Level Talent Name Description Cooldown
1 Ranger Sentinel pierces the first Hero hit. Its width is increased by 25% and deals up to 250% more damage based on distance traveled.
1 Lunar Blaze Increase Lunar Flare's range by 30%. Quest: Hitting a Hero with Lunar Flare increases its damage by 5%, up to 150%.
1 Trueshot Aura Activate to grant other nearby allied Heroes 40% increased Attack Damage for 5 seconds, and to reset the cooldown of Hunter's Mark. Passive: Basic Attack damage increased by 30%. 45
4 Everlasting Light If Light of Elune's second charge is cast on a different target from the first, it heals for 80% more.
4 Mark of Mending Tyrande's Basic Attacks against Marked targets heal other allied Heroes near the enemy for 4% of their maximum Health.
4 Elune's Chosen Activate to make Tyrande's Basic Attacks heal target allied Hero for 175% of the damage dealt. Lasts for 8 seconds. 30
7 Moonlit Arrows Basic Attacks decrease the cooldown of Light of Elune by an additional 0.75 seconds.
7 Kaldorei Resistance Light of Elune grants the target 10 Spell Armor for 2 seconds. This effect stacks up to 2 times.
7 Huntress' Fury Increase the cast range and duration of Hunter's Mark by 25%. Tyrande's Basic Attacks against targets with Hunter's Mark bounce to nearby enemy Heroes.
10 Shadowstalk Grant all allied Heroes Stealth for 10 seconds and heal them for 380 (+4% per level) Health over 10 seconds. Remaining stationary for at least 1.5 seconds while Stealthed grants Invisible. 90
10 Starfall Deal 92 (+4% per level) damage per second and Slow enemies by 20% in an area. Lasts 6 seconds. 80
13 Quickening Blessing Gain 5% Movement Speed. Light of Elune increases the target's Movement Speed by 20% for 3 seconds.
13 Harsh Moonlight Sentinel Slows enemies hit by 35% and reduces their damage dealt by 35% for 3 seconds.
13 Ranger's Mark Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Hunter's Mark by 2 second. Basic Attacks against marked targets reduce the cooldown of Lunar Flare by 4 seconds.
16 Celestial Attunement Light of Elune removes Stuns, Silences, and Slows from its target.
16 Empower Reduce Sentinel's cooldown by 3 seconds. Heroes hit by Sentinel takes bonus damage equal to 6% of their maximum Health.
16 Darnassian Archery Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant a stacking 12% increased Attack Damage bonus for 4 seconds.
20 Eyes of the Huntress Shadowstalk reveals all enemy Heroes for 10 seconds and heals for 75% more.
20 Celestial Wrath Increase the Slow of Starfall to 60% and cause it to apply Hunter's Mark to enemy Heroes while inside of its area of effect.
20 Shooting Star Increase Basic Attack range by 1. Every 8th Basic Attack casts a free Lunar Flare at a random enemy near Tyrande's position. This prefers Heroic targets.
20 Iceblade Arrows Increase Attack Speed by 20%. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes reduce their damage dealt by 8% for 2 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
Shortcut Ability Name Description Cooldown Mana Cost
Q Light of Elune Heal an ally Hero for 270 (+4% per level). Light of Elune's cooldown is reduced by 1.5 seconds every time Tyrande hits an enemy with a Basic Attack or damages an enemy Hero. Stores up to 2 charges. Cooldown replenishes all charges at the same time. 16 15
W Sentinel Send an Owl across the battleground revealing its path, dealing 120 (+4% per level) damage to the first Hero hit, and revealing them for 5 seconds. If a Hero revealed by Sentinel dies, refresh its cooldown. 15 50
E Lunar Flare After 0.75 seconds, deal 150 (+4% per level) damage and Stun enemies in the target area for 0.75 seconds. 13 60
R Shadowstalk Grant all allied Heroes Stealth for 10 seconds and heal them for 380 (+4% per level) Health over 10 seconds. Remaining stationary for at least 1.5 seconds while Stealthed grants Invisible. 90 75
R Starfall Deal 92 (+4% per level) damage per second and Slow enemies by 20% in an area. Lasts 6 seconds. 80 75
D Hunter's Mark Reveal a non-Structure enemy and reduce their Armor by 15 for 4 seconds. Passive: Tyrande's Basic Attacks heal her for 1% of her maximum Health, doubled against targets with Hunter's Mark. 20


2024-05-21 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Level 16
    • Darnassian Archery [Passive]
      • Added a duration indicator.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Sentinel to pierce incorrectly.

2023-11-16 Patch Notes

Hero Updates

  • Difficulty updated from Medium to Hard.


  • Shadowstalk [R1]
    • Shadowstalk will now remove any active reveals on the target. Undocumented


  • Level 16
    • Empower [W]
      • Tyrande is no longer revealed to the enemy if unseen when Empower damages an enemy.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Huntress Fury to not bounce to Deathwing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Sentinel's cooldown to be reset if a Hallucination is slain while revealed by Sentinel.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Mark of Mending to not heal Evading allies.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to activate Mark of Mending if the target is Evading.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Elune's Chosen to heal for overkill damage.
  • Fixed an issue causing Shadowstalk to not apply to targets featuring passive Cloak effects. Undocumented
  • Fixed an issue that caused Shadowstalk's healing over time to remain active on Leoric while Undying is active.

2021-12-07 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Lunar Blaze [E]
      • Maximum bonus increased from 100% to 150%.
    • Trueshot Aura [Active]
      • Allied Attack Damage bonus increased from 30% to 40%.
  • Level 4
    • Mark of Mending [D]
      • Range increased from 6 to 8.5.
      • Changed Functionality: Now looks to heal allies near the attacked target, rather than near Tyrande.
  • Level 13
    • Harsh Moonlight [W]
      • Duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Empower [W]
      • Damage decreased from 7% to 6% to targets maximum health.
  • Level 20
    • Eyes of the Huntress [R1]
      • Healing bonus increased from 50% to 75%.
    • Celestial Wrath [R2]
      • Slow increased from 40% to 60%.

Developer Comment: Ranger causing Sentinel to hit two Heroes has become the dominant style for playing Tyrande, so we're reducing the power of Harsh Moonlight and Empower and raising up her weaker talents.

2021-07-20 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Sentinel [W]
    • Additional functionality: If an enemy Hero dies while revealed by Sentinel, reset its cooldown.
  • Hunter's Mark [D]
    • Additional functionality: Tyrande's Basic Attacks heal for 1% of her maximum Health, doubled against Marked targets.


