) | Fish Eye (Trait) | Egg Hunt (Active) | A Fishy Deal (Active) | |
4 (2) | (!)Slime Time (Q) | Tufferfish (W) | (!)Living the Dream (Passive) | |
7 (3) | Black Lagoon (Q) | Slippery When Wet (E) | Time to Krill (Passive) | |
10 (4) | March of the Murlocs (R) | Octo-Grab (R) | — | — |
13 (5) | Rejuvenating Bubble (E) | Fish Tank (Passive) | Egg Shell (Trait) | |
16 (6) | Toxic Buildup (Q) | Fish Oil (W) | Wrath of Cod (W) | |
20 (7) | Never-Ending Murlocs (R) | ...And a Shark Too! (R) | Big Tuna Kahuna (Trait) | Making Inky (Q) |
- (!) indicates a Questing Talent.
- Italic text indicates a NEW Talent.
- Bold text indicates a MOVED Talent.
Bug Fixes
- Auriel: A.I. Auriel can no longer cast Resurrect on Murky after he has already revived at his Egg.
- Braxis Holdout: The Archangel will no longer leave its leash range to attack a nearby Murky Egg.
Hero Updates
- Slime (Q)
- Damage increased from 82 to 86
- Pufferfish (W)
- Damage increased from 390 to 410
Developer Comments: “Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle!” Translated, that means he’s getting a 5% buff to most of his damage, but expect to see larger Talent changes in the early part of next year.
Bug Fixes
- Damage Reduction: When two damage reduction effects, such as Resistant (25%) and Hardened Shield (75%), are simultaneously applied to a Hero, the larger effect will no longer be overridden by the lesser effect.
Hero Updates
- Octo-Grab (R)
- Murky is now Unstoppable while casting Octo-Grab
- Killing Murky now immediately cancels the Octo-Grab effect
Bug Fixes
- Murky: The camera will no longer automatically snap to Murky’s Egg location if he is killed with camera follow enabled.
- Nazeebo: Zombie Wall will no longer attack Murky’s Pufferfish.
- Xul: Skeletal Warriors will no longer attack Murky's Pufferfish if it is in their path.
- New Functionality:
- Nearby Minion kills grant 1 stack of Bribe. Spend 20 charges to instantly defeat a non-Boss Mercenary. 100 Charges maximum.
- Raynor’s Raiders' Recruitment Talent also increased to 100 maximum charges.
- Viking Bribery Talent increased to 200 charges maximum, but each use costs 40 charges.
- If a Mercenary Camp is completely captured using Bribe, the camp respawns 50% faster.
- Nearby Minion kills grant 1 stack of Bribe. Spend 20 charges to instantly defeat a non-Boss Mercenary. 100 Charges maximum.
Bug Fixes
- Murky’s Egg will no longer be destroyed if Murky is Stuck by Tracer’s Pulse Bomb, but killed before the Pulse Bomb explodes.
- When Murky’s Pufferfish is cast in a Bush or Vent, its explosion radius will now briefly appear to enemies with its area of effect before the Pufferfish explodes.
Bug Fixes
- Murky’s Egg location will no longer be revealed if he is killed by Tracer’s Melee Ability.
Hero Updates
- Block (Talent) renamed to Fishtank
- Fishtank provides 2 Block charges. Each charge reduces damage taken from the next incoming Basic Attack by 50%
- March of the Murlocs (R)
- Damage increased from 19 (+4% per level) to 25 (+4% per level)
Design & Gameplay
- Damage dealt by splash and cleave attacks will no longer trigger effects that would otherwise require a direct attack to trigger (ex: Block, Spell Shield, Imposing Presence, etc.)
- Block charges are now tracked in the buff bar next to the Hero portrait, and a timer has been added to show the time remaining until a new charge is generated.
Bug Fixes
- Murky’s Egg will no longer briefly display on the minimap if he is killed by Nova’s Pinning Shot.
- Murky’s Pufferfish should now be easier to click when attempting to destroy it with Basic Attacks
Bug Fixes
- Artanis’ Purifier Beam will no longer track Murky back to his Egg if Murky was killed just as the Ability was cast.
Design & Gameplay
Summoned Unit Attacks
- Summoned unit Basic Attacks will now miss if that Summon is Blinded or the target is Evading.
