Level | Talent Name | Description | Cooldown |
1 | Adrenaline Stimpack | Passive: While over 80% Health, gain 25% bonus Attack Speed and 10% bonus Movement Speed. Activate to gain 100% Attack Speed and 25% Movement Speed for 5 seconds. | 30 |
1 | Endurance Stimpack | Activate to gain a Shield that absorbs 590 (+4% per level) damage over 5 seconds. When taking damage while below 30% maximum Health, Endurance Stimpack will automatically be cast if it is not on cooldown. | 30 |
1 | Neural Stimpack | Activate to gain 40 Mana and cause Basic Ability cooldowns to recharge 100% faster for 5 seconds. | 30 |
1 | New Habits | Collecting Regeneration Globes reduces the cooldown of Pyromania by 6 seconds. Quest: Collect 15 Regeneration Globes. Reward: Pyromania grants Unstoppable for 2 seconds. | |
4 | Oil Dispersal | Increase Oil Spill's area by 20%. Each enemy Hero hit by Flame Stream reduces the cooldown of Oil Spill by 0.75 seconds and refunds 5 Mana. | |
4 | Meltdown | Hitting an enemy Hero with Pyromania reduces their damage dealt by 8% for 2.5 seconds, up to 40%. | |
4 | Incinerator Gauntlets | Increase Basic Attack area by 15%, and Basic Attack damage to Minions, Mercenaries, and Monsters by 50%. | |
7 | Suppressive Fire | Each stream of Flame Stream reduces the Spell Power of Heroes hit by 25% for 4 seconds, up to 50%. | |
7 | Nanomachine Coating | Enemies standing in Oil Spills and Ignited Oil Spills have their Attack Speed reduced by 50% for 3 seconds. | |
7 | Fuel Leak | Jet Propulsion creates Oil Spills along Blaze's path. If Jet Propulsion impacts an enemy Hero, an additional Oil Spill is created underneath them. | |
10 | Bunker Drop | After 0.5 seconds, deploy and enter a Bunker with 1435 (+4% per level) Health. Blaze and his allies can enter and exit the Bunker at will. While in the Bunker, occupants gain access to Flamethrower, dealing 170 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in a line. Exiting the Bunker grants 25 Armor for 2 seconds. Bunkers last 10 seconds, or until destroyed. | 70 |
10 | Combustion | Channel for up to 2.6 seconds. Upon ending, Slow nearby enemies by 60% and deal 55 (+4% per level) damage to them every 0.5 seconds. Combustion's Slow and damage over time duration is extended the longer Blaze Channels, from 1 second up to 5 seconds. Blaze's Movement Speed is reduced by 40% while Channeling. | 80 |
13 | Grill and Kill | Increase Ignited Oil Spill damage by 45%. Quest: Damage enemy Heroes with Ignited Oil Spills 30 times. Reward: Increase Oil Spill's Ignite duration by 2.5 seconds. | |
13 | Adhesive Petroleum | Enemies standing in Oil Spill when it is Ignited are Slowed by 40% and take 35% more Basic Attack damage from Blaze for 3 seconds. Additionally, Basic Attack splashes Ignite Oil Spills. | |
13 | Collision Course | Jet Propulsion's collision deals 275 (+4% per level) damage to the first enemy Hero hit. | |
16 | Thermal Protection | Each enemy hit by Jet Propulsion grants 10 Armor for 3 seconds and reduces its cooldown by 1.25 seconds. | |
16 | Heat Treatment | Heal for 75% of the damage dealt by Pyromania. | |
16 | Juggernaut Plating | Activate to gain 50 Spell Armor for 3 seconds. Upon expiration, gain a Shield equal to 125% of the Spell Damage taken while Juggernaut Plating was active. | 30 |
20 | Fortified Bunker | Occupants can cast Oil Spill from Bunker Drop every 6 seconds. Additionally, Bunker Drop's Armor bonus upon exiting is increased by 25, and its duration by 1 second. | |
20 | Flash Fire | While Channeling Combustion, Blaze's Movement Speed is no longer reduced, and nearby enemies are Slowed by 60%. | |