  • Level 1
    • Trueshot Aura [Active]
      • Passive bonus Attack Damage increased from 15% to 30%.
      • Activation aura Attack Damage increased from 25% to 30%.
  • Level 4
    • Mark of Mending [D]
      • New functionality: Basic Attacks against Marked targets Heal all nearby allied Heroes for 4% of their maximum Health.
  • Level 13
    • Ranger's Mark [D]
      • Cooldown reduction of Hunter's Mark per Basic Attack from 1 to 2 seconds.
      • Cooldown reduction of Lunar Flare from Basic Attacks against Marked targets from 3 to 4 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Darnassian Archery [Passive]
      • Stacking bonus damage from 10% to 12%.

Developer Comment: We love Tyrande's Healing niche in the Nexus but wanted to give her a couple of spicy baseline updates, as well as tune-up a few of her under-performing Talents.

2020-08-19 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Light of Elune [Q]
    • Healing increased from 255 to 270.


  • Level 13
    • Harsh Moonlight [W]
      • Now applies its Slow and damage reduction to all targets hit, as well as visually shrinking them.
      • Damage reduction reduced from 40% to 35%.
      • Slow amount reduced from 40% to 35%.
    • Ranger's Mark [Trait]
      • Cooldown reduction of Lunar Flare increased from 1.5 to 3 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Empower [W]
      • Now deals bonus damage to all targets hit.

Developer Comment: We're giving Tyrande a baseline Healing buff as well as making her W build more synergistically powerful. To compensate, we're slightly reducing Harsh Moonlight's power, though we still believe it will still be an incredibly strong talent, particularly when paired with Ranger at Level 1.

2020-06-03 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Ranger [W]
      • Moved from level 4.
      • No longer has an activated ability to make the next Sentinel pierce all Heroes hit.
      • New functionality: Sentinel pierces the first enemy Hero hit.
    • Lunar Blaze [E]
      • Moved from level 4.
    • Trueshot Aura [Active]
      • Moved from level 4.
  • Level 4
    • Everlasting Light [Q]
      • Moved from level 1.
      • Bonus Healing increased from 60% to 80%.
    • Mark of Mending [Trait]
      • Moved from level 1.
    • Elune's Chosen [Active]
      • Moved from level 1.
  • Level 7
    • Huntress' Fury [Trait]
      • Adjusted functionality: Basic Attacks only splash to nearby enemy Heroes.
      • Basic Attacks that splash from Huntress' Fury also give cooldown reduction to Light of Elune.
  • Level 16
    • Darnassian Archery [Passive]
      • Duration reduced from 6 to 4 seconds.
      • No longer loses its bonus when attacking non-Heroes.

Developer Comment: We experimented a bit with Ranger and Darnassian Archery by making them fairly sharp in their use cases with incredibly high theoretical rewards. In Tyrande's case this hasn't panned out as we had hoped, so we're making them more generally useful, which we believe will be a net increase to their power.

2019-11-22 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Everlasting Light [Q]
      • Healing bonus increased from 45% to 60%.
  • Level 4
    • Trueshot Aura [Active]
      • Active damage bonus increased from 15% to 25%.
  • Level 10
    • Starfall [R2]
      • Damage increased from 88 to 92.
  • Level 13
    • Quickening Blessing [Q]
      • Light of Elune's bonus Movement Speed increased from 15% to 20%.
  • Level 20
    • Eyes of the Huntress [R1]
      • Reveal duration increased from 2 to 10 seconds.
      • No longer requires allies to be below 50% Health to gain bonus healing.
    • Celestial Wrath [R2]
      • Additional functionality: Increase the Slow from Starfall to 40%.

Developer Comment: While powerful in the right circumstances, Tyrande has not been seen as much as we would like. There were a few outliers in Tyrande's talents in regards to their performance which we are addressing with these changes that should help bring her more into the meta.

2019-08-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 1
    • Everlasting Light [Q]
      • Healing increased from 40% to 45%.
    • Mark of Mending [Trait]
      • Self-healing increased from 2% to 2.5% maximum Health.
    • Elune's Chosen [Active]
      • Healing reduced from 200% to 175% of the damage dealt.
  • Level 4
    • The talents on this tier have been moved to follow normal talent ordering conventions (Q, W, E, etc.).
    • Ranger [Active]
      • Cooldown reduced from 30 to 25 seconds.
    • Trueshot Aura [Active]
      • Cooldown reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.
  • Level 7
    • Huntress' Fury [Trait]
      • Moved from Level 16.
  • Level 13
    • Ranger's Mark [Trait]
      • Basic Attacks against marked targets no longer increase the duration of Hunter's Mark.
      • New functionality: Basic Attacks against marked targets reduce the cooldown of Lunar Flare by 1.5 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Celestial Attunement [Q]
      • Moved from Level 7.

Developer Comment: Outside of normal talent tuning changes, we wanted to move Celestial Attunement to a later talent tier. While it wasn't unreasonably blowing out games from a win rate perspective, we feel that it comes online too early for its powerful effect due to how it can make many other Heroes significantly less effective and fun to play for too much of a match. We like that it's a unique reason to bring Tyrande, but, similar to Kharazim's Cleansing Touch, we think it's more appropriate for these kinds of effects to come online later in the game.

2019-02-12 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: The Shooting Star talent will no longer attempt to target Sand Tornadoes created by the Boss.

2018-11-28 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Light of Elune (Q)
    • Charge cooldown increased from 15 to 16 seconds


  • Level 1
    • All Level 1 Talents have been moved to Level 7
  • Level 7
    • All Level 7 Talents have been moved to Level 1

Developer Comment: The healing rework to Tyrande has made her a formidable force as of late and with this round of changes we think she will sit in a great spot. The swap of her level 1 and 7 talent tiers should open some new early-game decision-making while pushing back her cleanse mechanic a bit further into the game. We are still evaluating Celestial Attunement on the design side and may make larger changes at a later date.

2018-11-13 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: Fixed an issue preventing Elune's Chosen from healing allies if damage was dealt to Shielded/Protected targets.

2018-10-31 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Light of Elune (Q)
    • Heal amount reduced from 265 to 255
  • Lunar Flare (E)
    • Cooldown increased from 12 to 13 seconds


  • Level 1
    • Kaldorei Resistance (Q)
      • Spell Armor duration reduced from 3 to 2 seconds
  • Level 4
    • Ranger (W)
      • Bonus maximum range damage increased from 150 to 250%
  • Level 20
    • Iceblade Arrows (Passive)
      • Basic Attack Speed increase reduced from 25 to 20%

2018-10-16 Patch Notes

Hero Updates

Support Heroes

  • We've unified certain Support abilities to only work on Heroes (not Minions or Mercenaries):
    • Light of Elune (Q)

Developer Comment: We're unifying the vast majority of our heals for their intended purpose: healing allied Heroes. We're maintaining the ability for a few heals to affected Minions still where we think it's an important part of their gameplay: Lt. Morales Healing Beam (so that she can heal herself), Rehgar's Chain Heal (to allow bounces travel across Minions), Tyrael's Righteousness (because shielding Minion waves is part of the lane interaction with the ability), and Uther's Holy Radiance (to unify expectations, since it can damage Minions).

