Level Talent Name Description Cooldown
1 Fetid Touch Basic Attacks become ranged and Slow enemies by 20% for 1.5 seconds, but deal 35% less damage. This effect can be toggled. Quest: Hit Heroes with Weighted Pustule. Reward: After hitting 15 Heroes, reduce the cooldown of Weighted Pustule by 5 seconds and remove its Mana cost.
1 Low Blow Lurking Arm deals 100% more damage to enemy Heroes below 50% Health and persists for 1 second after it is canceled.
1 Reactive Ballistospores While below 50% Health, the cooldown of Bio-Kill Switch refreshes 100% faster. Activate to instantly spread a Weighted Pustule to all nearby enemy Heroes and reset the cooldown of Bio-Kill Switch. This effect has a 75 second cooldown. 75
4 One Good Spread... After a Healing Pathogen infests 3 targets, restore 10 Mana and reduce the cooldown of Healing Pathogen by 2 seconds.
4 Biotic Armor Healing Pathogen grants 10 Physical Armor to targets while active on them. Detonating Bio-Kill Switch increases this bonus to 50 for 2.5 seconds.
4 Vigorous Reuptake Bio-Kill Switch heals for 30% more when detonating 3 or more Healing Pathogens.
7 The Long Pitch Increase the range of Weighted Pustule by 50%. Detonating 2 or more Weighted Pustules causes Stukov's Bio-Kill Switch and Basic Ability cooldowns to recharge 100% faster for 4 seconds.
7 Growing Infestation Lurking Arm's area expands by 50% over 2.5 seconds, but it cannot be Channeled for longer than 3 seconds.
7 Targeted Excision Detonating exactly 1 Weighted Pustule (but any number of Healing Pathogens) with Bio-Kill Switch reduces the cooldown of Bio-Kill Switch to 7 seconds and other Basic Abilities by 1.5 seconds.
10 Flailing Swipe Swipe 3 times in front of Stukov over 1.75 seconds, dealing 48 (+4% per level) damage to enemies hit and knocking them away. Each swipe is larger than the previous. 60
10 Massive Shove Extend Stukov's arm. If it hits an enemy Hero, they are rapidly shoved until they collide with terrain, dealing 190 (+4% per level) damage and Stunning them for 0.5 seconds. Stukov gains 50 Armor while shoving an enemy. 20
13 It Hungers Increase the range of Lurking Arm by 30%. If Lurking Arm damages enemy Heroes 8 times, its cooldown is reset and its Mana cost is refunded.
13 Virulent Reaction Detonating a Weighted Pustule on an enemy who is inside of Lurking Arm Roots them for 1.5 seconds.
13 Poppin' Pustules Detonating Weighted Pustule with Bio-Kill Switch within 1.5 seconds of its expiration increases its damage by 150% and applies its damage and Slow in an area. Enemy Heroes hit have a Weighted Pustule applied to them.
16 Superstrain Whenever an ally with Healing Pathogen is Stunned or Rooted, they are instantly healed for 300 (+4% per level) Health.
16 Universal Carrier Healing Pathogen can continually spread through Stukov, but its healing is reduced by 25%.
16 Pox Populi Bio-Kill Switch no longer removes Healing Pathogen but instead sets its duration to 3 seconds.
20 Controlled Chaos Flailing Swipe gains 2 additional charges, but each use only swings 1 time, at maximum range. Additionally, its cooldown is decreased to 25 seconds, and its Mana cost is reduced from 60 to 25.
20 Push Comes To Shove Massive Shove Slows its target by 50% for 4 seconds upon colliding with terrain. If Massive Shove pushes a target for more than 1.25 seconds, its cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.
20 Top Off Healing Pathogen's heal over time is increased by 30% while its target is above 60% Health.
20 Bio-Explosion Switch Bio-Kill Switch now also detonates Lurking Arm, dealing 230 (+4% per level) damage, applying a Weighted Pustule, and Silencing enemy Heroes inside for 2.5 seconds.
Shortcut Ability Name Description Cooldown Mana Cost
Q Healing Pathogen Infest an allied Hero with a Healing Pathogen that heals the target for 222 (+4% per level) Health over 4.5 seconds. Healing Pathogens can spread to a nearby allied Hero every 0.75 seconds. Each cast of Healing Pathogen can only spread to each allied Hero 1 time. 10 40
W Weighted Pustule Hurl a pustule that impacts all enemy Heroes in its path, dealing 20 (+4% per level) damage and Slowing by 5%, increasing to 50% over 3 seconds. Deals an additional 88 (+4% per level) damage upon expiring or being removed. 10 50
E Lurking Arm Channel at a target location, creating an area that deals 136 (+4% per level) damage per second to non-Structure enemies and Silences them. Deals 50% reduced damage to non-Heroes. Does not cost Mana while Channeling, and lasts until canceled or interrupted. 10 60
R Massive Shove Extend Stukov's arm. If it hits an enemy Hero, they are rapidly shoved until they collide with terrain, dealing 190 (+4% per level) damage and Stunning them for 0.5 seconds. Stukov gains 50 Armor while shoving an enemy. 20 50
R Flailing Swipe Swipe 3 times in front of Stukov over 1.75 seconds, dealing 48 (+4% per level) damage to enemies hit and knocking them away. Each swipe is larger than the previous. 60 60
D Bio-Kill Switch Activate to detonate all of Stukov's Viruses. Each Healing Pathogen heals its target for 435 (+4% per level) Health, and each Weighted Pustule does 100 (+4% per level) damage and Slows its target by 70% for 2 seconds. Can be cast while Channeling Lurking Arm. 16


