Level Talent Name Description Cooldown
1 Light of Karabor Increase Vindication's radius by 15%. Hitting an enemy Hero increases Vindication's healing by 45%. If more than one Hero is hit, the bonus is increased to 90%.
1 Dauntless Casting a Basic Ability grants Yrel 35 Physical Armor for 2.5 seconds.
1 Maraad's Insight After damaging an enemy Hero with a Basic Ability, Yrel's next Basic Attack heals her for 140 (+4% per level).
4 Aegis of Light Upon landing, Avenging Wrath grants other nearby allied Heroes 30 Armor for 4 seconds.
4 Gift of the Naaru Divine Purpose heals the lowest Health nearby allied Hero other than Yrel for 275 (+4% per level).
4 Hand of Freedom Grant an allied Hero 30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds and remove all Slows and Roots from them. 30
7 Righteous Momentum Gain 5% Movement Speed. Yrel is no longer Slowed while Channeling Righteous Hammer, and instead this bonus is quadrupled.
7 Holy Avenger Hitting an enemy Hero with Avenging Wrath at maximum charge deals 25% more damage and reduces its cooldown to 1 second.
7 Divine Steed Mounting is instant and grants 60% Movement Speed that decays over 3 seconds.
10 Ardent Defender Surround Yrel in a barrier for 3 seconds, absorbing all damage taken and healing her for 50% of the damage received. 120
10 Sacred Ground Yrel sanctifies the ground around her, gaining 50 Armor until she leaves the area. 40
13 Aldor Peacekeeper Enemy Heroes hit by Vindication at maximum charge deal 40% less damage for 3 seconds.
13 Repentance Increase Avenging Wrath's Slow by 25% and duration by 0.75 seconds.
13 Velen's Chosen Hitting an enemy Hero with a Basic Ability at maximum charge grants 10% Spell Power for 10 seconds, up to 30%.
16 Templar's Verdict Righteous Hammer reduces the Armor of enemy Heroes hit by 20 for 4 seconds and deals bonus damage equal to 7% of their maximum Health.
16 Divine Favor Casting a Basic Ability reduces the cooldown of Divine Purpose by 2.5 seconds.
16 Holy Wrath After casting a Basic Ability, Yrel's next Basic Attack splashes for 35% increased damage around the target.
20 Word of Glory Increase the amount that Yrel heals from damage received from 50% to 75%. Ardent Defender heals nearby allied Heroes for 100% of the healing received by Yrel.
20 Hallowed Ground Casting Avenging Wrath while inside Sacred Ground moves Sacred Ground to Yrel's location upon landing.
20 Bubble Hearth After 1 second, Yrel becomes Invulnerable and casts Hearthstone. Cannot be canceled. 80
20 Seraphim Activate to become Unstoppable for 2 seconds. 10
Shortcut Ability Name Description Cooldown Mana Cost
Q Vindication Unleash holy energy around Yrel, dealing 42 (+4% per level) damage to nearby enemies and healing her for 96 (+4% per level). Charging up this Ability increases its damage up to 140 (+4% per level), and healing up to 320 (+4% per level). 6 65
W Righteous Hammer Swing Yrel's hammer, dealing 38 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in front of her and knocking them away. Charging up this Ability increases its knockback distance, and damage up to 125 (+4% per level). Enemies hit at maximum charge are Stunned for 0.75 seconds. 6 65
E Avenging Wrath Leap to a location, dealing 225 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in an area and Slowing them by 50% for 1 second. Charging up this Ability increases its range. 6 65
R Ardent Defender Surround Yrel in a barrier for 3 seconds, absorbing all damage taken and healing her for 50% of the damage received. 120 80
R Sacred Ground Yrel sanctifies the ground around her, gaining 50 Armor until she leaves the area. 40 40
D Divine Purpose Activate to instantly charge Yrel's next Basic Ability at no mana cost. Divine Purpose's cooldown is reset when Yrel casts a Heroic ability. Passive: Yrel's Basic Abilities charge up over 1.5 seconds, increasing in effectiveness, but reducing Yrel's Movement Speed by 25%. 8


