Level Talent Name Description Cooldown
1 Perfect Storm Quest: Every time Muradin hits an enemy Hero with a Basic Attack, increase Storm Bolt's damage by 0.75. If an enemy Hero is killed within 3 seconds of being hit by a Storm Bolt increase its damage by an additional 10.
1 Dwarf Block Casting Dwarf Toss grants 4 charges of Block. Each Block charge grants 75 Physical Armor against a single enemy Hero Basic Attack, reducing the damage taken by 75%.
1 Third Wind Increases Health Restoration rate to 90 (+4% per level) per second, and raises Health threshold to 60% Health for improved 180 (+4% per level) per second Restoration.
4 Sledgehammer Stormbolt deals 350% damage to non-Heroic enemies. Increase Storm Bolt's cooldown reduction from 1 second to 1.25 seconds per Basic Attack.
4 Reverberation Increases the Attack Speed Slow of Thunder Clap from 30% to 50% and the duration from 2.5 seconds to 3.5 seconds. Each enemy Hero hit reduces your Heroic Ability cooldown by 5%.
4 Thunder Burn Hitting an enemy Hero with Thunder Clap triggers a second explosion 2 seconds later in the same location that deals 75% damage.
7 Heavy Impact Enemies hit by Dwarf Toss are Slowed by 80% for 1.5 seconds.
7 Give 'em the Axe! Attacking a Hero that is Stunned, Rooted, or Slowed increases Muradin's Basic Attack damage by 50% for 3 seconds.
7 Skullcracker Every 3rd Basic Attack against the same enemy deals 90% bonus damage and Stuns them for 0.25 seconds.
10 Avatar Transform for 20 seconds, gaining 1000 (+4% per level) Health. 90
10 Haymaker Stun target enemy Hero, and wind up a punch dealing 319 (+4% per level) damage and knocking the target back, hitting enemies in the way for 319 (+4% per level) damage and knocking them aside. 40
13 Bronzebeard Rage Deal 15 (+4% per level) damage per second to nearby enemies and heal for 75% of the damage dealt. Hitting an enemy Hero with Storm Bolt increase this damage by 200% for 3 seconds.
13 Healing Static Muradin heals for 5% of his maximum Health for each Hero hit by Thunder Clap.
13 Thunder Strike Thunder Clap deals 300% damage if only one target is hit. Passive: Increase the duration of Dwarf Toss's Armor by 2 seconds.
16 Dwarf Launch Increase the range of Dwarf Toss by 40%. Hitting an enemy Hero with Dwarf Toss reduces its cooldown by 2 seconds.
16 Imposing Presence Activate to reduce the Attack Speed by 50% and Movement Speed by 20% of nearby Heroes and Summons for 2.5 seconds. Passive: Heroes and Summons that attack your Hero have their Attack Speed Slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds. 20
16 Stoneform Activate to heal Muradin for 30% of his maximum Health over 10 seconds. Second Wind is disabled during this time. 60
20 Unstoppable Force While active, Avatar grants 20 Armor and causes Muradin's Basic Attacks to reduce the cooldowns of Thunder Clap and Dwarf Toss by 0.75 seconds.
20 Grand Slam Haymaker gains a 2nd charge and its damage is increased by 25%. If a Hero dies within 3 seconds of being hit by Haymaker, instantly gain 1 charge.
20 Hardened Shield Activate to gain 75 Armor for 4 seconds, taking 75% less damage. 60
20 Rewind Activate to reset the cooldowns of your Basic Abilities. 60
Shortcut Ability Name Description Cooldown Mana Cost
Q Storm Bolt Throw a hammer, dealing 110 (+4% per level) damage to the first enemy hit and Stunning them for 1.25 seconds. After reaching level 10, Storm Bolt pierces to hit an additional target. Muradin's Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Storm Bolt by 1 second and restore 3 Mana. 10 45
W Thunder Clap Blast nearby enemies for 96 (+4% per level) damage and Slow them by 30% for 2.5 seconds. Heroes hit also have their Attack Speed reduced by 30% for the duration. 8 50
E Dwarf Toss Leap to target location, dealing 59 (+4% per level) damage to enemies on landing. Upon leaping, gain 30 Armor for 2 seconds, reducing damage taken by 30%. 10 55
R Avatar Transform for 20 seconds, gaining 1000 (+4% per level) Health. 90 80
R Haymaker Stun target enemy Hero, and wind up a punch dealing 319 (+4% per level) damage and knocking the target back, hitting enemies in the way for 319 (+4% per level) damage and knocking them aside. 40 60
Second Wind Muradin restores 55 (+4% per level) Health per second when he has not taken damage for 4 seconds. When below 40% Health, increased to 111 (+4% per level) Health per second.