2024-08-12 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Massive Shove to launch from Stukov's origin point.

2024-05-21 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Quickcast Settings
    • Removed Cancel Lurking Arm.


  • Level 1
    • Reactive Ballistospores [W]
      • Added a health indicator.

Bug Fixes

  • Fetid Touch's ranged attack no longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.

2024-02-06 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Weighted Pustule to not display a damage preview.

2023-11-16 Patch Notes

Hero Updates

  • Difficulty updated from Medium to Hard.


  • Level 1
    • Reactive Ballistospores [Active]
      • Reactive Ballistospores is now considered an active talent, instead of a Weighted Pustule talent.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Reactive Ballistospores to not be reset correctly by Try Mode, Sandbox reset cooldowns.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Reactive Ballistospores to deal more damage than intended when applying Weighted Pustule.

2022-02-01 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Fetid Touch [W]
      • Ranged damage reduction reduced from 40% to 35%.
      • Quest completion Hero hits required reduced from 20 to 15.
    • Low Blow [E]
      • Bonus damage reduced from 125% to 100%.
  • Level 7
    • The Long Pitch [W]
      • Cooldown reduction duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
    • Growing Infestation [E]
      • Maximum channel duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.
    • Targeted Excision [D]
      • Bio-Kill Switch set cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds.
  • Level 13
    • It Hungers [E]
      • Hero damage instances needed to proc cooldown reduction and Mana refund increased from 6 to 8.

Developer Comment: It's not a Heroes' patch if we're not changing Stukov. We view the Lurking Arm talents as an easier talent path than The Long Pitch or Targeted Excision, so we're shifting some power to better reward Stukov mastery.

2021-12-07 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Vitals
    • Health reduced from 1850 to 1835.
    • Health regeneration reduced from 3.85 to 3.82.


  • Bio-Kill Switch [Q]
    • Healing reduced from 450 to 435.

Developer Comment: Stukov's level 1 talents have seen an influx of strength over the last couple months, and everything has a cost.

2021-09-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Fetid Touch [W]
      • Slow amount of Basic Attacks increased from 15% to 20%.
      • Reduction of Basic Attack damage while in Ranged Mode from 50% to 40%.
    • Reactive Ballistospores [W]
      • Search range of Talent activation reduced by 20%.
      • Bio-Kill Switch cooldown reduction while below 50% Health reduced from 150% to 100%.
      • Cooldown increased from 60 to 75 seconds.
    • Low Blow [E]
      • Bonus damage to Heroes below 50% Health increased from 100% to 125%.
  • Level 13
    • It Hungers [E]
      • Bonus cast range increased from 20 to 30%.
      • Hero damage instances needed to proc cooldown reduction and Mana refund decreased from 8 to 6.
  • Level 16
    • Universal Carrier [Q]
      • Healing Pathogen Healing reduction decreased from 40% to 25%.
    • Superstrain [Q]
      • Healing from being Stunned or Rooted increased from 250 to 300.

Developer Comment: Reactive Ballistospores is just too strong in its current form, completely dominating his tier 1 choices. We are making some adjustments to it in order to help level out the talent tier while also buffing some other under-performing Talents throughout his tree.

2021-07-20 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Fetid Touch [W]
      • Additional functionality: Ranged attacks and Melee attacks are now toggleable with an active.