2018-10-10 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Shadowstalk (R)
    • Cooldown from 80 to 90 seconds


  • Level 1
    • Kaldorei Resistance (Q)
      • Spell Armor from 15 to 10
  • Level 4
    • Lunar Blaze (E)
      • Bonus range from reduced 40% to 30%
  • Level 13
    • Quickening Blessing (Q)
      • Movement Speed granted to Tyrande reduced from 10 to 5%

2018-09-19 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Light of Elune (Q)
    • Mana cost increased from 10 to 15
    • Heal amount reduced from 275 to 265
  • Shadowstalk (R)
    • Heal amount reduced from 40 to 38


  • Level 4
    • Lunar Blaze (E)
      • Bonus range from reduced 50 to 40%
    • Trueshot Aura (Active)
      • Bonus Basic Attack damage reduced from 20 to 15%
      • Activated Basic Attack damage reduced from 20 to 15%
  • Level 7
    • Elune's Chosen (Active)
      • Duration reduced from 10 to 8 seconds
  • Level 13
    • Quickening Blessing (Q)
      • Movement Speed granted from Light of Elune reduced from 20 to 15%
  • Level 16
    • Darnassian Archery (Active)
      • Duration reduced from 8 to 6 seconds

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: Fixed an issue allowing Shadowstalk to affect players in vehicles. (Garden Terror, Dragon Knight, etc)
  • Tyrande: Fixed an issue preventing damage dealt to targets with Hunter's Mark from splashing to Laning Mercenaries after learning the Huntress' Fury talent.
  • Tyrande: Fixed an issue preventing the cooldown for the Ranger talent from appearing in the tooltip.

2018-09-04 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Basic Attack damage reduced from 82 to 55
  • Basic Attack range increased from 5.5 to 6


  • Light of Elune (Q) Undocumented
    • Heal increased from 270 to 275
    • Cooldown increased from 11 to 15 seconds
    • Mana cost reduced from 30 to 10
    • New functionality:
      • Now has two charges that refresh simultaneously.
      • The cooldown is lowered by 1.5 seconds every time you Basic Attack.
      • The cooldown is lowered by 1.5 seconds every time you damage an enemy Hero with an ability.
      • There is a one second cooldown between charge uses.
      • Can no longer be cast on non-Heroic targets
  • Sentinel (W)
    • Mana cost reduced from 70 to 50
    • Cooldown reduced from 18 to 15 seconds
    • Damage reduced from 165 to 120
    • The Sentinel baseline quest has been removed.
  • Lunar Flare (E)
    • Damage reduced from 195 to 150
  • Hunter's Mark (D)
    • Armor reduction decreased from 25 to 15
    • Range increased from 5.5 to 6
  • Shadowstalk (R) Undocumented
    • Cooldown increased from 20 60 to 80 seconds
    • New functionality:
      • Grant Stealth to all Allied Heroes and heal them for 400 Health over 10 seconds.


  • Level 1
    • Moonlit Arrows (Q)
      • Moved from Level 4
    • Celestial Attunement (Q) Undocumented
      • Moved from Level 4
      • New functionality:
        • Light of Elune now removes all Stuns, Silences, and Slows from its target
    • Kaldorei Resistance (Q)
      • Moved from Level 4
      • Duration of Spell Armor decreased from 6 to 3 seconds
      • Maximum stacks of Spell Armor decreased from 3 to 2
  • Level 4
    • Ranger (W)
      • Moved from Level 1
      • Bonus travel damage increased from 75 to 150%
      • Added functionality:
        • Activate to have your next Sentinel pierce all targets. 30 second cooldown.
    • Lunar Blaze (E)
      • Moved from Level 1
      • New functionality:
        • Increase the range of Lunar Flare by 50%
        • Quest: Hitting a Hero increases the damage of Lunar Flare by 5% up to a maximum of 100%
    • Trueshot Aura (Active)
      • Moved from Level 7
      • New functionality:
        • Tyrande permanently gains 20% Basic Attack damage.
        • Activate - Instantly reset Hunter's Mark and grant nearby allies 20% additional Basic Attack damage for 5 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
  • Level 7
    • Mark of Mending (D)
      • Moved from Level 16
    • Elune's Chosen (Active)
      • Moved from Level 16
      • Duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds
      • Your Basic Attacks heal your target for 200% of the damage they deal. 30 second Cooldown.
    • New Talent: Everlasting Light (Q)
      • The healing granted by the second charge of Light of Elune is increased by 40% if used on a different target.
  • Level 13
    • Quickening Blessing (Q)
      • Movement Speed decreased from 30 to 20%
      • Added functionality:
        • Tyrande permanently gains 10% Movement Speed
    • Ranger's Mark (D)
      • Moved from Level 1
      • New functionality:
        • Basic Attacks lower the cooldown of Hunter's Mark by 1 second. Tyrande's Basic Attacks against marked targets extend the duration of Hunter's Mark by .5 seconds
    • Harsh Moonlight (W)
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • The first Hero hit with Sentinel is slowed by 40% and deals 40% less damage for 4 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Overflowing Light (Q)
      • Removed
    • Huntress' Fury (D)
      • Moved from Level 7
      • Basic Attacks now splash to all nearby targets
      • Range increase reduced from 50 to 25%
      • Added functionality:
        • Increases the duration of Hunter's Mark by 1 second
    • Empower (W)
      • Moved from Level 13
      • New functionality:
        • Reduce the cooldown of Sentinel by 3 seconds. The first enemy hit takes an additional 7% of their Maximum Health in damage.
    • Darnassian Archery (Passive)
      • Moved from Level 7
      • Damage bonus per attack increased from 5 to 10%
      • Duration increased from 4 to 8 seconds
  • Level 20
    • Eyes of the Huntress (R)
      • Enemy reveal duration reduced from 3 to 2 seconds
      • Added functionality:
        • Increase Shadowstalk's heal by 50% for allies who are under 50% of their Maximum Health
    • Shooting Star (Passive) Undocumented
      • Attacks needed reduced from 10 to 8
      • No longer requires Heroic targets to gain stacks
      • No longer only targets Heroic units (but does prefer them)
      • Bonus Basic Attack range decreased from 1.1 to 1

Developer Comment: While we enjoy the flexibility of Tyrande's kit, she has struggled to find a home in the current meta. As we started looking at broadening our Hero roles, we felt like we had an opportunity to make some simple yet very substantial changes to our Night Elf Priestess. This rework pulls her slightly away from her hybrid status, reducing her damage output potential while introducing a lot more healing potential. While she keeps the vast majority of her older talents, they have been updated and shuffled to better coincide with her changes. We have enjoyed playing her internally and are excited to see what our players can do with her!