20 | Burn Notice | Basic Attacks Slow enemies by 5% and deal an additional 18 (+4% per level) damage over 2.5 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. |
Shortcut | Ability Name | Description | Cooldown | Mana Cost |
Q | Flame Stream | Fire two streams that deal 76 (+4% per level) damage to enemies hit, and an additional 120 (+4% per level) damage to enemies hit by both streams. Flame Stream Ignites Oil Spills it comes in contact with. | 4 | 30 |
W | Oil Spill | Vector Targeting Dispense a slick of oil that lasts for 5 seconds and Slows enemies that come in contact with it by 50%. Oil Spills are Ignited for 2.5 seconds when hit by Flame Stream. Ignited Oil Spills no longer Slow enemies, but instead deal 16 (+4% per level) damage to them every 0.3 seconds. Additionally, Blaze is healed for 49 (+4% per level) Health every 0.3 seconds while standing in Ignited Oil Spills. Stores up to 2 charges. | 12 | 50 |
E | Jet Propulsion | After 0.375 seconds, charge forward. Colliding with an enemy Hero deals 52 (+4% per level) damage to all nearby enemy Heroes and Stuns them for 1.25 seconds. | 10 | 45 |
R | Bunker Drop | After 0.5 seconds, deploy and enter a Bunker with 1435 (+4% per level) Health. Blaze and his allies can enter and exit the Bunker at will. While in the Bunker, occupants gain access to Flamethrower, dealing 170 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in a line. Exiting the Bunker grants 25 Armor for 2 seconds. Bunkers last 10 seconds, or until destroyed. | 70 | 70 |
R | Combustion | Channel for up to 2.6 seconds. Upon ending, Slow nearby enemies by 60% and deal 55 (+4% per level) damage to them every 0.5 seconds. Combustion's Slow and damage over time duration is extended the longer Blaze Channels, from 1 second up to 5 seconds. Blaze's Movement Speed is reduced by 40% while Channeling. | 80 | 70 |
D | Pyromania | Gain 40 Armor and deal 40 (+4% per level) damage to nearby enemies every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds. Each Hero hit by Flame Stream reduces Pyromania's cooldown by 4 seconds. | 90 |
Hero Updates
- Quickcast Settings
- Added the Bunker's abilities.
- Level 1
- Adrenaline Stimpack [Active]
- Added a health threshold indicator.
- Adrenaline Stimpack [Active]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused Blaze to deal bonus damage to enemies hit by another Blaze's Flame Streams.
Hero Updates
- Basic Attack will now reveal the area for 0.75 seconds.
- Flame Stream [Q]
- Flame Stream will now reveal target hit for 2 seconds.
- Combustion [R2]
- Combustion will now reveal the effect area for 0.75 seconds.
- Level 7
- Fuel Leak [E]
- Oil Spills created by Fuel Leak sight reduced from 7 to 1.5.
- Fuel Leak [E]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that allowed select abilities to be activated while disabled if selected while inside the Bunker.
- Fixed an issue that caused Heat Treatment to not heal for a portion of the damage dealt by Pyromania.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused Suppressive Fire to not reduce healing dealt. Undocumented
- Fixed an issue that caused the Bunker to be destroyed by the Punisher on Infernal Shrines in a single hit.
- Fixed an issue where Blaze's Ignited Oil Spill was not affected by any forms of damage modification when not ignited directly by Blaze.
Hero Updates
- Flame Stream [Q]
- Damage reduced from 83 to 76.
- Pyromania [D]
- Flame Stream cooldown reduction reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
- Level 4
- Oil Dispersal [W]
- Cooldown reduction reduced from 1 to .75 seconds.
- Oil Dispersal [W]
- Level 13
- Collision Course [E]
- Damaged reduced from 325 to 275.