- Summoned unit Basic Attacks will no longer consume Block Talent stacks.
Bug Fixes
- The visual and sound effects for Murky’s Octo-Grab will no longer persist if the target is killed at the same moment that the Ability is cast.
Bolt of the Storm
Developer Comments: We love this talent and think it can create a lot of really interesting moments, but the cooldown was just too short. At 70 seconds we think this talent is still a great level 20 pick, but now players will have to be more strategic with how they use it. Forcing someone to use their Bolt to avoid a gank can now be a meaningful moment with this increased cooldown. We hope this also entices players towards choosing their Heroic upgrades instead of Bolt when the situation calls for it.
- Cooldown increased from 40 to 70 seconds
Seasoned Marksman
Developer Comments: Overall, we like the way Seasoned Marksman is playing but wanted to tune up its effectiveness to reward those able to secure a healthy number of takedowns, while simultaneously tuning the talent up due to prior changes. Ideally, this will become a great talent pick when facing The Lost Vikings or Murky players.
- Stacks earned by killing enemy Heroes increased from 2 to 3
- Only Minions, captured enemy Mercenaries, and Heroes will grant stacks upon death
Bug Fixes
- Murky can no longer use Pufferfish to permanently reveal parts of the fog of war before the match starts.
Bug Fixes
- Abathur will no longer receive the death overlay, nor be automatically teleported back to the allied Hall of Storms, after an Ultimate Evolution Murky clone is killed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Murky to become briefly unresponsive if Octo-grab becomes interrupted just before casting completes.
Bug Fixes
- Murky can no longer move or cast Abilities throughout Octo-grab’s duration.
Blood for Blood
- No longer slows the target
- Damage decreased from 15% to 10% of the target’s maximum Health
- Heal amount increased from 100% to 200% of damage dealt
- Duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds, but damage has not been changed
Hero Updates
- Living the Dream (Talent)
- Initial Ability Power bonus decreased from 10% to 5%
- Slime (Q)
- Damage increased from 55 (+6 per level) to 56 (+6.2 per level)
- Pufferfish (W)
- Damage increased from 130 (+35 per level) to 134 (+36 per level)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Murky’s Egg from being placed on diagonal paths.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could allow Kael'thas Living Bomb to kill both Murky and his Egg.
- Now breaks units within its radius out of Stealth, rather than revealing them
Hero Updates
- Spawn Egg (Trait)
- Murky now spawns into the game with an Egg automatically placed in the Hall of Storms.
- If both Murky and his Egg are killed, a new Egg will be automatically placed in the Hall of Storms once he respawns.
- Spawn Egg will not be placed on cooldown in either of the above scenarios.
Blood for Blood
- This Talent has received a visual update. It should now be much easier to identify both the target and caster of Blood for Blood.
Hero Updates
- Health Regeneration increased from 5 (+0.125 per level) to 10 (+2.4 per level)
- New Talent (Level 4): Living the Dream!
- Grants 10% Ability Power, and an additional 1% Ability Power for every 5 seconds that Murky is alive, up to a total of 25% Ability Power. Resets upon death.
- Spawn Egg (D)
- Murky’s Egg no longer grants experience to the enemy team or counts as half of a normal Hero Death.
- Cooldown reduced from 20 to 15 seconds
- Egg Health increased from 105 (+15 per level) to 110 (+30 per level)
- Assault Egg (Talent)
- Bonus to Egg Health reduced from 200% to 150%
- Slime (Q)
- Slime's stacking damage now applies to Unstoppable units (such as the Grave Golem).
- Pufferfish (W)
- Casting time reduced by 75%
Design & Gameplay
- Abathur's Ultimate Evolution clones, Murky, and The Lost Vikings’ deaths are now represented in 0.25 increments on score screens, as killing them awards 25% of the normal XP amount earned by killing another hero.
- All Heroes (including Murky and The Lost Vikings) now count as full credit toward Talents which require Hero kills (such as Gathering Power).