2018-03-27 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: Fixed an issue that could cause Sentinel’s visual effects to become slightly disjointed from the Ability’s path of travel.

2018-03-06 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: The Darnassian Archery Talent’s Buff Bar icon now correctly displays the current number of stacks in addition to its duration.

2018-02-21 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Light of Elune (Q)
    • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 11 seconds

2018-01-24 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Basic Attack Damage increased from 80 to 82

2017-12-12 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay


  • Stealth players will now become “Invisible” after remaining still for 1.5 seconds.
    • Invisible Heroes will not display the Stealth visual effect and can still be removed from Stealth by taking damage. This includes Heroes under the effects of temporary Stealth effects such as Samuro’s Windwalk or Tyrande’s Shadowstalk.
    • Additionally, Heroes cannot become Invisible while occupying a capture point, such as Braxis Holdout or Mercenary Camp Beacons. Instead, they will retain normal Stealth visual effects.

2017-11-29 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Base Maximum Health from 1591 to 1511
  • Health Regen reduced from 3.32 to 3.15
  • Basic Attack Damage reduced from 82 to 80


  • Sentinel Shot (W)
    • Damage reduced from 173 to 165
  • Lunar Flare (E)
    • Damage reduced from 205 to 195
  • Starfall (R)
    • Damage reduced from 91 to 88

2017-09-26 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: Sentinel can no longer leave the starting zone during the pre-game countdown.

2017-09-20 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 7
    • Huntress’ Fury (D)
      • Added functionality:
        • Now also increases the range of Hunter’s Mark by 50%
  • Level 13
    • Empower (W)
      • Base cooldown reduction decreased from 4 to 2 seconds

2017-08-23 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Level 4
    • Celestial Attunement (Q)
      • Added functionality:
        • Also removes Silences
    • Kaldorei Resistance
      • Max Spell Armor stacks reduced from 4 to 3
  • Level 13
    • Empower (W)
      • Added functionality:
        • Also lowers the base cooldown of Sentinel by 4 seconds
    • Harsh Moonlight (W)
      • Slow amount reduced from 30 to 25%
      • Damage reduction amount from 30 to 25%

2017-08-08 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Stealth: Fixed an issue that could cancel the Stealth effect provided by Valeera’s Vanish and Tyrande’s Shadowstalk when cast at a specific moment during those Heroes’ Basic Attacks.

2017-07-26 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: After learning Huntress’ Fury, Basic Attacks against targets with Hunter’s Mark will now correctly splash to nearby enemy Mercenaries.
  • Tyrande: Fixed an issue causing Sentinel to benefit from increased width prior to learning the Ranger Talent.

2017-07-11 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Basic Attacks per second increased from 1.25 to 1.33


  • Level 4
    • Celestial Attunement (Q)
      • Free cast window increased from 3 to 4 seconds
  • Level 13
    • Quickening Blessing (Q)
      • Movement Speed increased from 25 to 30%
  • Level 16
    • Mark of Mending (D)
      • Heal amount while a target is Marked reduced from 3 to 2% of attacker’s maximum health
    • Elune’s Chosen (Active)
      • Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
  • Level 20
    • Eyes of the Huntress (R)
      • Reveal time increased from 2 to 3 seconds

Developer Comment: We have been reading a lot of feedback on Tyrande and have heard overwhelming requests to give her substantial buffs. While we would love to do so, our internal data shows her rework win rate is sitting within 1% of her pre-rework values (.8% higher at high-level play and .1% lower at medium/low levels). The rework was focused on lowering the power of her healing while greatly strengthening her utility and damage output. Our data is showing that we are meeting those goals but realize that a lot of players are still attempting to solo-support with her. We are actively aware of the Support role-perception issue, especially since it transcends just Tyrande, and are exploring a lot of different options to help alleviate the frustrations.

2017-06-28 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: The Bonus Damage amount that appears in Ranger's buff bar tooltip will now update properly.

2017-06-13 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Basic Attacks: Splash and Cleave damage will now correctly reveal targets who are hit while inside Bushes and Vents.

2017-05-31 Balance Update

Hero Updates


  • Shadowstalk (R)
    • Cooldown reduced from 30 to 20 seconds
    • Mana cost reduced from 50 to 40


  • Level 1
    • Ranger (W)
      • Added functionality:
        • Now also increases Sentinel Width by 25%
    • Ranger’s Mark (D)
      • Basic Attacks required per decreased from 60 to 50
  • Level 7
    • Huntress’ Fury (D)
      • Splash range increased by roughly 30%

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes affected by a Hunter’s Mark that was applied by Celestial Wrath will now correctly splash to nearby Heroes and Mercenaries.

2017-05-16 Patch Notes

Hero Updates


  • Basic Attack damage reduced from 87 to 82


  • Light of Elune (Q)
    • Adjusted functionality:
      • No longer heals yourself while healing allies
      • The cooldown is now lowered by 2 seconds every time you land a Basic Attack
    • Heal amount reduced from 320 to 270
    • Cooldown increased from 8 to 12 seconds
    • Mana cost reduced from 45 to 25
  • Sentinel (W)
    • Added functionality:
      • !Quest: Hit heroes with Sentinel
        • Reward: Every 8 Heroes hit with Sentinel allows it to pierce one target and lowers the Mana cost by 10
  • Shadowstalk (R)
    • New functionality:
      • Tyrande gains stealth and 30% Movement Speed. When stealth is lost, she keeps her Movement Speed and gains 50% Attack Speed for 5 seconds
    • Cooldown reduced from 60 to 30 seconds
  • Starfall (R)
    • Radius reduced from 6 to 5