Developer Comment: We greatly appreciate and agree on the feedback of us combining Spine Launcher with Fetid Touch last patch. To give player's back control, we have made the Talent grant the ability to toggle between both ranged or melee attack modes.

2021-06-21 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Bio-Kill Switch now has a 0.0625 second cooldown between uses Undocumented
  • Fetid Touch now has ranged Basic Attack sound and animations previously used by Spine Launcher Undocumented
  • It Hungers now resets its counter when Lurking Arm is cast Undocumented
  • Reactive Ballistospores cooldown is no longer increased by the number of seconds equal to your Death Timer Undocumented

2021-06-15 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Fetid Touch [W]
      • Additional functionality: Basic Attacks become ranged and Slow enemies by 15% for 1.5 seconds but deal 50% less damage.
    • Reactive Ballistospores [Active]
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • Activate: Instantly spread a Weighted Pustule to all nearby enemy Heroes (60 Second cooldown).
        • Passive: While below 50% maximum Health, Bio Kill-Switch cooldown refreshes 150% faster.
    • Low Blow [E]
      • Additional functionality: Lurking Arm persists for an additional 1 second after it is cancelled.
    • Spine Launcher [Passive]
      • Removed.
  • Level 4
    • Biotic Armor [Q]
      • Physical Armor from activating Bio-Kill Switch from 75 to 50.
  • Level 7
    • Targeted Excision [D]
      • Activating Bio Kill-Switch while exactly 1 enemy Hero is affected by Weighted Pustule now sets your Bio Kill-Switch to 8 seconds instead of 5.
  • Level 13
    • Lingering Spines [E]
      • Removed.
    • Virulent Reaction [D]
      • Root duration from 2 to 1.5 seconds.

Developer Comment: Stukov had a couple of fun talents that were being overshadowed by stronger and/or more synergistic ones. We didn't want to lose their flavor, so we baked their current functionality into existing talents that were in need of a little love themselves.

2021-01-19 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Fetid Touch [W]
      • Number of enemy Heroes hit for final quest requirement reduced from 30 to 25.
    • Reactive Ballistospores [W]
      • Cooldown increased from 15 to 25 seconds.
    • Low Blow [E]
      • Health threshold for bonus damage increased from 30% to 50%.
  • Level 4
    • Biotic Armor [Q]
      • Armor amount reduced from 15 to 10.
  • Level 13
    • It Hungers [E]
      • Number of enemy Hero hits required reduced from 10 to 8.

Developer Comment: Some of Stukov's talents have been too inconsistent to be considered viable, so we're making some small buffs to them in order to increase their competitiveness. We're also reducing the strength of some of his overperforming talents to keep his overall power in check.

2020-04-14 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Weighted Pustule was removed by Unstoppable.

2020-03-11 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Health increased from 1765 to 1850.
  • Health Regeneration increased from 3.68 to 3.85.


  • Weighted Pustule [W]
    • Damage when expiring increased from 80 to 88.

Developer Comment: Stukov is underperforming a bit compared to other Healers, and his talents are in a fairly good place right now. To help him out, we're beefing up some of his base stats, which should allow him to better trade with enemy Heroes and apply more pressure to the enemy team.

2020-01-22 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 20
    • Bio-Explosion Switch [Trait]
      • Silence duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
      • Additional functionality: Detonating Lurking Arm also deals 230 damage to enemies caught in its explosion.

Developer Comment: Bio-Explosion Switch has always been in a bit of an awkward spot due to the opportunity cost of ending Lurking Arm early. To make the talent more obviously powerful, we're adding some significant damage to the explosion and a larger Silence duration to the detonation to make up for the fact that Stukov's Lurking Arm goes away when the explosion happens. Now, if Stukov players properly detonate the Lurking Arm right as their enemies are leaving it, they should have a significant benefit when taking this talent.

2019-08-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 10
    • Flailing Swipe [R1]
      • Cooldown reduced from 80 to 60 seconds.
      • Mana cost reduced from 80 to 60.
  • Level 20
    • Controlled Chaos [R1]
      • Cooldown of Flailing Swipe changed from 30 to 25 seconds.
      • Mana cost of Flailing Swipe changed from 30 to 25.

Developer Comment: We're buffing Flailing Swipe to be a more viable option compared to Massive Shove. With this reduced cooldown, Stukov should feel more free to peel for his teammates between team fights without risking Flailing Swipe being on cooldown during the next engagement.