2024-05-21 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Third Wind [D]
      • Added a health threshold indicator.

2023-11-16 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Storm Bolt [Q]
    • Storm Bolt will no reveal the target for 2 seconds.


  • Level 1
    • Perfect Storm [Q]
      • Perfect Storm quest tracker icon updated.
  • Level 4
    • Thunder Burn [W]
      • Muradin is no longer revealed to the enemy if unseen when Thunder Burn empowered by Thunderstrike damages an enemy.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Bronzebeard Rage's damage aura to display as a critical when damage was not increased.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to grant Perfect Storm progress while Blinded or if the target is Evading.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to activate Give Em' The Ax while Blinded or if the target is Evading.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Grand Slam to grant a charge of Haymaker for each Hero that took part in the takedown.

2022-05-11 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Hogger and Maraudin' Muradin's voice over now properly play when locked in for Quick Match.

2021-07-20 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Perfect Storm [Q]
      • Storm Bolt damage bonus per Heroic Basic Attack increased from 0.5 to 0.75.
  • Level 4
    • Sledgehammer [Q]
      • Additional functionality: Increase Storm Bolt's cooldown reduction from Basic Attacks by 0.25 seconds.

Developer Comment: We're happy with how Muradin is playing with his level unlock, so we're keeping it, and polishing up Perfect Storm and Sledgehammer.

2021-06-21 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Sledgehammer tooltip updated to not give extra stacks for Baseline Quest Undocumented

2021-06-15 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Storm Bolt [Q]
    • Adjusted functionality: No longer has a baseline Quest. Upon reaching level 10, Storm Bolt pierces an additional target. Basic Attacks reduce the Cooldown of Storm Bolt by 1 second and restore 3 Mana.


  • Level 1
    • Perfect Storm [Q]
      • New functionality:
        • Quest: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes increase Storm Bolt's damage by .5.
        • Quest: If an enemy Hero is killed within 3 seconds of being hit by a Storm Bolt, increase Storm Bolt's damage by 10.

Developer Comment: We have never been really happy with Storm Bolt having a baseline quest as it causes players to play sub-optimally during the early portions of the game while stacking. Instead of removing the power of it, we have decided to automatically unlock its functionality when Muradin hits level 10. Alongside this change, we also took the opportunity to redesign Perfect Storm to reward both aggression and the proper use of Storm Bolt.

2021-03-02 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Perfect Storm [Q]
      • Damage bonus reduced from 5 to 4.
    • Dwarf Block [E]
      • Block charges no longer have a duration.
  • Level 4
    • Thunder Burn [W]
      • Damage increased from 50% to 75%.
  • Level 10
    • Avatar [R1]
      • Bonus Health reduced from 1053 to 1000.
  • Level 13
    • Bronzebeard Rage [Q]
      • Adjusted functionality: Deal 15 damage per second, healing for 75% of the damage dealt. Hitting an enemy Hero with Storm Bolt increases this damage by 200% for 3 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Dwarf Launch [E]
      • Dwarf Toss cooldown reduction reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.

Developer Comment: Muradin has spent a long time being a consistent Tank, and has slowly drifted upwards in power. Sharpening Bronzebeard Rage should reduce Muradin's overall healing while allowing skillful play to earn a moment of its previous strength.

2020-08-19 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Storm Bolt [Q]
    • Quest completion also causes Muradin's Basic Attacks to grant him 3 Mana.

Developer Comment: It was not our intention that Muradin have more Mana tension when his baseline quest for Storm Bolt was completed. Since Muradin already has a decent amount of Mana tension, we felt it was appropriate that this was lessened once he completes his quest.

2020-07-15 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Thunder Clap [W]
    • Movement and Attack Speed Slows increased from 25% to 30%.

Developer Comment: For a long time Muradin has been a staple Warrior at nearly all levels of play, acting as a powerful front line for his team. Recently he has fallen off a bit compared to his peers, but we don't believe he is too far off. We think he can benefit from a buff to Thunder Clap's ability to control the fight for his team, which should set up for easier Storm Bolt hits as well as allow him to better counter enemies who rely on Basic Attacks for effectiveness.

2020-05-06 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • The following damage effects no longer activate tower aggro: Undocumented
    • Muradin Bronzebeard Rage

2020-02-12 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Dwarf Toss [E]
    • Armor amount increased from 25 to 30.