2024-05-21 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Maraad's Insight [Passive]
      • Healing increased from 140 to 160.
  • Level 4
    • Aegis of Light [E]
      • Armor bonus increased from 30 to* 40.
      • Duration increased from 4 seconds to 5
* seconds.
  • Level 10
    • Sacred Ground [R2]
      • Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.
      • Mana cost removed.
  • Level 16
    • Templar's Verdict [W]
      • Armor reduction reduced from 20 to 15.
      • Percent damage reduced from 7% to 6%.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with abilities causing all players to highlight enemies.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Avenging Wrath's VFX to display incorrectly.
    • Ardent Defender now increases Yrel's Self Healing when it prevents damage to her.

    2023-11-16 Patch Notes

    Hero Updates

    • Difficulty updated from Medium to Hard.


    • Vindication [Q]
      • Vindication will now reveal targets hit for 2 seconds.
    • Righteous Hammer [W]
      • Righteous Hammer will now reveal targets hit for 2 seconds.
    • Avenging Wrath [E]
      • Avenging Wrath will now reveal targets hit for 2 seconds.


    • Level 1
      • Dauntless [Passive]
        • Dauntless will now display Block visuals.
    • Level 4
      • Aegis of Light [E]
        • Aegis of Light no longer reveals the area.
    • Level 16
      • Holy Wrath [Passive]
        • Holy Wrath Splash now triggers Physical Attack-limited on-hit effects (meaning Block charges being consumed, Medivh's Raven Familiar firing if the target is a Hero).
        • Holy Wrath area reveal duration reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.

    2022-02-01 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Divine Purpose [D]
      • Additional functionality: Divine Purpose's cooldown is reset when Yrel casts a Heroic ability.


    • Level 1
      • Maraad's Insight [Passive]
        • Healing increased from 135 to 140.
    • Level 4
      • Aegis of Light [E]
        • Armor increased from 25 to 30.
    • Level 16
      • Divine Favor [D]
        • Cooldown reduction increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
      • Holy Wrath [Passive]
        • Splash damage increased from 30% to 35%.

    Developer Comment: Yrel's Heroics have a significant amount of counterplay so we're adding in more guaranteed power by buffing Divine Purpose.

    2021-12-07 Patch Notes

    Bug Fixes

    • Bubble Hearth's cast is now interrupted by Stuns.

    2020-10-07 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Level 4
      • Hand of Freedom [Active]
        • Cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
        • Movement Speed bonus reduced from 35% to 30%.

    Developer Comment: We had buffed Hand of Freedom multiple times in the past in an effort to get players to use the talent, but our last buff to make it usable on Yrel went too far to the point that it has dominated the talent tier. We're reducing its frequency and the amount of the Movement Speed bonus to be more reasonable for a buff that Yrel can apply to herself.

    2020-09-08 Patch Notes

    Hero Updates


    • Level 1
      • Dauntless [Passive]
        • Physical Armor amount reduced from 40 to 35.

    Developer Comment: Dauntless is still overperforming compared to its other options, so we're slightly nerfing its power.

    2020-07-15 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Level 1
      • Light of Karabor [Q]
        • Healing bonus when hitting one enemy Hero increased from 40% to 45%.
        • Healing bonus when hitting more than one enemy Hero increased from 80% to 90%.
      • Dauntless [Passive]
        • Physical Armor reduced from 50 to 40.
      • Maraad's Insight [Passive]
        • Healing increased from 128 to 135.

    Developer Comment: Yrel's level 1 talent pick has over time become dominated by Dauntless since we buffed it many patches ago. To better even out the talents, we're reducing its power and increasing the effectiveness of the other options on the tier.

    2020-02-12 Balance Update

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where Holy Avenger could grant the damage bonus to non-Hero targets.

    2019-12-16 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Level 1
      • Dauntless [Passive]
        • Physical Armor duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
    • Level 7
      • Holy Avenger [E]
        • Additional functionality: Hitting an enemy Hero with Avenging Wrath at maximum charge also increases its damage by 25%.
    • Level 16
      • Templar's Verdict [W]
        • Damage increased from 6% to 7% maximum Health.
      • Divine Favor [Trait]
        • Cooldown reduction increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds.
      • Holy Wrath [Passive]
        • Bonus splash damage increased from 20% to 30%.
    • Level 20
      • Word of Glory [R1]
        • Additional functionality: Increase the amount that Yrel heals from damage received from 50% to 75%.
        • Range of allied healing increased from 8 to 12.