2019-05-22 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Fetid Touch [W]
      • Additional functionality: After hitting 15 enemy Heroes with Weighted Pustule, remove half of its Mana cost
  • Level 7
    • Targeted Excision [Trait]
      • Additional functionality: Also reduces the cooldowns of Stukov's Basic Abilities by 1.5 seconds
  • Level 13
    • It Hungers [E]
      • Enemy Heroes hit required reduced from 12 to 10
    • Poppin' Pustules [Trait]
      • Additional functionality: Enemies hit by the explosion also have a Weighted Pustule applied to them
  • Level 16
    • Universal Carrier [Q]
      • Healing reduction on Healing Pathogen reduced from 50% to 40%

Developer Comment: We're making some quality of life changes to some of Stukov's talents to make them better. Targeted Excision in particular suffered from some awkwardness where when used properly, the cooldown of Bio-Kill Switch would often be lower than the cooldowns of his Healing Pathogen and Weighted Pustule, which made part of its benefit meaningless. This change should make its 5-second cooldown more important, as he can use his other abilities sooner after his initial cast of Bio-Kill Switch.

2019-04-17 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • We've adjusted Stukov's Level 1 talents to be positioned in the same order as other heroes (ex. Q talents on top, then W then E)
  • Level 1
    • Reactive Ballistospores (W)
      • Moved from Level 13
      • Cooldown increased from 10 to 15 seconds
  • Level 4
    • Biotic Armor (Q)
      • Armor bonus when detonating Bio-Kill switch increased from 50 to 75
  • Level 10
    • Flailing Swipe (R1)
      • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 80
  • Level 13
    • Poppin' Pustules (Trait)
      • Moved from Level 1
      • Damage bonus increased from 100% to 150%

Developer Comment: In order to improve the pick and win rates of Reactive Ballistospores and Poppin' Pustules, we're switching the talents with one another. This should open up new talent synergy possibilities for Poppin' Pustules and offer the considerable strength of Reactive Ballistospores earlier in the game. We're also buffing Biotic Armor to be a fairly significant Physical Armor buff when Bio-Kill Switch is activated, which should make its moment of power feel much more meaningful.

Developer Comment: As we promised in the past, we took a look at the overall Mana tension of all the Heroes in the game. We also have some philosophies about Mana that we want to keep going forward. They are:

  1. Mana should be a meaningful part of the game, particularly in the early stages when wave clear is at a higher premium. We believe that as the game progresses, Mana tension should become less important as Heroes gain more base Mana and the game's focus shifts to team fighting.
  2. Mana tension doesn't have to be the same for every Hero, but every Hero should feel it to some degree, otherwise it serves no purpose.
  3. We like that some talents heavily mitigate Mana tension.

When we took a look at Mana tension in the game, we saw that, overall, things are in a fairly healthy spot, but could be fine-tuned and improved upon. We like the tension that the heroes who are closer to the middle of the spectrum have, with some examples being Malfurion, Tychus, and E.T.C. Our goal with these changes is to bring the outliers closer to the center. We are open to your feedback going forward if you think that the game needs to be stricter or more lenient in this area, or if you believe there are any outliers that we missed.

2018-12-11 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Stukov: Fixed an issue causing Massive Shove to remove Weighted Pustule from its target.

2018-11-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Lurking Arm (E)
    • Range increased from 10 to 11

Developer Comment: Stukov's changes a few months ago were intended to create new build paths while also reducing the dominance of his Lurking Arm build. While this had the effect we intended, Lurking Arm is now a much more risky ability to use for the majority of the game, whether or not he takes talents related to improving the ability. This change is intended to round this out a bit by letting Stukov use Lurking Arm a little more safely.

2018-11-13 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Stukov: Fixed an issue preventing Lurking Arm from revealing damaged targets if they were at the edge of its area of effect.

