Level Talent Name Description Cooldown
1 Winds of Celerity Increases Raven Form's Movement Speed bonus by 50%.
1 Raven's Intellect Raven Form increases Medivh's Mana and Health Regeneration by 75%.
1 Portal Mastery Medivh can manually place both Portal locations and it no longer breaks Raven Form. Activate Medivh's Trait to cancel an unlinked Portal. 16
4 Mage Armor The first time an ally uses a Portal, they gain 30 Armor for 4 seconds, reducing their damage taken by 30%.
4 Raven Familiar A Raven Familiar joins allies each time they use a Portal. The Raven will dive at the ally's next Basic Attack against a Hero within 5 seconds, dealing 114 (+4% per level) damage and Slowing them by 30% for 2.5 seconds.
4 Dust of Appearance Activate to greatly increase sight range for 5 seconds and reveal enemy Heroes in the area for 8 seconds. Does not cancel Raven Form. Passive: Increase Medivh's sight range while in Raven Form by 25%. 45
7 Mystic Assault If Arcane Rift hits an enemy Hero, Medivh's next Basic Attack within 6 seconds deals 50% more damage and heals for 50% of the damage dealt.
7 Arcane Explosion When Force of Will expires, it deals 80 (+4% per level) damage to nearby enemies, plus 50% of the damage it prevented, up to 315 (+4% per level) additional damage.
7 Force of Magic Preventing at least 268 (+4% per level) damage with a single cast of Force of Will grants 30% Spell Power for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times.
10 Poly Bomb Polymorph an enemy Hero for 2 seconds, Silencing them and making them unable to attack. On expiration, Poly Bomb spreads to other nearby enemy Heroes. 40
10 Ley Line Seal After 0.5 seconds, unleash a wave of energy that places enemy Heroes in Time Stop for 3 seconds. 80
13 Circle of Protection Force of Will also applies to allies near the target, but its cooldown is increased by 2 seconds.
13 Enduring Will Preventing at least 268 (+4% per level) damage with Force of Will reduces its cooldown to 4 seconds.
13 Reabsorption Increase the amount of healing from Force of Will to 70% of the damage it absorbed.
16 Arcane Charge When Arcane Rift damages an enemy Hero, the next Arcane Rift deals 15% more damage.
16 Temporal Flux Basic Attacks reduce Medivh's Heroic Ability cooldown by 3%. Each enemy Hero hit by Arcane Rift reduces Medivh's Heroic Ability cooldown by 9%.
16 Stable Portal Decrease Portal cooldown by 25% and increase Portal duration by 50%.
20 Glyph Of Poly Bomb Poly Bomb explodes 1 second sooner and the spread radius is increased by 25%.
20 Medivh Cheats! Increase the duration of the Time Stop by 33% and gain the ability to redirect the wave once while it's active.
20 Guardian of Tirisfal Minions and Catapults hit by Arcane Rift are instantly killed.
20 Arcane Brilliance Activate to instantly restore 200 mana to all nearby allied Heroes and grant them 15% Spell Power for 10 seconds. 60
20 Dust of Disappearance Stealth an allied Hero for 40 seconds, they are Unrevealable for the first 0.5 seconds. Remaining stationary for at least 1.5 seconds while Stealthed grants Invisible. Stores up to 2 charges. 10
Shortcut Ability Name Description Cooldown Mana Cost
Q Arcane Rift Launch a rift that deals 170 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in its path. If an enemy Hero is hit, reduce its cooldown by 5 seconds and refund 50 Mana. Quest: Hit 40 enemy Heroes with Arcane Rift without dying. Reward: Permanently increase the damage dealt by 75 and cooldown reduction for hitting a Hero by 1 second. 7 50
W Force of Will Protect an allied Hero from all damage for 1.5 seconds. Upon expiration, Force of Will heals the target for 20% of the damage it absorbed. 9 60
E Portal Create a set of portals between Medivh and the target location, allowing allies to teleport between both. The portals last 6 seconds. 16 65
R Poly Bomb Polymorph an enemy Hero for 2 seconds, Silencing them and making them unable to attack. On expiration, Poly Bomb spreads to other nearby enemy Heroes. 40 75
R Ley Line Seal After 0.5 seconds, unleash a wave of energy that places enemy Heroes in Time Stop for 3 seconds. 80 75
Raven Form Instead of mounting, Medivh can transform into a raven, increasing Movement Speed by 20%. While transformed, Medivh can see and fly over all terrain and is immune to all effects.
Z Raven Form Transform into a raven, increasing Movement Speed by 20%. While transformed, Medivh can see and fly over terrain and is immune to all effects. 4


2024-05-21 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Portal [E]
    • Added remaining duration to button.