  • Level 1
    • Block [Passive]
      • Removed.
    • New talent: Dwarf Block [E]
      • Casting Dwarf Toss grants Muradin 4 charges of 75 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack. These charges last for 10 seconds.
  • Level 7
    • Heavy Impact [E]
      • Slow duration increased from 1.25 to 1.5 seconds.

Developer Comment: It's been a long time since we've looked at Muradin. He's been such a staple in the meta for so long that we did not feel he needed any large changes. While minor, these buffs should help bring him back into the spotlight as a valuable member of any team.

2019-06-18 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • FIXED: Sledgehammer no longer grants additional Stormbolt Quest stacks on non-Heroic targets.

2019-05-22 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Changed the order of Muradin's Level 1 talents to be the same as other Heroes (Q, W, E, etc.)
  • Level 1
    • Third Wind [Trait]
      • Health Restoration rate increased from 83 to 90, and the improved rate from 166 to 180
  • Level 4
    • Sledgehammer [Q]
      • Additional functionality: Enemy Heroes hit grant an additional stack of his baseline quest
    • Reverberation [W]
      • Additional functionality: Every enemy Hero hit reduces Muradin's Heroic Ability cooldown by 5%
  • Level 7
    • Heavy Impact [E]
      • Slow duration increased from .75 to 1.25 seconds
    • Skullcracker [Passive]
      • Bonus damage increased from 70% to 90%
  • Level 13
    • Thunder Strike [W]
      • Additional functionality: Now also increases Muradin's Dwarf Toss Armor duration from 2 to 4 seconds
    • Bronzebeard Rage [Passive]
      • Damage increased from 19 to 20
      • Additional functionality: Now also heals Muradin for 75% of the damage dealt

Developer Comment: We're buffing some of Muradin's underutilized talents, and giving all of his Level 13 options some kind of survivability so that they better compete with Healing Static.

2019-02-12 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Muradin: Fixed an issue preventing Thunder Burn from creating the secondary thunder clap if it lands the killing blow on the affected Hero.

2018-07-10 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Garrosh: Warlord's Challenge no longer cancels Abilities that end upon taking damage, like Muradin's Second Wind or Fenix's Shield Capacitor.

2018-06-06 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Muradin: Placeholder art will no longer appear after casting Haymaker.

2017-12-12 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Level 4
    • Sledgehammer (Q)
      • No longer removes Ammo from structures

Bug Fixes

  • Muradin: Learning Reverberation no longer incorrectly updates the Attack Speed Slow amount in Thunder Clap’s tooltip.

2017-11-01 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Storm Bolt (Q)
    • Mana cost decreased from 50 to 45
  • Second Wind (Trait) Partially Documented
    • Base Heal effect per second increased from 53 to 55
    • Critical Heal effect per second increased from 106 to 111


  • Level 1
    • Third Wind (Trait) Partially Documented
      • Base Heal effect per second increased from 80 to 83
      • Critical Heal effect per second increased from 159 to 166
  • Level 4
    • Sledgehammer (Q)
      • Bonus damage increased from 300% to 350%
  • Level 7
    • Skullcracker (Passive)
      • Damage bonus increased from 60 to 70%
    • Heavy Impact (E)
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • Now slows enemies by 80% for .75 seconds

Bug Fixes

  • Muradin: After learning Thunder Burn, Thunder Clap will no longer fail to fire a second time if an enemy was struck by the outer-edge of the initial cast’s area of effect.
  • Muradin: Fixed an issue causing Muradin’s Second Wind Trait and Third Wind Talent to restore less than the intended amount of Health.

2017-10-17 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Basic Attack damage reduced from 97 to 88


  • “It’s Hammer Time!” Baseline Quest added
    • !Quest: Hit 25 enemy Heroes with Storm Bolt. Enemy Heroes who die within 2.5 seconds of being hit by Storm Bolt grant 3 stacks.
    • !Reward: Once you gained 25 stacks, Basic Attacks will reduce the cooldown of Storm Bolt by 1 second, and Storm Bolt will pierce the first target hit, hitting an additional target
  • Stormbolt (Q)
    • Mana cost decreased from 60 to 50
  • Avatar (R)
    • Mana cost decreased from 100 to 80
  • Haymaker (R)
    • Mana cost decreased from 80 to 60