    Developer Comment: These changes are mostly looking to buff Yrel's late- game by adding more power to her Level 16 talents. We want her to be more relevant without dominating the solo lane too much, so we're opting to make her Level 16 tier to be an exciting spike for her to hit in her games.

    2019-09-24 Patch Notes

    Bug Fixes

    • Yrel can no longer become temporarily stuck channeling a Basic Ability by using her remaining Mana on Ardent Defender.
    • Yrel will now automatically mount after Hearthing back to base after using Bubble Hearth.

    2019-08-06 Patch Notes

    Bug Fixes

    • Learning Yrel's Seraphim talent while channeling or disabled no longer leaves it permanently disabled.

    2019-07-10 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Level 4
      • Hand of Freedom [Active]
        • Can now be used on Yrel
        • Cooldown reduced from 22 to 20 seconds
        • Movement Speed bonus reduced from 50% to 35%
    • Level 7
      • Samaara's Light [Passive]
        • Removed
      • Righteous Momentum [W]
        • Removed Functionality: No longer increases Yrel's Movement Speed while at maximum charge
        • Additional Functionality: Yrel's Movement Speed is increased by 5%. Instead of being Slowed while charging Righteous Hammer, she instead quadruples the bonus
    • Level 13
      • Aldor Peacekeeper [Q]
        • Damage reduction increased from 30% to 40%
      • Repentance [E]
        • Slow duration increased from 0.5 to 0.75 seconds
    • Level 16
      • Templar's Verdict [W]
        • Damage bonus increased 4% to 6% maximum Health

    Developer Comment: We gave Yrel some buffs not too long ago, and we're doing it again to slowly bring her power level up. Like Illidan, Yrel can be a monster when she gets going, so we're incrementally increasing her power so that she doesn't go out of control. She can now cast Hand of Freedom on herself, which should make the talent much less situational. With this round of buffs, we are looking at bringing up her mid-late game power so that she has a more meaningful power spike as the game goes on and her enemies gain more options to deal with her.

    2019-04-17 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Level 1
      • Light of Karabor (Q)
        • Adjusted Functionality: Increase Vindication's radius by 15%. If Vindication hits an enemy Hereo, increase its healing by 40%. If Vindication hits 2 or more enemy Heroes, increase its healing by 80%.
      • Dauntless (Passive)
        • Physical Armor amount increased from 35 to 50
    • Level 10
      • Sacred Ground (R2)
        • Armor amount increased from 40 to 50

    Developer Comment: With these changes, we're trying to buff up Yrel's lesser-picked talents to compete with their counterparts. I'm trying to think of ways to fluff up this dev comment but there's not much more to say here… so yeah, that's it!

    2018-11-28 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Level 1
      • Maraad's Insight (Passive)
        • Now only applies the buff when hitting an enemy Hero with a Basic Ability

    2018-10-10 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Level 4
      • Aegis of Light (E)
        • ​Armor reduced from 35 to 25
        • Duration reduced from 5 to 4 seconds

    2018-09-19 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Vindication (Q)
      • Mana cost increased from 50 to 65
    • Righteous Hammer (W)
      • Mana cost increased from 50 to 65
    • Avenging Wrath (E)
      • Mana cost increased from 50 to 65

    2018-07-25 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Ardent Defender (R)
      • Cooldown increased from 100 to 120 seconds


    • Level 1
      • Maraad's Insight (Passive)
        • Healing reduced from 148 to 128
    • Level 4
      • Hand of Freedom (Active)
        • Cooldown reduced from 30 to 22 seconds
    • Level 7
      • Divine Steed (Z)
        • Movement Speed bonus reduced from 80 to 60%
    • Level 16
      • Templar's Verdict (W)
        • Now also deals 4% of enemy Heroes Maximum Health as damage
      • Holy Wrath (Passive)
        • Damage bonus reduced from 30 to 20%

    Developer Comment: Yrel has been very strong since her last balance update, and a few of her Talent tiers are dominated by a single Talent. By applying some nerfs to the overperforming Talents, we think that Yrel will be brought back in line with other Heroes and have more diversity in her Talent choices.