2024-02-06 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Level 4
    • Mage Armor [E]
      • Duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
      • Armor increased from 30 to 40.

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh's Portal is now an invalid target for allied abilities. (Example: Brightwing's Blink Heal)

2023-11-16 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hall of Storms to increase Raven Form's Movement Speed by more than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to activate Temporal Flux while Blinded or if the target is Evading.
  • Using a Portal will no longer move the user's Camera.

2023-09-20 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Force of Magic to not increase healing dealt. Undocumented

2019-08-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 20
    • Dust of Disappearance [Active]
      • Allied Heroes who are given Stealth are unable to be revealed for .5 seconds.

Developer Comment: We heard feedback that Medivh's Dust of Disappearance should mirror Brightwing's Invisible Friends when it comes to its reliability in being able to give allies Stealth, and we agree!

2019-07-10 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 7
    • Mystic Assault [Q]
      • Damage and Healing bonuses increased from 40% to 50% of damage dealt
  • Level 20
    • Arkane Brilliance [Active]
      • Spell Power bonus increased from 10% to 15%
    • Dust of Disappearance [Active]
      • Duration increased from 20 to 40 seconds

Developer Comment: We're making some small adjustments to Medivh's under-picked talents. Mystic Assault sees a fairly significant buff to its overall output as long as Medivh can consistently land Arcane Rifts, whereas Arcane Brilliance and Dust of Disappearance should now better be able to compete with the other Level 20 options.

2019-02-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 16
    • Temporal Flux (Q)
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • Cooldown reduction changed from 1 second per Basic Attack and 3 seconds for Arcane Rift hits to 3% per Basic Attack and 9% per Arcane Rift hit

Developer Comment: We like talents that lower Heroic cooldowns, but unfortunately many of the heroes who have these talents also have Heroics with wildly different cooldowns, which makes these talents hard to tune and pick in many cases. Because of this, we're standardizing these talents to reduce a percentage of each Heroic's cooldown so that players feel free to pick the talent regardless of which Heroic they chose earlier in the game.

2018-10-16 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Stasis/Time Stop: Fixed an issue where player created terrain could move Heroes affected by Stasis or Time Stop.

2018-10-10 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Force of Will (W)
    • Cooldown increased from 8 to 9 seconds


  • Level 4
    • Mage Armor (E)
      • Armor amount increased from 25 to 30
  • ​​Level 7
    • Force of Magic (W)
      • Spell Power bonus increased from 25% to 30%
  • ​​Level 13
    • Enduring Will (W)
      • Set cooldown of Force of Will increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds

2018-08-07 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Medivh can now be selected while in Raven Form when attempting to view his target info panel.
  • Medivh: Medivh the Black's raven has been updated to match the theme of the skin.
  • Medivh: Portal Mastery portals can now be affected by cooldown reduction.

2018-07-25 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh – Fixed an issue allowing Medivh to cast two sets of Portals after choosing the Portal Mastery talent.

2018-06-27 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Placing an item, like a Turret or Biotic Emitter, during Raven Form channeling will no longer allow Medivh to cast Abilities in Raven Form.

2018-06-12 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: The Mystic Assault Talent and Arcane Rift's quest icon now display the base Arcane Rift icon art.

2018-05-22 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Dying while attempting to redirect Ley Line Seal after learning Medivh Cheats! no longer causes its targeting indicator to visually persist on the terrain.

2018-05-09 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 7
    • Arcane Explosion (W)
      • Bonus area of effect damage reduced from 100% to 50% of the damage prevented by Force of Will.

2018-04-11 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 7
    • Force of Magic (W)
      • Bonus Spell Power increased from 20% to 25%.
    • Arcane Explosion (W)
      • Base damage reduced from 90 to 80.
      • Maximum additional damage reduced from 350 to 315.
  • Level 13
    • Circle of Protection (W)
      • Now also increases Force of Will’s cooldown by 2 seconds.
    • Reabsorption (W)
      • Heal amount increased from 60% to 70%.