- Has been moved from Level 13 to Level 20
- Has been removed from many Heroes
- Found on the following Heroes:
- Anub'arak, Arthas, Brightwing, Nova, Malfurion, Muradin, Murky, Tassadar, Tyrande, Rehgar, Zeratul
Swift Storm has been removed
Hero Updates
- Murky will now lose Kill Streak flames any time he is killed, even if an Egg has been placed prior to death.
- Gathering Power (Talent) removed
- Spawn Egg (Trait)
- Egg placement cooldown reduced from 45 to 20 seconds
- The amount of time Murky is revealed after his Egg is killed has been increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
- Spawn Egg’s placement cooldown after Murky’s Egg is destroyed has been decreased from 20 to 15 seconds.
- Pufferfish (W)
- Slimy Pufferfish (Talent) moved from Level 7 to Level 16
- Compressed Air (Talent) moved from Level 13 to Level 7
- Wrath of Cod (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 13
- Safety Bubble (E)
- Rejuvenation Bubble (Talent)
- Now restores 50% Health, rather than all Health
- Rejuvenation Bubble (Talent)
Bug Fixes
- Internal text will no longer display when Azmodan's Demons kill Murky's Egg.
- Lighting issues will no longer occur when Murky is revived at an Egg placed in the Haunted Mines.
Bug Fixes
- Bolt of the Storm and Zeratul’s Blink can no longer be cast while rooted.
Bug Fixes
- Activating the Rewind Talent will no longer refresh cooldowns for certain activated Traits.
- Now refreshes all Basic Ability cooldowns rather than reducing them by 10 seconds
- Cooldown increased from 60 to 90 seconds
Bug Fixes
- Murky's Octo-Grab now properly reveals the target throughout its duration.
- The damage over time component of Murky’s March of the Murlocs is now properly paused, and the movement speed reduction effect of the Ability removed, when the target becomes invulnerable.
Bug Fixes
- If Murky’s Egg is destroyed at the exact time he would have respawned, he will now respawn at the Egg’s former location.
- Murky no longer benefits from the Zagara’s Creep Tumor Movement Speed bonus.
Hero Updates
- Promote (Talent)
- Has been removed from Murky
- Spawn Egg (D)
- Assault Egg (Talent)
- Moved from Level 4 to Level 1
- Now also increases Egg Health by 200%, and provides a large vision radius around the Egg
- Hidden Assault (Talent)
- Vision radius around Egg has been removed
- Now provides a 20% Movement Speed bonus for 5 seconds after Murky respawns from his Egg
- Assault Egg (Talent)
- Slime (Q)
- The damage-over-time component of Slime has been removed, and Slime now only deals damage on impact.
- Targets hit by Slime now have a “Slimed” debuff applied for 8 seconds.
- Targets with the Slimed debuff will take 250% damage from successive Slimes.
- Damage is now 55 (+6 per level)
- New Talent (Level 7): Hindering Slime
- Slow amount applied by Slime increased from 20% to 30%
- New Talent (Level 13): Continuous Slime
- Slime cooldown decreased from 4 to 3 seconds
- Slime Advantage (Talent)
- Basic Attack damage bonus increased from 50% to 100%
- Pufferfish (W)
- Damage increased from 100 (+25 per level) to 130 (+35 per level)
- Explosion timer reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
- New Talent (Level 7): Slimy Pufferfish
- Pufferfish now Slimes the location in which it lands.
- Wrath of Cod (Talent)
- Now deals double damage to Slimed targets
- Safety Bubble (E)
- New Talent (Level 16): Rejuvenating Bubble
- Safety Bubble restores all of Murky’s Health throughout its duration.
- New Talent (Level 16): Rejuvenating Bubble
- Octo-Grab (R)
- Cooldown increased from 40 to 50 seconds
- March of the Murlocs (R)
- Movement Speed of Murlocs spawned by March of the Murlocs has been increased from 2.5 to 3.25.
Bug Fixes
- Heroes are no longer automatically dismounted when attempting to cast Envenom on a target that is out of range.
- Murky will no longer instantly respawn in base if he is killed just before his Egg is destroyed.
- Murky’s Octo-Grab Heroic Ability now appropriately receives a reduced cooldown timer if it does not cast properly.
- Has been moved from Level 7 to Level 1
New Talent (Level 4): Gathering Power
- Passively grants +8% Ability Power
- Each Hero takedown grants an additional 2% Ability Power, up to a maximum of 12%. This bonus is lost on death.