  • Level 1
    • Perfect Storm (Q)
      • No longer reduces the Mana cost of Storm Bolt
  • Level 4
    • Crowd Control (W)
      • Removed
    • Sledgehammer (Q)
      • Damage bonus reduced from 400 to 300%
    • Reverberation (W)
      • Attack and Movement Speed slow duration increased from .5 to 1 seconds
    • Thunder Burn (W)
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • Now requires hitting an enemy Hero to create a second Thunder Clap
        • Second Thunder Clap now also applies a 25% Attack Speed slow for 2.5 seconds.
  • Level 7
    • Piercing Bolt (Q)
      • Removed
    • Iron-Forged Momentum (Passive)
      • Removed
    • Landing Momentum (E)
      • Removed
    • Heavy Impact (E)
      • Moved from Level 16
    • Give ‘em the Axe! (Passive)
      • Moved from Level 16
      • Bonus damage reduced from 60 to 50%
    • Skullcracker (Passive)
      • No longer grants bonus Attack Speed
      • Added functionality:
        • Every 3rd Basic Attack against an enemy now deals 60% bonus damage in addition to the stun
  • Level 13
    • Burning Rage (Passive)
      • Removed
    • Spell Shield (Passive)
      • Removed
    • (New Talent) Bronzebeard Rage (Passive)
      • Passively deal damage to nearby enemies. Auto-attacking an enemy Hero who is stunned, rooted, or slowed increases the damage by 100% for 3 seconds
  • Level 16
    • Dwarf Launch (E)
      • Bonus range decreased from 50 to 40%
      • Bonus impact radius removed
      • Added functionality:
        • Hitting an enemy Hero now reduces the cooldown of Dwarf Toss by 3 seconds
    • Stoneform (D)
      • Healing reduced from 40 to 30% of Muradin’s Maximum Health
  • Level 20
    • Unstoppable Force (R) Partially Documented
      • New functionality:
        • While Avatar is active you gain 20 Armor and Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Thunder Clap and Dwarf Toss by 0.75 seconds
    • Grand Slam (R)
      • No longer reduces the Mana cost of Haymaker
      • Added functionality:
        • If an enemy Hero dies within 3 seconds of being hit by Haymaker, gain an additional charge of Haymaker

Developer Comment: One of our goals with our changes to Muradin, and with many of our changes to Warriors going forward is to better normalize the amount of damage that they are able to put out. While we think it can be fun to play a Warrior who also does a ton of damage, we also want to make sure that Assassins have the primary role of doing high amounts of burst or sustained damage to the enemy team. In Muradin’s case, we’re hoping to focus him more towards being a highly durable Warrior who has a high amount of crowd control to both peel for allies and enable kills for his team. We liked the gameplay that Perfect Storm gave Muradin in rewarding him for hitting enemy Heroes with Storm Bolt, and his new baseline quest should also hopefully reward him for intelligently using Storm Bolt to secure kills due to the bonus stacks that he will gain. Muradin’s talent tree had a lot of talents that were not being utilized well, both from a pick and win rate perspective, so we’ve consolidated a lot of the power of those talents in order to make his them more competitive with one another.

LEVEL (TIER) Muradin Talents
1 (1) Block (Passive) (!) Perfect Storm (Q) Third Wind (Trait)
4 (2) Sledgehammer (Q) Reverberation (W) Thunder Burn (W)
7 (3) Heavy Impact (E) Give 'em the Axe! (Passive) Skullcracker (Passive)
10 (4) Avatar Haymaker
13 (5) Healing Static (W) Thunder Strike (W) Bronzebeard Rage (Passive)
16 (6) Dwarf Launch (E) Imposing Presence (Active) Stoneform (D)
20 (7) Unstoppable Force (R) Grand Slam (R) Hardened Shield (Active) Rewind (Active)
  • (!) indicates a Questing Talent.
  • Italic text indicates a NEW Talent.
  • Bold text indicates a MOVED Talent.

2017-09-05 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Muradin: Fixed an issue that caused Muradin’s abilities to cast quickly and without animations if queued up during Dwarf Toss.
  • Muradin: Haymaker will now properly knock back and damage secondary targets in its path.

2017-07-26 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Health increased from 2633 to 2765
  • Health regen increased from 5.5 to 5.8

2017-04-25 2.0 Launch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Spell Shield: Toggling Spell Shield will no longer cancel an active Hearthstone channel.