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Fixed an issue in which Medivh could create four Portals at once after learning Portal Mastery.
  • Medivh: Is no longer dismounted after casting Arcane Brilliance.

2018-03-27 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: A.I. Medivh wil no longer become stuck after attempting to use a Mine Entrance on Haunted Mines while in Raven Form.

2018-03-21 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 7
    • Arcane Explosion (W)
      • Additional damage from enemy damage absorbed reduced from 365 to 350
    • Force of Magic (W)
      • Bonus Spell Power duration increased from 12 to 15 seconds
  • Level 13
    • Reabsorption (W)
      • Healing amount increased from 50 to 60%

2018-03-09 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Fixed an issue that prevented the Arcane Explosion Talent from dealing bonus damage if Force of Will had been cast on an allied Hero.

2018-03-06 Patch Notes

Hero Updates

Medivh has received significant updates with today’s patch. Find his detailed changes below, and then head to the Sonya and Medivh Gameplay Updates blog for more insight behind these changes.


  • Health scaling increased from 4% to 4.5% per level
  • Health Regeneration scaling increased from 4% to 4.5% per level


  • Arcane Rift (Q)
    • Damage reduced from 200 to 170
    • Additional Functionality:
      • Quest: Hit 40 enemy Heroes without dying.
      • Reward: Permanently increase Arcane Rift’s damage by 75 and the cooldown reduction granted for hitting a Hero by 1 second
  • Force of Will (W)
    • Cooldown increased from 5 to 8 seconds
    • Mana cost increased from 50 to 60
    • Upon expiration, allies are healed for 20% of the damage absorbed
  • Portal (E)
    • Cooldown reduced from 20 to 16 seconds
    • Mana cost reduced from 75 to 65


  • Level 1
    • Winds of Celerity (Z)
      • Moved from Level 13
    • Portal Mastery (Active)
      • Additional Functionality:
        • Portals can now be cast while in Raven form
    • Raven’s Intellect (Z)
      • Additional Functionality:
        • Now also increases Health regeneration by 75% while in Raven form
      • Mana regeneration bonus reduced from 100% to 75%
  • Level 4
    • Bird’s Eye View (Trait)
      • Removed
    • Mage Armor (E)
      • New functionality:
        • An ally now gains 25 Armor for 4 seconds the first time they enter a Portal
    • Raven Familiar (E)
      • Moved from Level 7
      • Additional functionality:
        • Now also Slows enemies by 30% for 2.5 seconds.
        • A Raven now joins an ally each time they enter a Portal
    • Dust of Appearance (Active)
      • Adjusted Functionality:
        • Permanently increases vision range in Raven Form by 25%.
        • Activate to greatly increase Medivh’s vision range for 5 seconds, and reveal enemy Heroes in the area for 8 seconds. Does not cancel Raven form
  • Level 7
    • The Master’s Touch (Q)
      • Removed
    • Arcane Explosion (W)
      • New functionality:
        • Deals 90 damage to nearby enemies when Force of Will expires. Also deals an additional 100% of damage taken, up to 365 bonus damage
      • Explosion radius increased from 3 to 3.5
    • New Talent: Mystic Assault (Q)
      • If Arcane Rift hits an enemy Hero, Medivh’s next Basic Attack within 6 seconds deals 40% more damage and Heals for 40% of the damage dealt
    • New Talent: Force of Magic (W)
      • Preventing 268 or more damage with a single Force of Will grants Medivh 20% Spell Power for 12 seconds. This can stack up to 2 times
  • Level 13
    • Quickening (Q)
      • Removed
    • Astral Projection (E)
      • Removed
    • Circle of Protection (W)
      • Moved from Level 16
      • Now applies a talented version of Force of Will to nearby allies
      • Radius increased from 2.5 to 3
    • Enduring Will (W)
      • Moved from Level 16
      • New functionality:
        • If Force of Will absorbs 268 damage, its cooldown is reduced to 3 seconds
    • Reabsorption (W)
      • Moved from Level 16
      • Increases Force of Will’s Healing to 50% of the damage taken
  • Level 16
    • Arcane Charge (Q)
      • Moved from Level 7
      • Damage bonus reduced from 30% to 15%
    • Stable Portal (W)
      • Moved from Level 1
      • New Functionality:
        • Reduces Portal’s cooldown by 25% and increases Portal duration by 50%
    • New Talent: Temporal Flux (Passive)
      • Basic Attacks reduce Medivh’s Heroic cooldown by 1 second. Hitting enemy Heroes with Arcane Rift reduces Medivh’s Heroic cooldown by 3 seconds
  • Level 20
    • Invisibility (Active) renamed to: Dust of Disappearance (Active)
      • No longer costs Mana
LEVEL (TIER) Medivh Talents
1 (1) Winds of Celerity (Z) Raven’s Intellect (Z) Portal Mastery (Active)
4 (2) Mage Armor (E) Raven Familiar (E) Dust of Appearance (Active)
7 (3) Mystic Assault (Q) Arcane Explosion (W) Force of Magic (W)
10 (4) Poly Bomb (R) Ley Line Seal (R)
13 (5) Circle of Protection (W) Enduring Will (W) Reabsorption (W)
16 (6) Arcane Charge (Q) Temporal Flux (Q) Stable Portal (E)
20 (7) Glyph of Poly Bomb (R) Medivh Cheats! (R) Guardian of Tirisfal (Q) Arcane Brilliance (Active) Dust of Disappearance (Active)
  • (!) indicates a Questing Talent.
  • Italic text indicates a NEW Talent.
  • Bold text indicates a MOVED Talent.