  • Level 1
    • Ranger’s Mark (D)
      • New functionality:
        • !Quest: Basic Attacks lower the cooldown of Hunter’s Mark by 1 second
          • Reward: For every 60 Basic Attacks against Heroes, increase the duration of Hunter’s Mark by 1 second
    • Lunar Blaze (E)
      • Moved from Level 7
      • New functionality:
        • !Quest: Every Hero hit by Lunar Flare increases its damage by 3%
          • Reward: After hitting 10 Heroes, remove the Mana Cost
          • Reward: After hitting 20 Heroes, increase the range by 40%
    • Ranger (W)
      • Moved from Level 16
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • Sentinel deals up to 75% more damage based on distance traveled
        • !Quest: Hit Heroes with Sentinel
          • Reward: Every enemy hit with Sentinel increases the damage at maximum range by 3%
    • Seasoned Marksman (Passive)
      • Removed
  • Level 4
    • Pierce (W)
      • Removed
    • Focused Attack (Passive)
      • Removed
    • Protective Shield (Active)
      • Removed
    • Healing Ward (Active)
      • Removed
    • Searing Arrows (Active)
      • Removed
    • Celestial Attunement (Q)
      • Moved from Level 1
      • New functionality:
        • Light of Elune removes stuns. If a stun is removed this way, Light of Elune can be recast for free within 3 seconds.
    • New Talent: Moonlit Arrows (Q)
      • Basic Attacks reduce the Cooldown of your Light of Elune by an additional .75 seconds
    • New Talent: Kaldorei Resistance (Q)
      • Light of Elune grants 15 Spell Armor for 6 seconds. This can stack up to 4 times
  • Level 7
    • Trueshot Aura (Active)
      • Moved from Level 16
      • Adjusted functionality:
        • Nearby allies have 10% increased Basic Attack damage
        • Activate: Double this bonus for 5 seconds
    • Huntress’ Fury (Trait)
      • Moved from Level 13
      • Reduced the splash radius by ~33%
      • New functionality:
        • Basic Attack’s against targets with Hunter’s Mark will damage all nearby enemy Heroes and Mercenaries
    • Lunar Momentum (Passive)
      • Removed
    • Calldown: MULE (Active)
      • Removed
    • New Talent: Darnassian Archery (Passive)
      • Each consecutive attack against an enemy Hero deals 5% more damage. This lasts for 4 seconds or until you target a non-Heroic unit
  • Level 13
    • Empower (W)
      • Moved from Level 1
      • New functionality:
        • Every Hero hit by Sentinel lowers its Cooldown by 4 seconds
    • Quickening Blessing (Q)
      • Moved from Level 7
    • Sprint (Active)
      • Removed
    • Shrink Ray (Active)
      • Removed
    • New Talent: Harsh Moonlight (W)
      • Enemies hit by Sentinel are slowed by 30% and have their damage reduced by 30% for 4 seconds
  • Level 16
    • Mark of Mending (Trait)
      • New functionality:
        • Tyrande’s Basic Attacks heal her for 2% of her maximum Health
        • Allied Heroes Basic Attacks against targets with Hunter’s Mark will heal for 3% of their maximum Health
    • Overflowing Light (Q)
      • Moved from Level 13
      • New functionality:
        • While above 60% life, Light of Elune heals for 30% more
    • New Talent: Elune’s Chosen (Active)
      • Target an allied Hero. For the next 5 seconds, you will heal them for 200% of the Basic Attack damage you deal
  • Level 20
    • Celestial Wrath (R)
      • New functionality:
        • Enemy Heroes within Starfall have Hunter’s Mark applied to them
    • Shooting Star (E)
      • Moved from Level 16
      • New functionality:
        • Increases Basic Attack range by 20%
        • After every 10th Basic Attack against enemies, a Lunar Flare will fire at a nearby enemy Hero
    • Hunter’s Swiftness (R)
      • Removed
    • Nexus Frenzy (Passive)
      • Removed
    • Storm Shield (Active)
      • Removed
    • Rewind (Active)
      • Removed
    • New Talent: Eyes of the Huntress (R)
      • Casting Shadowstalk also reveals the enemy team for 2 seconds.
    • New Talent: Iceblade Arrows (Passive)
      • Gain 25% Attack Speed. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes reduces all damage they deal by 5% for 3 seconds. This can stack up to 10 times

Developer Comment: During one of our design meetings many months ago, we came to the consensus that we wanted to swap the heal functionality between Tyrande and Uther. It felt like the self-heal mechanic was better suited on a front-line melee Healer, so we gave it to our favorite paladin in his latest rework. Instead of simply removing functionality from Light of Elune, we decided to add a large amount of cooldown reduction with every Basic Attack. This will reward players that can stay in combat and has allowed us to shift some of her power from healing output into more utility and offensive-based areas. Overall, we are extremely excited to see what our players can do with her new kit and look forward to hearing any feedback you have!

LEVEL (TIER) Tyrande Talents
1 (1) (!) Ranger's Mark (D) (!) Lunar Blaze (E) (!) Ranger (W)
4 (2) Moonlit Arrows (Q) Celestial Attunement (Q) Kaldorei Resistance (Q)
7 (3) Huntress' Fury (D) Darnassian Archery (Passive) Trueshot Aura (Active)
10 (4) Shadowstalk Starfall
13 (5) Quickening Blessing (Q) Empower (W) Harsh Moonlight (W)
16 (6) Overflowing Light (Q) Mark of Mending (D) Elune's Chosen (Active)
20 (7) Eyes of the Huntress (R) Celestial Wrath (R) Shooting Star (E) Iceblade Arrows (Passive)
  • (!) indicates a Questing Talent.
  • Italic text indicates a NEW Talent.
  • Bold text indicates a MOVED Talent.

2017-03-14 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay

Time-based Scaling

  • We now have the ability to scale damage based on game time elapsed, which should help the performance of the game, but also more accurately adjust damage values of certain abilities.
    • We have implemented this on Li Ming’s Arcane Orb & Tyrande's Sentinel and will continue to look for other use-cases.

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: Fixed an issue that prevented enemies from seeing Starfall’s area of effect indicator when it was cast inside of Brush or Vents.

2016-11-15 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay


  • Abilities that reveal Stealthed/Cloaked Heroes will no longer remove the Stealth/Cloak effect, but will instead temporarily reveal the cloaked Hero.
  • The following talents now function while under the effects of Stealth granted by another player (ex: Tyrande’s Shadowstalk):
    • Nova
      • Tactical Espionage
      • Advanced Cloaking
      • Covert Ops
    • Samuro
      • Way of the Wind
      • Harsh Winds

Developer Comments: Some revealers, like Oracle from Tassadar and now Scouting Drone, are very binary in their ability to reveal Heroes, by design. But their purpose is to provide scouting and position of the enemy, and not to negate the effects of Talents or Abilities that rely on Stealth to provide their benefit. While examining these conditional Talents, we decided that it would be more interesting to allow synergies between external sources of Stealth these Talents. We like that choices like Tyrande’s Shadowstalk or Medivh’s Invisibility become more interesting if you have allies that gain additional benefits from Stealth on your team.


Seasoned Marksman

  • Basic Attack damage can now be gained past the previous cap of 40 bonus damage
  • Activated Attack Speed bonus increased from 30 to 40%

2016-09-13 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Calldown: MULE: Will now properly acquire a new repair target if the Structure it is actively repairing is destroyed.