2017-04-04 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay

Hero Radii

  • The radius of many heroes in the game have been adjusted to better match their actual model size.
    • Increased Radius - Abathur, ETC, Gul'dan, Baleog, Muradin, Misha, Sgt. Hammer, Thrall, Uther, Varian, Zagara
    • Decreased Radius - Li Li, Tracer, Valeera

2017-02-14 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Level 4
    • Crowd Control (W)
      • Now has a 7 second cooldown reduction maximum
  • Level 13
    • Thunder Strike (W)
      • Icon color swapped to blue
    • Healing Static (W)
      • Icon color swapped to green

2016-11-15 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Spell Shield: A cooldown timer will now properly appear when Spell Shield’s effects are triggered in the same moment that the Talent was activated.

2016-11-10 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Base Maximum Health increased from 2556 to 2633
  • Health Regen increased from 5.32 to 5.48



  • Level 4
    • Crowd Control (W)
      • Added functionality:
        • Now also refunds 5 Mana per enemy hit
  • Level 7
    • Skullcracker (Passive)
      • Added functionality:
        • Now also passively increases Muradin’s attack speed by 25%
    • Iron-Forged Momentum (Passive)
      • No longer decreases the cooldown of Dwarf Toss
  • Level 16
    • Heavy Impact (E)
      • Stun duration reduced from .75 to .5

Developer Comments: Muradin’s pick rate in both Hero League and Pro Play continues to be extremely high. Oddly enough his win rate is actually below average in most levels of play. We realize that he brings a very versatile kit that allows him to be a great solo-Warrior for his team. Our main change to offset his Health is to remove the escape effectiveness of Iron-Forged Momentum. Next week we will also be reducing the amount of Health that Avatar provides. The rest of the changes are minimal and targeted towards talent win/pick rates.

2016-10-18 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Damage Reduction: When two damage reduction effects, such as Resistant (25%) and Hardened Shield (75%), are simultaneously applied to a Hero, the larger effect will no longer be overridden by the lesser effect.

2016-09-13 Patch Notes


Imposing Presence (Active)

  • New functionality:
    • Heroes that attack you have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds
    • Activate to Slow the Attack Speed of nearby Heroes and Summons by 50% and Slow their Movement Speed by 20% for 2.5 seconds

Developer Comments: We did not like the power of the Attack Speed slow for Imposing Presence given how little counter-play there is. We’ve decided to move some power out of the passive portion of the Talent and give it a new activated effect in order to create some bigger moments for players who choose to take it.

Spell Shield (Passive)

  • Added functionality:
    • Spell Shield can now be toggled on or off to allow for better control of which Abilities you want to mitigate

Hero Updates


  • Thunder Clap (W)
    • Added functionality:
      • Now also slows enemy Attack Speed by 25% for 2.5 seconds


  • Level 1
    • Reverberation (W)
      • Moved to Level 4
      • New functionality:
        • Increase Thunder Clap’s Attack Speed slow to 50% and increase the duration of Thunder Clap from 2.5 to 3 seconds
  • Level 4
    • Third Wind (Trait)
      • Moved to Level 1
    • Thunder Burn (W)
      • Now also applies the 25% Attack Speed slow with the second activation of Thunder Clap.

Developer Comments: As our heroes develop over time, we often find niches for their roles that are only available via Talents. While we love that our Talents augment our Heroes in interesting ways, we are wary when a Hero is picked specifically for a role that they are given via a Talent. We did a pass on our current roster and found a couple of these cases in Johanna and Muradin. We like how Johanna is seen as a warrior with good wave clear, and how Muradin is seen as an anti- auto-attacker. We’ve decided to make these features part of their base kits, and will be keeping an eye on others in the future.

2016-07-12 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Second Wind (Trait)
    • Base Heal effect increased from 1.5% to 2% maximum Health per second.
    • Critical Health effect increased from 3% to 4% maximum Health per second.
  • Dwarf Toss (E)
    • No longer grants Unstoppable while leaping.
    • Now grants Muradin Resistant (25% reduced damage taken) for 2 seconds.
    • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.
    • Mana cost reduced from 70 to 55.


  • Level 4
    • Third Wind (Trait)
      • Base Heal effect increased from 2% to 3% maximum Health per second
      • Critical Heal effect increased from 4% to 6% maximum Health per second

Developer Comments: The Dwarf Toss changes are very likely going to spur a lot of conversation, Uther knows it did in our bullpen! The logic behind this change is as follows – We want to buff Muradin for all ranges of play EXCEPT our pro-scene. Of course this is where the Unstoppable leap is abused the most, and even though there is some great skill-cap behind knowing when and how to use it, it gives him an incredible amount of power and definitely hurts the pick-rates of our other Warriors. By replacing this with a 2 second Resistant buff, it should help the vast majority of players feel more tanky when they use Dwarf Toss, which has always been the intention.