- Collision Course [E]
Developer Comment: Blaze has been successful in making a big splash, but his damage is helping his team secure kills more frequently than we would like.
Hero Updates
- Flame Stream [Q]
- Additionality functionality: Hitting an enemy with both streams of Flame Stream deals 120 damage. This additional hit triggers Flame Stream's Pyromania cooldown reduction.
- Level 1
- New Habits [D]
- Pyromania cooldown reduction from Regeneration Globes reduced from 8 to 6 seconds.
- New Habits [D]
- Level 7
- Crossfire [Q]
- Removed.
- Suppressive Fire [Q]
- Moved from Level 13.
- Nanomachine Coating [W]
- Moved from Level 13.
- Fuel Leak [E]
- Moved from Level 13.
- Crossfire [Q]
- Level 13
- Grill and Kill [W]
- Moved from Level 7.
- Changed functionality: Ignited Oil Spill damage bonus now granted instantly.
- Ignited Oil Spill damage bonus increased from 35% to 45%.
- Hero hits for quest completion reduced from 60 to 30.
- Quest Reward Ignite duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
- Adhesive Petroleum [W]
- Moved from Level 7.
- Additional functionality: Enemies standing in Oil Spill when its Ignited take 35% more Basic Attack damage from Blaze for 3 seconds.
- (New) Collision Course [E]
- Jet Propulsion deals an additional 325 damage to its collision target.
- Grill and Kill [W]
Developer Comment: Crossfire has always been a wildly popular talent, so we're bringing it baseline. With this early addition of damage, we're comfortable pushing back his damage talent tier and swapping it with his impactful tanking talents.
Hero Updates
- Level 1
- Endurance Stimpack [Active]
- Shield amount increased from 530 to 590.
- Neural Stimpack [Active]
- Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds.
- Endurance Stimpack [Active]
- Level 7
- Grill and Kill [W]
- Damage bonus increased from 20% to 35%.
- Adhesive Petroleum [W]
- Slow increased from 35% to 40%.
- Grill and Kill [W]
- Level 13
- Nanomachine Coating [W]
- Duration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds.
- Nanomachine Coating [W]
Developer Comment: While in a relatively good place, many of Blaze's talent tiers have one or two talents that are heavily picked over the third. We're trying to shore up the alternate picks to be more competitive, which should lead to more unique ways to play the Firebat.
Hero Updates
- Level 1
- Endurance Stimpack [Active]
- Shield amount increased from 480 to 530.
- Endurance Stimpack [Active]
- Level 4
- Incinerator Gauntlets [Passive]
- Bonus damage to Minons, Mercenaries, and Monsters reduced from 70% to 50%.
- Incinerator Gauntlets [Passive]
Developer Comment: While we achieved our previous goal of making Incinerator Gauntlets a powerful PvE option, we overshot a bit and are reducing its power to be more in line with what other Warriors can bring to the table in this area.
Hero Updates
- Level 1
- Adrenaline Stimpack [Active]
- Additional functionality: While Blaze has over 80% Health, gain 25% bonus Attack Speed and 10% bonus Movement Speed.
- Endurance Stimpack [Passive]
- Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds.
- Adjusted functionality: When damaged while below 30% maximum Health, Endurance Stimpack will automatically cast if it is not on cooldown.
- Neural Stimpack [Active]
- Mana restoration increased from 30 to 40.
- Adrenaline Stimpack [Active]
- Level 4
- Incinerator Gauntlets [Passive]
- Moved from Level 7.
- No longer causes Basic Attacks to light Oil Spills.
- Meltdown [Trait]
- Damage reduction increased from 7% to 8% per stack.
- Incinerator Gauntlets [Passive]
- Level 7
- Adhesive Petroleum [W]
- Moved from Level 4.
- Slow amount increased from 30% to 35%.
- Slow duration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds.