- Has been moved from Level 16 to Level 13
With the addition of Artifacts, the following generic Talents have been removed:
- Minion Killer
- Path of the Assassin
- Path of the Warrior
- Path of the Wizard
Hero Updates
- Demolitionist (Talent) has been removed.
- Spell Shield (Talent) has been removed.
- Spawn Egg (Trait)
- Assault Egg (Talent)
- No longer reduces the cooldown for Spawn Egg
- Now increases Murky’s Mount and Movement Speed by 20% for 5 seconds after respawning
- Assault Egg (Talent)
- Slime (Q)
- Slimy End (Talent)
- Moved from Level 4 to Level 7
- Slimy End (Talent)
- Pufferfish (W)
- No longer deals bonus damage to Structures
- Cooldown increased from 9 to 15 seconds
- Cast range decreased from 10 to 7
- Damage increased from 90 to 100
- Damage gained per level increased from 10 to 25
- Area of effect increased from 2.5 to 3
- Basic Attacks required to disarm a Pufferfish increased from 2 to 3
- Out With A Bang (Talent) has been removed
- Pufferfish School (Talent) has been removed
- Tufferfish (Talent)
- Moved from Level 13 to Level 7
- Wrath of Cod (Talent)
- Pufferfish now deals 50% more Damage to non-Structure targets.
- Moved from Level 7 to Level 13
- Safety Bubble (E)
- Beneath Contempt (Talent) has been removed.
- March of the Murlocs (R)
- Now only deals 50% damage to Structures
- Slow amount increased from 10% to 15%
- Maximum slow amount increased from 70% to 90%
- Octo-Grab (R)
- Cooldown increased from 30 to 40 seconds
Bug Fixes
- Murky no longer instantly respawns when he and his Egg are destroyed simultaneously.
- Murky’s deaths are now appropriately recorded on the Tab screen when his Egg is destroyed before Murky respawns.
- Murlocs created by Murky’s March of the Murlocs ability can no longer attach to or damage destructible barrels.
- Ammo destruction reduced from 2 to 1 per Basic Attack to compensate for Attack Speed changes.
Minion Killer
- Now also deals 25% additional damage to Summons.
Hero Updates
- Murky is now revealed and his current location is pinged on the minimap for 10 seconds following the death of his Egg.
- Killing Murky now awards 25% of the normal experience amount earned by killing another Hero.
- Killing Murky’s Egg now awards 50% of the normal experience amount earned by killing a Hero.
- Slime
- Duration reduced from 8 to 6 seconds.
- Damage over time increased from 5 to 7 per second
- Slimy End (Talent)
- Has been moved from level 7 to level 4
- New Talent (Level 13): Slime Advantage
- Increases Basic Attack damage against targets affected by Slime by 50%
- New Talent (Level 16): Master of Slime
- Increases Slime’s duration by 2 seconds.
- Slime now deals increased damage upon reapplication.
- Pufferfish
- Explosion delay reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
- Explosion damage changed from 87 to 90
- Damage gained per level reduced from 13 to 10
- Out with a Bang (Talent)
- Has been moved from level 4 to level 7
- New Talent (Level 16): Compressed Air
- Increases Pufferfish area of effect by 50%
- Safety Bubble
- Bubble Breeze (Talent)
- Has been moved from level 13 to level 1.
- Bubble Breeze (Talent)
- Octo-Grab
- Cooldown reduced from 45 to 30 seconds.
- If Murky is killed while using Octo-Grab, its stun effect will now persist through the ability's full duration, but will not continue to damage the target.
- March of the Murlocs
- Cooldown increased from 80 to 100 seconds
- Slow amount reduced from 15% to 10% per stack
- Maximum slow amount reduced from 90% to 70%
- Murloc Movement Speed decreased by 25%
- Casting width has been increased, but the number of Murlocs spawned is unchanged
New Hero
- Murky has been added to Heroes of the Storm and is now available for play!
- Now also increases basic attack damage dealt to structures by 10%
- Now stores up to 2 charges
Swift Storm
- Hearthstone cast time reduction has been removed.
- New effect: Taking damage no longer causes the hero to dismount