2016-05-17 Patch Notes

Hero Updates

  • Give ‘em the Axe! (Talent)
    • After hitting a slowed, rooted, or stunned target with a Basic Attack, increase your Basic Attack damage by 60% for 3 seconds
  • Second Wind (Trait)
    • Third Wind (Talent)
      • Bonus Health Regeneration threshold increased from 50% to 60% of maximum Health.
    • Stoneform (Talent)
      • Heal amount decreased from 50% to 40% of maximum Health.
      • Heal duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
  • Storm Bolt (Q)
    • Stun duration reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds.
    • Infused Hammer (Talent) removed.
    • Perfect Storm (Talent)
      • Now also reduces Storm Bolt’s Mana cost by 25%.
  • Thunder Clap (W)
    • Healing Static (Talent)
      • Now only Heals Muradin when Thunder Clap strikes enemy Heroes.
      • Heal amount per Hero hit increased from 1.5% to 5% of maximum Health.
  • Dwarf Toss (E)
    • Landing Momentum (Talent)
      • Movement Speed bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
      • Movement Speed bonus duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.

Developer Comments: The changes to Muradin were done to help balance out his Talent tree. A few Talents were a bit over or under-tuned, and he kindly offered us his hammer in order to forge some better options.

Additionally, we’ve received a lot of feedback from players regarding the popular strategy of chaining movement impairing effects, like Stuns and Roots, on an enemy Hero. While we want this to be a viable way to play, we feel it’s currently too prominent and powerful at higher levels of play. As a result, we are reducing the duration of many of these effects in the game. In scenarios where this change nerfs a character we don’t otherwise want to nerf, we’re coupling it with a buff to help offset the difference. While this change hasn’t reduced all effects that might make you lose control of your Hero, we feel these are some of the more egregious ones. As always, we will make further changes if necessary.

2016-04-19 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Players will no longer occasionally become locked out of issuing further commands to their Hero after being hit by Muradin’s Haymaker with the Grand Slam Talent.

2016-04-12 Balance Update

Hero Updates

  • Haymaker (R)
    • Damage dealt to secondary targets increased from 25% to 100% damage of Haymaker’s primary target damage.

Developer Comments: We want to make some basic improvements to a lot of the lesser-picked/lower win-rate Heroic Abilities. Most of these are pretty simple changes to make them more enticing, like adding more damage, reducing cooldowns, or lowering Mana costs. We realize that the primary use case for Abilities like Li Li’s Water Dragon or E.T.C.’s Stage Dive is not damage, but having more of it might help them feel more effective. We’re trying to do something a little bit different with Brightwing’s Emerald Wind and Malfurion’s Twilight Dream by compensating for some of the Support capability you miss out on by picking these Heroics. We’re excited to see how these go! In Thrall’s case, Sundering was a little too strong, so we’re reducing its stun duration.

2016-03-29 Patch Notes



  • Damage reduction increased from 50% to 75%

Developer Comments: We want to improve counter-pick talents like Block that are meant to be strong against certain hero types. We’re hoping that these kinds of Talents will have a more meaningful impact in games in which they are picked, and that there are more situations where the enemy team’s composition drives intelligent Talent choices.

Other effects similar to Block have been evaluated on a case-by-case basis for all Heroes, with some gaining increased Block damage reduction, while others stayed at 50%.

2016-03-09 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could completely refill Muradin’s Mana under certain circumstances.

2016-02-02 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay


  • Damage dealt by splash and cleave attacks will no longer trigger effects that would otherwise require a direct attack to trigger (ex: Block, Spell Shield, Imposing Presence, etc.)



  • Block charges are now tracked in the buff bar next to the Hero portrait, and a timer has been added to show the time remaining until a new charge is generated.

Bug Fixes

  • Muradin’s Dwarf Toss will no longer cause him to become stuck inside of Gates.

2016-01-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates

  • Avatar (R)
    • Basic Attacks during Avatar no longer Stun the target
    • Health bonus increased from 1022 (+4% per level) to 1124 (+4% per level)
    • Cooldown reduced from 100 to 90 seconds

Developer Comments: The mini-stun that accompanies Muradin’s Basic Attack during Avatar has a lot of hidden power that can be extremely frustrating to play against for some Heroes, especially those with Heroics that require channeling. The main design focus of this Ability was to bolster Muradin’s survivability, so we have removed the Basic Attack mini-stun and increased his Health gain when Avatar is activated. While we realize that this is a nerf to a beloved Heroic Ability, we believe it is necessary in order to promote increased Hero diversity.