- Additional functionality: Now also causes Basic Attacks to light Oil Spills.
- Adhesive Petroleum [W]
Developer Comment: We're changing up many of Blaze's early game talents to have some more unique use cases and to generally improve diversity. We're also giving him some more reliable early-game wave clear by moving Incinerator Gauntlets to an earlier level and removing the effect of causing Basic Attacks to light Oil Spills and adding it to Adhesive Petroleum.
Hero Updates
- Jet Propulsion [E]
- Delay before charging reduced from .5 to .375 seconds.
- Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
- Mana cost increased from 40 to 45.
Developer Comment: To help Blaze be a better front line for his team, we're slightly reducing the delay on Jet Propulsion to make it more reliable, and increasing its cooldown to compensate.
Bug Fixes
- Critical Strike, Oil Spill, Lightning Fury, Ravage, Keg Smash, and Particle Grenade are now affected by cooldown reduction effects.
Hero Updates
- Jet Propulsion [E]
- Cooldown reduced from 9 to 8 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 45 to 40
- Pyromania [Trait]
- Armor bonus increased from 35 to 40
- Level 4
- Oil Dispersal [W]
- Additional functionality: Each enemy Hero hit with Flame Stream reduces the cooldown of Oil Spill by 1 second and refunds 5 Mana
- Feeding the Flame [Q]
- Removed
- Oil Dispersal [W]
- Level 10
- Bunker Drop [R1]
- Cooldown reduced from 80 to 70 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 80 to 70
- Bunker Drop [R1]
- Level 13
- Suppressive Fire [Q]
- Spell Power reduction increased from 20% to 25% per stack
- Suppressive Fire [Q]
- Level 16
- Thermal Protection [E]
- Cooldown reduction reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds
- Thermal Protection [E]
Developer Comment: Blaze has been outperformed by other heroes in the last few months, and these changes are intended to bring him a bit more back into the meta. Most of these buffs are intended to help his tanking capabilities, particularly when it comes to his initiation and survivability.
Bug Fixes
- Junkrat's Rip-Tire can no longer occasionally kill enemy Heroes inside of Blaze's Bunker.
Hero Updates
- Level 16
- Juggernaut Plating (Active)
- Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
- Juggernaut Plating (Active)
Hero Updates
- Bunker Drop (R)
- Allies now have to channel for .5 seconds to enter the Bunker
- Level 4
- Feeding the Flame (Q)
- Cooldown reduction decreased from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds
- Additional functionality:
- Now also refunds 5 Mana each time Flame Stream damages an enemy Hero
- Oil Dispersal (W)
- No longer increases the Slow amount of Oil Spill
- Meltdown (Trait)
- Damage reduction increased from 5 to 7% per stack
- Maximum Stack Count reduced from 6 to 5
- Maximum damage reduction increased from 30% to 35%
- Feeding the Flame (Q)
Developer Comment: These changes are intended to better round out Blaze's Level 4 talents, as well as to address the disparity in his power between casual and pro play. Bunker Drop in particular has been used to great effectiveness at higher level play to avoid nearly all damage from enemy teams with little risk due to the ability to instantly get in and out of the Bunker. While players will still be able to avoid large amounts of burst damage with the Heroic, they will no longer be able to easily go in and out of the Bunker without putting themselves at risk.