Bug Fixes

  • General: Fixed an issue that allowed certain Abilities to affect enemy Heroes in their own Hall of Storms:
    • Alarak – Telekinesis (W)
    • Brightwing – Emerald Wind (R)
    • Dehaka – Drag (Q)
    • Medivh – Ley Line Seal (R)
    • Stitches – Hook (Q)

2017-12-12 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Creating a Portal entrance after learning Portal Mastery and then entering the Triglav Protector will no longer prevent him from using the Protector’s abilities.

2017-09-26 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Blackheart’s Bay: Fixed an issue that could allow Medivh and Falstad to enter and stand in certain areas inside the enemy Hall of Storms.

2017-09-05 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Chen: Medivh’s Ley Line Seal can no longer cause Chen and his Storm, Earth, Fire Spirits to exist at the same time.

2017-08-08 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Chen: Medivh’s Ley Line Seal can no longer cause Chen and his Storm, Earth, Fire Spirits to exist simultaneously.

2017-07-11 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • D.Va – Fixed that issue that allowed D.Va’s Boosters to push enemies that were affected by Time Stop.

2017-06-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 7
    • Raven Familiar (E)
      • Ravens created by this talent will now only attack Heroic targets

2017-06-13 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Polymorphs: Fixed several issues in which Polymorph effects could incorrectly knock Heroes out of Stealth.

2017-04-20 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh – Fixed an issue that could cause Medivh to become unresponsive when entering vehicles. (Dragon Knight, Garden Terror, etc.)

2017-03-14 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Entering Raven Form should no longer clear shift-queued Movement commands.

2017-02-14 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Will now properly benefit from Regeneration Globes while transforming into Raven Form.

2017-01-24 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: The second Portal granted by the Portal Mastery Talent can no longer be self-cast.

2016-11-22 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Alarak: Health lost due to activating Last Laugh will no longer be restored when Medivh’s Force of Will with the Reabsorption Talent expires.
  • Medivh: Fixed an issue that could enable Medivh to cast Abilities while in Raven Form on Warhead Junction.

2016-11-15 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay


  • Abilities that reveal Stealthed/Cloaked Heroes will no longer remove the Stealth/Cloak effect, but will instead temporarily reveal the cloaked Hero.
  • The following talents now function while under the effects of Stealth granted by another player (ex: Tyrande’s Shadowstalk):
    • Nova
      • Tactical Espionage
      • Advanced Cloaking
      • Covert Ops
    • Samuro
      • Way of the Wind
      • Harsh Winds

Developer Comments: Some revealers, like Oracle from Tassadar and now Scouting Drone, are very binary in their ability to reveal Heroes, by design. But their purpose is to provide scouting and position of the enemy, and not to negate the effects of Talents or Abilities that rely on Stealth to provide their benefit. While examining these conditional Talents, we decided that it would be more interesting to allow synergies between external sources of Stealth these Talents. We like that choices like Tyrande’s Shadowstalk or Medivh’s Invisibility become more interesting if you have allies that gain additional benefits from Stealth on your team.