2015-12-15 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Azmodan’s Globe of Annihilation will now deal the correct amount of damage while under the effects of Black Pool and the Taste for Blood Talent.
    • This fix will also resolve incorrect damage amounts for similar Talent interactions, such as Muradin’s Storm Bolt with the Sledgehammer and Perfect Storm Talents, as well as Falstad’s Gathering Storm and Overdrive Talents.

2015-10-06 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay

Summoned Unit Attacks

  • Summoned unit Basic Attacks will now miss if that Summon is Blinded or the target is Evading.
  • Summoned unit Basic Attacks will no longer consume Block Talent stacks.

Hero Updates

  • Haymaker (R)
    • Haymaker has received improvements which should help it feel more responsive to cast

2015-08-18 Patch Notes


Imposing Presence

Developer Comments: Statistically, it was almost never wrong to choose Imposing Presence. With this nerf, it’s still a great counter in the right situation, and as a result, we’re hoping we’ll see more play from our Basic Attack assassins.

  • Attack Speed slow reduced from 50% to 40%
  • The Attack Speed slow will now be removed when attacking a target that has not learned the Imposing Presence Talent

2015-07-08 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Muradin to become unresponsive while using Dwarf Toss under certain circumstances.

2015-07-02 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause Muradin to become unresponsive after coming under the effects of Zeratul's Void Prison.

2015-06-30 Patch Notes


Spell Shield

  • Duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds

2015-05-12 Patch Notes

Hero Updates

  • Basic Attack damage gained per level increased from 8 to 9
  • Follow Through (Talent) removed
  • Skullcracker (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 7
  • New Talent (Level 16): Give ‘em the Axe!
    • Basic Attacks deal 75% additional damage against targets that are rooted, stunned, or slowed
    • This is a Muradin-specific version of the Executioner Talent.
  • Thunder Clap (W)
    • Reverberation (Talent)
      • Attack speed slow amount increased from 33% to 50%
      • Attack speed slow duration decreased from 3.5 to 3 seconds
    • Thunder Burn (Talent)
      • Movement Speed slow duration applied by Thunder Clap’s secondary explosion increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds
  • Dwarf Toss (E)
    • Landing Momentum (Talent)
      • Movement Speed bonus duration increased from 2 to 4 seconds
  • Haymaker (R)
    • Cooldown decreased from 50 to 40 seconds

2015-02-10 Patch Notes



  • Has been moved from Level 13 to Level 20
  • Has been removed from many Heroes
  • Found on the following Heroes:
    • Anub'arak, Arthas, Brightwing, Nova, Malfurion, Muradin, Murky, Tassadar, Tyrande, Rehgar, Zeratul

New Level 20 Talents

Hardened Shield

  • Activate to reduce all incoming damage by 75% for 4 seconds; 60 second cooldown
  • Found on the following Heroes:
    • Anub’arak, Arthas, Chen, Gazlowe, Muradin, Sonya, Stitches, Tyrael

Hero Updates

  • Storm Bolt (Q)
    • Sledgehammer (Talent)
      • 400% damage bonus now also affects Mercenaries
  • Haymaker (R)
    • Casting time slightly reduced

Bug Fixes

  • Muradin's Haymaker now deals the appropriate amount of damage to Grave Golems and player-controlled Garden Terrors.

2015-01-13 Patch Notes


Resurgence of the Storm

  • This Talent has been removed from the game.

Hero Updates

  • Second Wind (Trait)
    • Heal increased from 1% to 1.5%
    • Third Wind (Trait)
      • Heal increased from 1.5% to 2%
      • Critical heal decreased from 5% to 4%
  • Dwarf Toss (E)
    • Base range increased from 6 to 8
    • Dwarf Launch (Talent)
      • Bonus range and area decreased from 75 to 50%
  • Haymaker (R)
    • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 80
    • A cast bar has been added during the 0.5 second wind-up to make the cast more apparent.
    • Grand Slam (Talent)
      • Now also reduces the Mana cost of Haymaker from 80 to 40

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in which Muradin’s starting Health regeneration was much higher than intended.
  • Muradin’s Haymaker targeting arrow will no longer persist on the target, nor display through the Fog of War, if Muradin is killed before Haymaker can be cast.
  • Muradin’s Haymaker will no longer knock enemies out of the playable area in the Haunted Mines.
  • The Burning Rage Talent no longer deals double damage to towers affected by the Raven Lord’s Curse on the Cursed Hollow Battleground.