2018-10-10 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 13
    • It Hungers (E)
      • Required Heroes hit reduced from 15 to 12

2018-08-22 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Base Maximum Health increased from 1682 to 1765
  • Health Regeneration increased from 3.5 to 3.7
  • Basic Attack damage increased from 249 to 261


  • Level 4
    • Vigorous Reuptake (Trait)
      • Bonus Healing increased from 25 to 30%

2018-08-07 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Low Blow (E)
      • Moved from Level 13
      • Bonus damage reduced from 150 to 100%
    • Poppin' Pustules (D)
      • No longer has a Quest component
      • New functionality:
        • Detonating a Weighted Pustule within 1.5 seconds of it expiring increases its damage by 100% and applies its damage and slow in an area
      • Explosion radius reduced from 4.5 to 3.75
  • Level 4
    • Biotic Armor (Q)
      • Physical Armor reduced from 50 to 15
      • Now works on all targets that have Healing Pathogen
      • Additional Functionality:
        • Now also grants 50 Physical Armor for 2.5 seconds to targets who have Healing Pathogen when Bio-Kill Switch is detonated
    • Vigorous Reuptake (D)
      • No longer has a Quest component
      • New functionality:
        • Bio-Kill Switch's healing is increased by 25% if 3 or more targets have Healing Pathogen on them when Bio-Kill Switch is detonated
  • Level 7
    • Within My Reach (E)
      • Removed
    • The Long Pitch (W)
      • Bonus range reduced from 100 to 50%
      • Additional functionality:
        • Detonating 2 or more Weighted Pustules with a single cast of Bio-Kill Switch causes the cooldowns of non-Heroic abilities to recharge 100% faster for 3 seconds.
    • Growing Infestation (E)
      • Moved from Level 1
      • No longer increases the cooldown of Lurking Arm
      • New functionality:
        • Now reduces Lurking Arm's channel duration to 4 seconds
  • Level 13
    • It Hungers (E)
      • Moved from Level 7
      • New functionality:
        • Increase the range of Lurking Arm by 20%. If Lurking Arm hits enemy Heroes 15 times, reset its cooldown and refund its Mana cost
  • Level 20
    • Push Comes to Shove (R)
      • Speed bonus removed
      • Additional functionality:
        • After colliding with terrain, enemy Heroes are slowed by 50% for 4 seconds
    • Top Off (Q)
      • Moved from Level 4
      • Bonus healing reduced from 50% to 30%
      • Adjusted Functionality:
        • Increased healing is now applied to all targets that have Healing Pathogen

Developer Comment: In the same vein as our earlier changes to Kael'thas, we felt that Stukov could use some love in the talent diversity department. We've made a number of functionality changes that should open up new builds and play styles, particularly in his earlier talent tiers.

Bug Fixes

  • Stukov: Fixed an issue that could prevent Virulent Reaction from rooting targets if the Poppin Pustules talent was chosen.

2018-07-10 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Abilities: Fixed an issue in which certain Abilities, like Stukov's Lurking Arm, could be unintentionally canceled immediately after casting.
  • Stukov: Healing Pathogen's timer is no longer visually removed if the target becomes Polymorphed.

2018-06-12 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Stukov: Healing done by the Superstrain Talent no longer displays as “Unknown” in Death Recaps.

2018-06-06 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Bio-Kill Switch (Trait)
    • Amount Healed after detonating a Healing Pathogen increased from 435 to 450.
  • Healing Pathogen (Q)
    • Healing per tick increased from 35 to 37.

2018-05-09 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Bio-Kill Switch (Trait)
    • Healing reduced from 475 to 435.
  • Lurking Arm (E)
    • Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds.


  • Level 1
    • Growing Infestation (E)
      • Additional cooldown duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
  • Level 4
    • One Good Spread (Q)
      • Mana restoration reduced from 30 to 10.
  • Level 7
    • It Hungers (E)
      • Mana restoration increased from 5 to 10.

Bug Fixes

  • Stukov: The It Hungers Talent no longer grants cooldown reduction to Lurking Arm if the Ability is cast without hitting any enemy Heroes.

2018-03-27 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Stukov: Will no longer become unresponsive after attempting to cast Lurking Arm behind the allied Hall of Storms.

2017-12-20 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 4
    • One Good Spread (Q)
      • Mana restoration reduced from 40 to 30

2017-11-29 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Healing Pathogen (Q)
    • Heal amount reduced from 37 to 35
  • Lurking Arm (E)
    • Damage reduced from 36 to 34
  • Bio-kill Switch (D)
    • Heal amount reduced from 500 to 475
  • Flailing Swipe (R)
    • Damage reduced from 50 to 48
  • Massive Shove (R)
    • Damage reduced from 200 to 190

2017-11-14 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Garrosh: Stukov’s Weighted Pustule will no longer be removed from targets hit by Wrecking Ball or Into the Fray.
  • Stukov: Nazeebo will now correctly be pushed if he is hit by Massive Shove while channeling Ravenous Spirit.