Hero Updates
- Oil Spill (W)
- Slow amount increased from 40 to 50%
- Ignited Oil Spill damage reduced from 18 to 16
- Jet Propulsion (E)
- Cooldown reduced from 10 to 9 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 50 to 45
- Pyromania (D)
- Armor amount increased from 25 to 35
Hero Updates
- Base Maximum Health increased from 2775 to 2900
- Health Regeneration increased from 5.78 to 6.04
- Flame Stream (Q)
- Mana cost increased from 25 to 30
- Oil Spill (W)
- Mana cost increased from 40 to 50
- Jet Propulsion (E)
- Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
- Bunker Drop (R)
- Flamethrower damage reduced from 179 to 170
- Cooldown increased from 60 to 80 seconds
- Mana cost increased from 40 to 80
- Combustion (R)
- Damage increased from 52 to 55
- Self-Slow amount decreased from 50 to 40%
- Level 1
- Endurance Stimpack (Active)
- Shield amount increased from 450 to 480
- Neural Stimpack (Active)
- Mana restoration reduced from 50 to 30
- New Habits (Trait)
- Regeneration Globe collection cooldown reduction increased from 5 to 8 seconds
- Endurance Stimpack (Active)
- Level 13
- Nanomachine Coating (W)
- Attack Speed slow increased from 40 to 50%
- Nanomachine Coating (W)
- Level 16
- Thermal Protection (E)
- Cooldown reduction decreased from 2 to 1.5 seconds
- Thermal Protection (E)
Developer Comment: Blaze is performing very well in professional play but is currently our lowest winning Warrior in the game. To balance his effectiveness in the pro scene, we're increasing the cooldown and lowering the effectiveness of Bunker Drop. His laning phase is also not as interactive as we'd like it to be, so we're increasing the Mana costs of his abilities to reduce his perpetual wave clear and sustain in the early phases of the game. In exchange for these nerfs, we're giving him some base survivability buffs, reducing the cooldown of Jet Propulsion, and improving some of his talents.
Hero Updates
- Hero radius increased from .875 to 1
- Level 1
- Neural Stimpack (Active)
- Now only reduces the cooldowns of Basic Abilities
- Neural Stimpack (Active)
Bug Fixes
- Sleep: Damage over time effects that do not initially apply damage, like Gul'dan's Corruption and Blaze's Combustion, will now correctly wake Sleeping enemies.
Hero Updates
- Bunker Drop (R)
- Cooldown increased from 50 to 60 seconds.
- Combustion (R)
- Damage increased from 48 to 52.
- Level 4
- Feeding the Flame (Q)
- Oil Spill cooldown reduction increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
- Feeding the Flame (Q)
Design & Gameplay
- Vehicle Exit hotkey has been moved to the Trait key (default: “D”), and Vehicle Trait hotkeys have been moved to the Heroic key (default: “R”). This includes:
- Dragon Knight
- Garden Terror
- Triglav Protector
- Blaze's Bunker Drop
Hero Updates
- Bunker Drop (R)
- Players can now exit Blaze's Bunker in the direction of their choosing by right-clicking.
- The Bunker’s hitbox has been adjusted to more closely match its model. This should reduce situations in which players could unintentionally enter Blaze’s bunker when clicking nearby.
Bug Fixes
- Blaze: Icon art has been swapped for the Adhesive Petroleum and Oil Dispersal Talents.
Bug Fixes
- Zeratul: Casting Void Prison on Blaze’s Bunker while players are inside no longer halts their Ability cooldowns indefinitely after Void Prison expires.
Bug Fixes
- Blaze: After learning Oil Dispersal, Oil Spill’s targeting indicator now correctly increases in size to reflect the Ability’s new area of effect.
- Blaze: Casting Flame Stream on a target who is standing in an unignited Oil Spill will now correctly register as two Flame Stream hits, rather than one.
- Blaze: Flame Stream is no longer visible through the Fog of War when cast near the edge of the enemy team’s vision.
- Blaze: Unignited Oil Spills will no longer reduce enemy Structures’ Attack Speeds after learning the Nanomachine Coating Talent.
Hero Updates
- Bunker Drop (R)
- Cooldown increased from 40 to 50 seconds
- Exit Bunker now has a 1 second cooldown before it can be used
Developer Comment: While we love the creative uses of Bunker Drop, at the higher levels of play it is slightly too effective. These changes are designed to decrease the overall power of the Bunker when it’s used purely to dodge enemy abilities and clear debuffs. We’d like to ensure that players who get into the Bunker are committed to being inside, if only briefly.