    2018-06-27 Balance Update

    Hero Updates


    • Divine Purpose (Trait)
      • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
    • Avenging Wrath (E)
      • Damage increased from 150 to 225.


    • Level 4
      • Aegis of Light (E)
        • Armor amount increased from 25 to 35.
      • Gift of the Naaru (Trait)
        • Healing reduced from 400 to 275.
      • Hand of Freedom (Active)
        • Bonus Movement Speed increased from 35% to 50%.
    • Level 7
      • Righteous Momentum (W)
        • Yrel is no longer slowed while channeling Righteous Hammer.
        • Bonus Movement Speed reduced from 45% to 25%.
    • Level 16
      • Templar's Verdict (W)
        • Armor reduction duration increased from 2 to 4 seconds.
      • Divine Favor (Trait)
        • Cooldown reduction decreased from 2 to 1.5 seconds.

    Developer Comment: We've seen Yrel trending upward strongly since her release, most likely due to players beginning to master her unique playstyle. We've seen a large difference between players who have a lot of experience as Yrel (Hero level 10+) and people who are still learning the Hero. This is likely why we've seen her rise from her initial winrate of 40% to her current 46%. That said, we would like her to feel a little more powerful and be countered by enemy picks a little less. We've increased Avenging Wrath's damage so she gains a little wave clear (though she'll have to use her escape to do so), while also allowing her to threaten enemy backlines. By reducing the cooldown of Divine Purpose, Yrel players won't need to channel as frequently which will result in fewer interrupts. We've also made several Talent changes to buff a few that were underperforming, and to offset the lower Divine Purpose cooldown.

    Bug Fixes

    • Yrel: Bubble Hearth is now placed on a reduced cooldown if casting is interrupted by Divine Palm.
    • Yrel: Can no longer cast Bubble Hearth while she is being revived by Divine Palm.
    • Yrel: No longer becomes permanently Invulnerable if she is revived by Divine Palm while casting Bubble Hearth.

    2018-06-12 Patch Notes

    New Hero

    Learn even more about Yrel by visiting her Hero page on the Heroes of the Storm website!

    After traveling to an Alternate Draenor, the forces of Azeroth saved the acolyte Yrel from the Iron Horde. With their aid, she rose to the rank of Exarch and fought back the demonic invasion of her world. Now, she finds herself where time, space, and dimensions converge: the Nexus.


    • Divine Purpose (D)
      • Activate to instantly charge Yrel's next Basic Ability at no mana cost.
      • Passive: Yrel's Basic Abilities charge up over 1.5 seconds, increasing in effectiveness, but reducing Yrel's Movement Speed by 25%.

    Basic Abilities

    • Vindication (Q)
      • Unleash holy energy around Yrel, dealing 38 damage to nearby enemies and healing her for 96.
      • Charging up this Ability increases its damage up to 125 140, and Healing up to 320.
    • Righteous Hammer (W)
      • Swing Yrel's hammer, dealing 38 damage to enemies in front of her and knocking them away.
      • Charging up this Ability increases its knockback distance, and damage up to 125. Enemies hit at maximum charge are Stunned for 0.75 seconds.
    • Avenging Wrath (E)
      • Leap to a location, dealing 150 damage to enemies in an area and Slowing them by 50% for 1 second.
      • Charging up this Ability increases its range.

    Heroic Abilities

    • Ardent Defender (R)
      • Surround Yrel in a barrier for 3 seconds, absorbing all damage taken and Healing her for 50% of the damage received.
    • Sacred Ground (R)
      • Yrel sanctifies the ground around her, gaining 40 Armor until she leaves the area.

    Hero Updates


    • Basic Attack damage increased from 140 to 155.


    • Vindication (Q)
      • Charged up damage increased from 125 to 140.