2016-07-12 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande: Picking the Celestial Wrath Talent will no longer prevent Starfall’s cooldown timer from displaying appropriately on the in-game Score Screen’s Talent pane.

2016-05-17 Patch Notes


Battle Momentum

  • Battle Momentum has been made Hero-specific, and now only applies to Basic Ability cooldowns.
  • Diablo
    • Diabolical Momentum
      • Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds instead of 0.5.
      • No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
  • Johanna
    • Blessed Momentum
      • No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
  • Kerrigan
    • Bladed Momentum
      • Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds instead of 0.5.
      • No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
  • Tyrael
    • Angelic Momentum
      • Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds instead of 0.5.
      • No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
  • Tyrande
    • Lunar Momentum
      • Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.6 seconds instead of 0.5.
      • No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
  • Zagara
    • Swarm Momentum
      • Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds instead of 0.5.
      • No longer reduces Heroic Ability or Trait cooldowns.

Developer Comments: Our intention for Battle Momentum was to create more active gameplay by using your Basic Abilities more often, but we found that a lot of this Talent’s power lied in its ability to reduce your Heroic cooldowns. We wanted to increase the cooldown reduction granted by the Talent, but didn’t want Heroic Ability cooldowns to drop to absurdly low levels. By making it only reduce the cooldowns of Basic Abilities (Q, W, E), it allowed us to increase this cooldown reduction without making it overpowered. We’ve also made Battle Momentum Hero-specific, so that we can tune each one without affecting all the rest, since Attack Speed, melee versus range, and the nature of your Basic Abilities can all drastically change what is balanced.

Seasoned Marksman

  • A reward has been added to this Questing Talent.
    • Quest: Increases Attack Damage by 0.2 for each enemy Minion killed nearby, and 0.5 for each Hero Takedown, up to a maximum of 40.
    • Reward: After gaining 40 bonus Attack Damage, Seasoned Marksman can be activated to increase Attack Speed by 30% for 3 seconds. 60 second cooldown.

Developer Comments: We’ve added a completion point to this Talent. Upon completing its quest, players will be provided with some additional power. This allows us to offer spikes of power in-between Talent levels, or even for a single player on a team. Now, simply picking the Talent and only partially completing it is worse, but finishing the quest will return a larger reward. Choosing the right Talents on the right Battleground or with the right team composition has always been an important goal for us, and this change pushes this Talent to closer align with that goal.

Bug Fixes

  • Attempting to cast Nova’s Pinning Shot or Tyrande’s Hunter’s Mark on an enemy just as the target enters a Bush or Vent will no longer cause the Ability’s sound effects and animations to play as though it were successfully cast.

2016-04-27 Balance Update

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing Tyrande’s Starfall to deal lower than intended damage, and have a higher than intended Mana cost and cooldown after learning her Celestial Wrath Talent.

2016-04-12 Balance Update

Hero Updates

  • Starfall (R)
    • Damage per second increased from 69 (+4% per level) to 91 (+4% per level).
    • Cooldown reduced from 100 to 80 seconds.
    • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 75.

Developer Comments: We want to make some basic improvements to a lot of the lesser-picked/lower win-rate Heroic Abilities. Most of these are pretty simple changes to make them more enticing, like adding more damage, reducing cooldowns, or lowering Mana costs. We realize that the primary use case for Abilities like Li Li’s Water Dragon or E.T.C.’s Stage Dive is not damage, but having more of it might help them feel more effective. We’re trying to do something a little bit different with Brightwing’s Emerald Wind and Malfurion’s Twilight Dream by compensating for some of the Support capability you miss out on by picking these Heroics. We’re excited to see how these go! In Thrall’s case, Sundering was a little too strong, so we’re reducing its stun duration.

2016-03-29 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • The visual effects for Tassadar’s Dimensional Shift will now properly display if it is cast after breaking the Stealth effect applied by Tyrande’s Shadowstalk.

2016-03-01 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Towers will now properly fire Ammo provided by an allied Calldown: MULE immediately after 2 Ammo has been restored.

2016-02-02 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay

Battleground Monsters

  • Battleground-specific creatures are now universally defined as Monsters (ex: Neutral Garden Terrors, Sky Temple Guardians, etc.)
  • Several Talents and Abilities have been changed to reflect this new categorization, and the following no longer affect Monsters:
    • Mercenary Lord
    • Johanna's Knight Takes Pawn
    • Lunara's Cruel Bloom
    • Rexxar's Easy Prey and Bird of Prey
    • The Butcher's Chop Meat
  • The following now affect Monsters:
    • Anub'arak's Beetle, Juiced
    • Azmodan's Demonic Smite
  • Several Talents that could previously trigger against both captured Mercenaries and Minions will now only affect Minions (ex: Seasoned Marksman, Black Soulstone, etc.)


Focused Attack

  • Basic Attack damage bonus reduced from 75% to 60%

Developer Comments: The talent is doing a bit too much damage over the course of the game. We like that it is a highly contested pick on Basic Attack Heroes, but want to bring its overall power down a bit.

Hero Updates

  • Searing Arrows (Talent)
    • Will now dismount Tyrande on activation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Tyrande’s Sentinel to deal reduced damage against targets at close range after learning the Ranger Talent.

2016-01-20 Balance Update

Hero Updates

  • Basic Attack damage decreased from 92 to 87
  • Trueshot Aura (Talent)
    • Basic Attack damage bonus now only affects allied Heroes
  • Hunter’s Mark (Trait)
    • Ranger’s Mark (Talent)
      • Hunter’s Mark cooldown reduction amount decreased from 8 to 6 seconds
    • Huntress’ Fury (Talent)
      • Attack Speed bonus duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
  • Light of Elune (Q)
    • Allied Heal amount increased from 310 to 320 Health
    • Overflowing Light (Talent)
      • Allied healing bonus decreased from 35% to 30%
  • Lunar Flare (E)
    • Stun duration decreased from 1 to 0.75 seconds.
    • Lunar Blaze (Talent)
      • Range bonus decreased from 50% to 40%
  • Shadowstalk (R)
    • Cooldown increased from 50 to 60 seconds
    • Periodic Healing decreased from 16 to 15 Health per tick
    • Final burst Heal amount decreased from 100 to 95 Health
    • Hunter’s Swiftness (Talent)
      • Movement Speed bonus decreased from 40% to 30%
  • Starfall (R)
    • Damage increased from 64 per second to 69 per second

Developer Comments: Tyrande has been hovering around our radar for longer than we would like, but we needed to take some time to figure out exactly where we wanted to make changes. We are happy with how versatile her kit is, but feel she does everything a bit too well, especially since she thrives in the current stun-driven meta. We have changes targeted at improving her talent diversity while forcing her to rely a bit more on talents for damage or healing output. We are taking a cautious approach here, but are more than willing to make larger changes, if necessary.