2014-12-10 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Activating the Rewind Talent will no longer refresh cooldowns for certain activated Traits.

2014-12-02 Patch Notes


Imposing Presence

  • Attack speed slow amount increased from 30% to 50%

Resurgence of the Storm

  • Cooldown increased from 120 to 180 seconds


  • Now refreshes all Basic Ability cooldowns rather than reducing them by 10 seconds
  • Cooldown increased from 60 to 90 seconds

Hero Updates

  • Second Wind (Trait)
    • Threshold for improved Health regeneration increased from 30% to 40% Health
    • Third Wind (Talent)
      • Threshold for improved Health regeneration increased from 40% to 50% Health
    • Stoneform (Talent)
      • Heal amount increased from 40% to 50% of Muradin’s Health

2014-07-23 Patch Notes



  • Has been moved from Level 7 to Level 1


  • Has been moved from Level 16 to Level 13

Spell Shield

  • The functionality of this talent has changed.
  • Upon taking Ability Damage, now gain a shield that reduces all Ability Damage taken by 50% for 2 seconds. This can only occur once every 30 seconds.

With the addition of Artifacts, the following generic Talents have been removed:

  • Minion Killer
  • Path of the Assassin
  • Path of the Warrior
  • Path of the Wizard

Hero Updates

  • Follow Through (Talent) added at Level 7.
  • Searing Attacks (Talent) has been removed.
  • Skullcracker (Talent)
    • Basic Attacks required to stun the target reduced from 4 to 3
  • Second Wind (Trait)
    • Out of combat time required for activation decreased from 6 to 4 seconds
  • Thunder Clap (W)
    • Reverberation (Talent)
      • Attack Speed slow duration increased from 2 to 3.5 seconds
    • Thunder Burn (Talent)
      • Explosion delay increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds after casting Thunderclap
    • Crowd Control (Talent)
      • Cooldown reduction per target hit increased from .5 to .75 seconds
    • Healing Static (Talent)
      • Healing amount per target hit by Thunderclap increased from 1% to 1.5%
  • Dwarf Toss (E)
    • Dwarf Launch (Talent)
      • Range and area of effect increased from 50% to 75%
      • Moved from Level 13 to Level 16
  • Haymaker (R)
    • Damage increased from 200 to 300
    • Damage gained per level increased from 12 to 20

2014-06-25 Patch Notes


Searing Attacks

  • Mana cost reduced from 20 to 15 per Basic Attack.

Hero Updates

  • Storm Bolt
    • Projectile speed increased from 17 to 20
  • Haymaker
    • Grand Slam (Talent) has been removed.
    • Range increased by 40%
    • New Talent (Level 20): One-Two Punch
      • Haymaker can now store up to two charges
      • Increases Haymaker damage by 25%

2014-05-22 Patch Notes


Path of the Warrior

  • Health gained per level increased from 25 to 35.

Hero Updates

  • Muradin has received significant Talent changes
  • Amplified Healing (Talent) has been removed
  • Skullcracker (Talent) has moved from level 1 to 4
  • Third Wind (Talent) has moved from level 4 to 13
  • Storm Bolt
    • Mana cost reduced from 75 to 60
    • Infused Hammer (Talent)
      • Mana refund increased from 50% to 75%
  • Sledgehammer
    • Damage to structures and minions increased from 200% to 400%, and now also destroys 4 tower ammunition
    • This Talent no longer stuns structures
  • Thunder Clap
    • Mana cost reduced from 60 to 50
    • New Talent (Level 1): Reverberation
      • Thunderclap now slows enemy attack speeds by 33%
    • New Talent (Level 13): Healing Static
      • Thunderclap heals 1% of Muradin’s maximum Health for each target hit
    • New Talent (Level 13): Thunderstrike
      • Thunderclap deals 300% damage if only one target is hit
  • Dwarf Toss
    • Landing Momentum (Talent) has moved from level 4 to 7
  • Haymaker
    • The distance secondary targets are knocked aside by Haymaker has been significantly increased.

Bug Fixes

  • Searing Attacks no longer drains mana for each target hit by attacks that cleave.

2014-04-15 Patch Notes

Hero Updates

  • Haymaker cooldown reduced from 70 to 50 seconds.