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Fixed an issue which could allow Medivh to path into the terrain after launching a Nuke on Warhead Junction while in Raven form.

2016-10-18 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Damage Reduction: When two damage reduction effects, such as Resistant (25%) and Hardened Shield (75%), are simultaneously applied to a Hero, the larger effect will no longer be overridden by the lesser effect.
  • Medivh: Enemy AI players will now avoid teammates that are under the effects of Medivh’s Polybomb.
  • Medivh: The damage over time effect from Xul’s Poison Nova will no longer be visually removed from Medivh’s Health bar after traveling through a Portal with the Mage Armor Talent.

2016-09-13 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Tomb of the Spider Queen: Medivh will now properly fly over the Spider Queen’s Altars while in Raven form, rather than path around them.

2016-08-09 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Rexxar: Misha, Focus! Can now be cast when Rexxar, Misha, or both are Polymorphed. This should prevent situations in which Medivh’s Polybomb could cause Rexxar and Misha to become polymorphed indefinitely.

2016-07-27 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Portal (E)
    • Portals are now easier to click
    • The cooldown on using a Portal has been reduced from .5 seconds to .25 seconds

2016-07-12 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay

AFK Detection

  • The in-game AFK detection system has received adjustments that will help prevent cases in which Medivh in Raven Form, as well as Nova and Zeratul in Stealth, could receive AFK notifications despite actively participating in the game.

Hero Updates


  • Portal (E)
    • Improvements have been made to the clickable area within Medivh's Portals, which should result in fewer misclicks when attempting to enter them.

Bug Fixes

  • Medivh: Fixed an issue which caused allies to see Portal’s range indicator after learning the Portal Mastery Talent.

2016-06-29 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Basic Attack damage increased from 65 to 80
  • Attacks per second increased from 1.0 to 1.11


  • Raven Form (D)
    • Movement Speed bonus increased from 15% to 20%
  • Arcane Rift (Q)
    • Mana cost reduced from 60 to 50
    • Cast delay decreased from .15 to .06 seconds
    • Base Damage increased from 182 to 200
    • Mana refund from hitting a Hero increased from 30 to 50


  • Level 1
    • Mana Adept (Q)
      • Removed
  • Level 7
    • The Master's Touch (Q)
      • Number of Heroes hit required to complete the quest has been reduced from 35 to 30
      • Damage bonus upon quest completion decreased from 100 to 75
    • Arcane Charge (Q)
      • Damage bonus increased from 25% to 30%
  • Level 13
    • Winds of Celerity (D)
      • Movement Speed bonus in Raven Form has been decreased from 100% to 50%

Developer Comments: While we are still excitedly waiting to see what competitive teams will be able to do with this unique Hero, we have gathered enough data to see that Medivh could benefit from some strategic buffs. We realize Medivh’s success is typically reliant on how much the rest of his team capitalizes on his abilities - so we have given him a bit more baseline power, which we hope will allow him to make a greater individual impact on a game’s outcome.

2016-06-14 Patch Notes

New Hero

Medivh, The Last Guardian, has been added to Heroes of the Storm and is now available for play! Read on for a brief overview of his Abilities.

Trait (Z)

  • Raven Form
    • Instead of Mounting, Medivh can transform into a raven, increasing Movement Speed by 15%. While transformed, you can see and fly over all terrain, and are immune to all effects. Casting an Ability immediately transforms you out of Raven Form.

Basic Abilities

  • Arcane Rift (Q)
    • Launch a rift that damages all enemies in its path. If an enemy Hero is hit, Arcane Rift’s cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds and 30 Mana is refunded.
  • Force of Will (W)
    • Protect an allied Hero from all damage for 1.5 seconds.
  • Portal (E)
    • Create a set of portals between you and the target location, allowing allies to teleport between them. Portals last 6 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

  • Poly Bomb (R)
    • Polymorph an enemy Hero, suppressing their attacks and Silencing them for 2 seconds. On expiration, Poly Bomb spreads to other nearby enemy Heroes.
  • Ley Line Seal (R)
    • After 0.5 seconds, unleash a wave of energy that imprisons enemy Heroes in Stasis for 3 seconds.