2015-11-17 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Heal over time and damage over time previews for Tyrande’s Shadowstalk and Kael'thas’ Living Bomb will now more accurately reflect the burst Healing and burst damage amounts at the end of each Ability’s effects.

2015-10-06 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay

Vehicles and Regeneration Globe Interaction

  • Regeneration Globes will no longer heal Dragon Knights and Garden Terrors.
    • Instead, Regeneration Globe effects will now be applied directly to the Hero inside the Dragon Knight or Garden Terror.
  • Players within a Dragon Knight or Garden Terror can now also accumulate stacks for Talents such as Seasoned Marksman, Gathering Power, Regeneration Master, etc.

Hero Updates

  • Searing Arrows (Talent)
    • Basic Attack damage bonus increased from 40% to 50%
  • Shadowstalk (R)
    • No longer reveals enemies.
    • Instead, allied Heroes are now healed over 8 seconds, and then receive a large burst of healing when Shadowstalk expires
    • Hunter’s Prey (Talent) has been renamed to Hunter’s Swiftness
      • Allied Heroes no longer gain a Basic Attack damage bonus, and instead receive a 40% Movement Speed bonus for 8 seconds

Developer Comments: We think that it’s important that Tyrande has the capability to be a viable solo healer, as she might be the only Support on your team in Quick Match. Shadowstalk is generally an under-picked Heroic, so we decided to focus it more toward healing so that it can become a “support” option. Tyrande still brings less healing than some of our other Supports due to the rest of her kit, but we hope that the Shadowstalk change will bring her closer to what players expect when fulfilling the primary Support role.

Bug Fixes

  • Sonya’s Seismic Slam, Tyrande’s Light of Elune, and Zeratul’s Cleave will no longer place the Hero’s Basic Attack on cooldown.
  • The Focused Attack Talent now properly uses a 10 second cooldown between bonuses to Basic Attack damage.

2015-08-18 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay

Bonus Effects from Kills

Developer Comments: This change will not have a major impact on today’s gameplay and was mostly done for consistency on how these type of talents worked. In the future, it may allow us to develop Battlegrounds with many small minions (think Haunted Mines) and not have to worry about special casing Seasoned Marksman so it doesn’t get out of control.

  • Talents and Abilities that gain bonus effects from kills will now only trigger from Minions and Mercenaries, and will no longer gain benefit from killing neutral Mercenaries, map event creatures, summoned units, etc.


Focused Attacks

Developer Comments: This could be viewed as a buff or nerf depending on how players perceive it. You can still reduce the cooldown by attacking Minions, but won’t accidently waste a burst of damage on an unintended target. This talent will no longer be as effective at sieging, but it should be significantly better at harassing in lane. We will continue to monitor the talent, and tune as necessary.

  • The increased damage effect will now only trigger when hitting Heroes

Seasoned Marksman

Developer Comments: Overall, we like the way Seasoned Marksman is playing but wanted to tune up its effectiveness to reward those able to secure a healthy number of takedowns, while simultaneously tuning the talent up due to prior changes. Ideally, this will become a great talent pick when facing The Lost Vikings or Murky players.

  • Stacks earned by killing enemy Heroes increased from 2 to 3
  • Only Minions, captured enemy Mercenaries, and Heroes will grant stacks upon death

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in which Ability effects, such as Giant Killer, Focused Attack, and Zagara’s Envenomed Spines, could be applied while Blinded.

2015-06-30 Patch Notes


Protective Shield

  • Now Shields for 15% of the target’s maximum Health

Hero Updates

  • A number of Tyrande’s Talents have been rearranged within their existing tiers in order to better accommodate players with locked Talents

2015-05-12 Patch Notes


Focused Attack

  • Bonus to Basic Attack damage increased from 50% to 75%

Healing Ward

  • Can now be struck by Area of Effect Abilities
  • Healing Wards now have 50 (+15 per level) Health

2015-03-24 Patch Notes


Healing Ward

  • Duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds
  • Heal amount reduced from 3% to 2% of max Health per second

Hero Updates

  • A significant number of Tyrande’s Talents have been rearranged.
  • Shroud (Talent) removed
  • Purging Mark (Talent) removed
  • Bolt of the Storm (Talent) removed
  • Focused Attack (Talent) added at Level 4
  • Nexus Frenzy (Talent) added at Level 20
  • Trueshot Aura (Talent) moved from Level 7 to Level 16
    • Basic Attack damage bonus increased from 10% to 15%
    • Attack Speed bonus removed
  • Hunter’s Mark (Trait)
    • Huntress' Fury (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 13
    • Mark of Mending (Talent)
      • Heal amount increased from 2% to 2.5% of the attacker’s maximum Health
  • Light of Elune (Q)
    • Cooldown increased from 6 to 8 seconds
    • Self-healing increased from 45 (+10 per level) to 60 (+14 per level)
    • Ally healing increased from 90 (+20 per level) to 120 (+28 per level)
    • Overflowing Light (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 13
      • Heal bonus reduced from 40% to 35%
      • Health requirement for Tyrande reduced from 90% to 50%
  • Sentinel (W)
    • Pierce (Talent) moved from Level 1 to Level 4
    • Empower (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 1
  • Lunar Flare (E)
    • Radius increased by 20%
    • Lunar Blaze (Talent) moved from Level 13 to Level 7
      • Radius increase removed

Bug Fixes

  • Enemies affected by Tyrande's Hunter's Mark are now properly revealed if they enter a cloaked state while marked.
  • Tyrande's Trueshot Aura will no longer benefit allied Heroes that are present in their team’s Hall of Storms while she is dead.

2015-02-10 Patch Notes


Calldown: MULE

  • Multiple M.U.L.E.s can no longer repair the same structure.
  • Duration reduced from 60 to 40 seconds; Cooldown remains 60 seconds
  • M.U.L.E.s now restore ammunition more quickly.
  • M.U.L.E. Health is now 140 (+43 per level), rather than remaining at 500 Health for the duration of the match.


  • Has been moved from Level 13 to Level 20
  • Has been removed from many Heroes
  • Found on the following Heroes:
    • Anub'arak, Arthas, Brightwing, Nova, Malfurion, Muradin, Murky, Tassadar, Tyrande, Rehgar, Zeratul

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in which Shrink Ray could fail to apply its 50% damage reduction if the target had already begun casting an Ability prior to coming under Shrink Ray’s effects.