Hero Updates
- Fortified Bunker (R)
- Health increased from 1305 to 1435
- Combustion (R)
- There is now a .5 second window after casting where Combustion cannot be canceled (this is to prevent accidental canceling from rapid key presses)
- Level 4
- Feeding the Flame (Q)
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
- Feeding the Flame (Q)
- Level 7
- Incinerator Gauntlets (Passive)
- Bonus damage increased from 50% to 70%
- Crossfire (Q)
- Damage increased from 132 to 139
- Grill and Kill (W)
- Damage bonus decreased from 25% to 20%
- Incinerator Gauntlets (Passive)
- Level 13
- Suppressive Fire (Q) Undocumented
- Spell Power reduction increased from 15% (max 30%) to 20% (max 40%)
- Nanomachine Coating (W)
- Attack Speed slow now also applies to Oil Spills that are on fire
- Suppressive Fire (Q) Undocumented
- Level 16
- Juggernaut Plating (Active)
- Shield bonus increased from 100% to 125% of damage reduced
- Juggernaut Plating (Active)
Bug Fixes
- Blaze: Fixed an issue causing Stimpack and Pyromania voiceover lines to be heard globally.
- Blaze: Fixed an issue that allowed Heroes to bypass the movement speed reduction from ignited Oil Spills if Blaze chose the Adhesive Petroleum talent.
Bug Fixes
- Blaze: Fixed an issue allowing players to cast Flame Stream while dead if they entered a Bunker while dying.
- Blaze: Fixed an issue that could cause Heroes to enter permanent Stasis if they were killed just as they entered a Bunker.
New Hero
Cpl. Miles "Blaze" Lewis has always been drawn to the flame, but it wasn't until he joined up with Raynor's Raiders that he put his pyromania to good use. He's seen his fair share of battles since then, and has never failed to bring the heat.
- Pyromania
- Gain 25 Armor and deal 40 damage to nearby enemies every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds. Each Hero hit by Flame Stream reduces Pyromania's cooldown by 5 seconds.
Basic Abilities
- Flame Stream (Q)
- Fire two streams of flame that deal 83 damage to enemies hit. Flame Stream sets fire to Oil Spills it comes in contact with.
- Oil Spill (W)
- Vector Targeting.
- Dispense a slick of oil that lasts for 5 seconds and Slows enemies that come in contact with it by 40%. Flame Stream can set Oil Spills on fire for 2.5 seconds, dealing 18 damage every 0.3 seconds to enemies inside. While on fire, Oil Spills no longer Slow enemies. Additionally, Blaze is Healed for 49 Health every 0.3 seconds while standing in flaming Oil Spills. Stores up to 2 charges.
- Jet Propulsion (E)
- After 0.5 seconds, charge forward, colliding with the first enemy Hero hit, dealing 52 damage to them and nearby enemy Heroes. Enemies hit are also Stunned for 1.25 seconds.
Heroic Abilities
- Bunker Drop (R)
- After 0.5 seconds, deploy and enter a Bunker with 1300 Health. Blaze and his allies can enter and exit the Bunker at will. While in the Bunker, occupants gain access to Flamethrower, dealing 179 damage to enemies in a line. Exiting the Bunker grants 25 Armor for 2 seconds. Bunkers last 10 seconds, or until destroyed.
- Combustion (R)
- Channel up to 2.6 seconds. Once Channeling ends, nearby enemies are Slowed by 60% and take 48 damage every 0.5 seconds. Combustion's Slow and damage over time durations are extended the longer Blaze Channels, from 1 second up to 5 seconds. Blaze's Movement Speed is reduced by 50% while Channeling.
Hero Updates
- Fortified Bunker (R)
- Health increased from 1300 to 1305
- Level 20
- Burn Notice (Passive) Undocumented
- Damage over time stacks up to 6 times, Slow only stacks up to 5 times
- Burn Notice (Passive) Undocumented