2017-11-01 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Base Maximum Health increased from 1590 to 1682
  • Health regen increased from 3.31 to 3.5

2017-10-17 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Stukov: Abilities that move Heroes, like Alarak’s Telekinesis and Stiches’ Hook, no longer remove Weighted Pustule from the affected Hero.

2017-10-11 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Health reduced from 1682 to 1590
  • Health regen reduced from 3.5 to 3.31


  • Healing Pathogen (Q)
    • Heal amount reduced from 40 to 37


  • Level 1
    • Spine Launcher (Passive)
      • Damage reduction increased from 30 to 40%
    • Poppin Pustules (D)
      • Added functionality:
        • Now increases the final damage of Weighted Pustule by 50%
  • Level 16
    • Superstrain (Q)
      • Added functionality:
        • Now also applies to targets who are Rooted while under the effect of Healing Pathogen
    • Universal Carrier (Q)
      • Heal reduction decreased from 60 to 50%
    • Eye Infection (W)
      • Removed

2017-09-26 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Stukov: Abilities that move Heroes, like Alarak’s Telekinesis and Stiches’ Hook, no longer remove Weighted Pustule from the affected Hero.

2017-09-20 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Spine Launcher (Passive)
      • Basic Attack damage reduction decreased from 50 to 30%

2017-07-26 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Healing Pathogen (Q)
    • Mana cost increased from 30 to 40
  • Flailing Swipe (R)
    • Pushback distance increased by 50%


  • Level 1
    • Spine Launcher (Passive)
      • Slow duration increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds (now matches his attack speed)
    • Fetid Touch (W)
      • Quest requirements reduced from 20 and 40 Heroes hit to 15 and 30
    • Growing Infestation (E)
      • Added functionality:
        • Now increases the Cooldown of Lurking Arm by 4 seconds
  • Level 4
    • One Good Spread… (Q)
      • Spreading requirement reduced from 4 to 3 Heroes
      • Mana refund increased from 30 to 40
    • Vigorous Reuptake (D)
      • Healing bonus reduced from 50 to 40%
  • Level 16
    • Pox Populi (D)
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • Detonating Bio-Kill Switch no longer refreshes heal duration, but instead sets the duration to 3 seconds
  • Level 20
    • Controlled Chaos (R)
      • Cooldown between casts reduced from 3 to 1 second
      • Cooldown for each charge reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
    • Push Comes to Shove (R)
      • Duration requirement reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds

Bug Fixes

  • Stukov: Fixed a typo in the tooltip for Fetid Touch.
  • Stukov: Fixed an issue that could cause FPS to drop to 30 when targeting Lurking Arm.
  • Stukov: Massive Shove will no longer be cancelled when used on Sgt. Hammer while she is in Siege Mode.
  • Stukov: Stop, Hold Fire, Taunt, and Dance commands can no longer be issued while casting or channeling Lurking Arm.

2017-07-11 Patch Notes

New Hero

Alexei Stukov had a hard life, and an even harder death. He has been betrayed, shot into space, resurrected and infested, almost cured, and then experimented upon as the infestation returned. Now, his infestation spreads within the Nexus...


  • Bio-Kill Switch (D)
    • Activate to detonate all of Stukov's Viruses. Each Healing Pathogen heals its target, and each Weighted Pustule does damage and Slows its target by 70% for 2 seconds. Can be cast while Channeling Lurking Arm.

Basic Abilities

  • Healing Pathogen (Q)
    • Infest an allied Hero with a Healing Pathogen that heals the target for 240 Health over 4.5 seconds. Healing Pathogens can spread to a nearby allied Hero every 0.75 seconds, and a single Healing Pathogen can spread to each allied Hero 1 time.
  • Weighted Pustule (W)
    • Hurl a pustule that impacts all enemy Heroes in its path, dealing damage and Slowing by 5%, increasing to 50% over 3 seconds. Deals additional damage upon expiring or being removed.
  • Lurking Arm (E)
    • Channel at a target location, creating an area that Silences enemies inside and deals 144 damage per second to them. Deals 50% reduced damage to non-Heroes.Does not cost Mana while Channeling, and lasts until canceled or interrupted.

Heroic Abilities

  • Flailing Swipe (R)
    • Swipe 3 times in front of Stukov over 1.75 seconds, dealing damage to enemies hit and knocking them away. Each swipe is larger than the previous.
  • Massive Shove (R)
    • Extend Stukov's arm. If it hits an enemy Hero, they are rapidly shoved until they collide with terrain, taking damage. Stukov gains 50 Armor while shoving an enemy.