2015-01-13 Patch Notes


Calldown: MULE

  • MULE intelligence has been increased!
    • MULEs now prioritize repairing Structures over replenishing ammunition (if a building has ammunition, its ammunition will still be replenished while it is being repaired.)
    • MULEs will now prioritize Town Halls and Towers, then Gates and Moonwells, and then Walls.
  • If two Structures with equal priority are in range of the MULE’s placement, it will begin repairing the one it was dropped closer to.
  • After all Structures in range are healed, a MULE will then prioritize based on their need for ammunition.

Bug Fixes

  • Bolt of the Storm and Zeratul’s Blink can no longer be cast while rooted.
  • Casting Tassadar’s Dimensional Shift immediately after being struck by Tyrande’s Sentinel will no longer cause the revealed indicator to persist on Tassadar until his next death.
  • Casting Tyrande’s Sentinel now displays an appropriate minimap icon after learning the Ranger Talent.

2014-12-10 Hotfix Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Activating the Rewind Talent will no longer refresh cooldowns for certain activated Traits.
  • Fixed an issue in which selecting a specific combination of Talents could cause Tyrande’s Basic Ability cooldowns to refresh much more quickly than intended.

2014-12-02 Patch Notes



  • Now refreshes all Basic Ability cooldowns rather than reducing them by 10 seconds
  • Cooldown increased from 60 to 90 seconds

Hero Updates

  • Empower (Talent)
    • Now instantly reduces cooldowns by 2 seconds, rather than cooling down by 4 seconds over a 2 second period
  • Shadowstalk (R)
    • Cooldown increased from 50 to 70 seconds

Bug Fixes

  • Tassadar will no longer become revealed until his next death after using Dimensional Shift to clear Tyrande's Sentinel.

2014-10-07 Patch Notes

Design & Gameplay


  • Most Abilities can no longer be cast on the minimap.
    • This is to prevent issues with unintended minimap clicks.
    • Abilities with a global range, such as Nova’s Precision Strike, and Tyrande’s Sentinel, among others, can still be cast on the minimap.


Protective Shield

  • Shield value changed from 300 (+30 per level) to 185 (+35 per level)

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande's Purging Arrow Talent no longer allows Basic Attacks from Minions, Mercenaries, and Summons to deplete ammo when a Structure is targeted by Hunter’s Mark.

2014-09-10 Patch Notes


Healing Ward

  • Heal amount increased from 2% to 3% per tick

Seasoned Marksman

  • No longer requires last hits to gain stacks
  • Now only requires the player be in proximity when enemy Minions or Heroes are killed
  • One stack is earned per Minion kill, and two stacks per enemy Hero kill
  • Six stacks permanently add +1 to Basic Attack damage

Storm Shield

  • Target search radius increased from 5 to 8

Hero Updates

  • Hunter’s Mark (Trait)
    • Trueshot Aura (Talent)
      • Aura range increased from 7 to 12
  • Shadowstalk (R)
    • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 75

Bug Fixes

  • A Tyrande cloned by Abathur’s Ultimate Evolution Heroic Ability can now appropriately cast Light of Elune on the original Tyrande.
  • The Calldown: MULE Talent can no longer be cast at locations in which the player does not have vision.
  • Tyrande’s Sentinel Ability now receives an appropriate cooldown timer if she becomes stunned just as the Ability cast completes.

2014-07-23 Patch Notes


Healing Ward

  • Has been moved from Level 1 to Level 4

New Talent (Level 1): Seasoned Marksman

  • Grants +1 Basic Attack Damage permanently for every 5 Minions killed.
  • This effect stacks.
  • Only Minions damaged by Basic Attacks within moments of their death will count toward this bonus.


  • Has been moved from Level 16 to Level 13

With the addition of Artifacts, the following generic Talents have been removed:

  • Minion Killer
  • Path of the Assassin
  • Path of the Warrior
  • Path of the Wizard

Hero Updates

  • Hunter’s Mark (Trait)
    • New Talent (Level 1): Ranger’s Mark
      • Reduces the cooldown for Hunter’s Mark by 8 seconds
    • New Talent (Level 13): Purging Mark
      • Hunter’s Mark can now be cast on Structures.
      • Basic Attacks against a marked Structure drain 1 Ammunition.
    • New Talent (Level 16): Mark of Mending
      • Basic Attacks against marked targets heal the attacking player for 2% of his or her maximum Health.
    • New Talent (Level 16): Huntress’ Fury
      • Increases Attack Speed by 40% for 4 seconds after casting Hunter’s Mark
  • Light of Elune (Q)
    • Mana cost reduced from 50 to 45
    • New Talent (Level 1): Celestial Attunement
      • Reduces the mana cost for Light of Elune by 15
    • Quickening Blessing (Talent)
      • Tyrande no longer gains a Movement Speed bonus after healing herself.
    • Shroud (Talent)
      • Moved from Level 4 to Level 7
      • Tyrande no longer Cloaks after healing herself.
    • Overflowing Light (Talent)
      • Moved from Level 7 to Level 4
  • Sentinel (W)
    • Empower (Talent)
      • Moved from Level 13 to Level 4
  • Lunar Flare (E)
    • Shooting Star (Talent)
      • Now refunds 100% Mana when an enemy Hero is struck by Lunar Flare.
      • This effect can only activate once per cast.
  • Shadowstalk (R)
    • Now also reveals all enemies in addition to Cloaking all allies
    • Cooldown reduced from 60 to 50 seconds
    • No longer increases Movement Speed
    • Hunter’s Prey (Talent)
      • Tyrande and all allies gain 25% Movement Speed for 8 seconds and the next Basic Attack will deal 100% increased damage after Shadowstalk is cast.

2014-05-22 Patch Notes


Calldown: MULE

  • Changed from target structure to target point
  • The MULE now repairs the closest structure when cast. If the structure reaches full health, the MULE will seek out another structure to repair.

Path of the Wizard

  • Mana regeneration per level decreased from 0.2 to 0.1.

Hero Updates

  • Hunter’s Mark (Trait) has been reworked
    • Activate to mark a target enemy. That target is revealed and takes an additional 25% damage for 4 seconds. Structures cannot be marked.
    • 20 second cooldown

Bug Fixes

  • Tyrande’s Lunar Flare ability no longer shares a cooldown with the Searing Arrows activated Talent.

2014-04-15 Patch Notes


  • General
    • Calldown: MULE duration reduced from 90 to 60 seconds.

Hero Updates

  • Sentinel reveal duration reduced from 8 to 5 seconds.
  • Lunar Flare stun duration reduced from 1.25 to 1 second.
  • Shadowstalk cooldown reduced from 80 to 60 seconds.

Bug Fixes

  • Calldown: MULE can now be cast when the casting hero is underground on the Haunted Mines.